
The so-called naphthalone-alkane and other organic products of some oil fields are a special oil invention and at the same time the most unusual type of oil resins. These substances are formed from hydrocarbon oil by so-called polymerization with reverse oxidation, such as: petro-naphthlon (naphtholurulene), petro-alkane and petro-benzenic acids. A mixture of these products constitutes a piece of art.

The date of the most important Naftalan deposit should be considered December 2 (13), 1879. It was then that the outstanding scientist D.I. Mendeleev first received a certificate in which he characterized the new therapeutic agent as an oxygen-free and irreplaceable fraction from oil. The idea of ​​studying naftalan resonated with Abai Kunanbayuly. The famous Baghdad doctor Farahiya Rashidi Pasha went on an introductory visit to those parts, collecting all the new methods of treatment in this region. Together with the unique people of this region and its amazing healing properties, Naftalan became known. “Noble oil”, “ether from the east”, “there is no need for quinines and opiates” - many scientists, practitioners, poets and artists sang about this phenomenon.

Naftalan is one of the oldest and most effective drugs in world practice for the treatment of joint diseases. It has been used since 1946 in Azerbaijan. The main difference of the drug is that it is not synthetic; it is produced by extracting petroleum raw materials. The international name is peloidip. Traditionally, Russian patients with ankylosing spondylitis were treated with this medicinal drug for many years, but then they used exclusively oil or vacuum radiotherapy, which contained an oil preparation.

Naphtha has been used to treat skin diseases since prehistoric times, when it was used to kill insects. The effectiveness of this treatment is clearly confirmed by the fact that from birth a person is covered with multiple hair follicles, which are absent on the body of the European type. In Japan, even psoriasis is treated using this type of petroleum extract. And Chinese magicians are able to cure a completely bald head with just one procedure! So, as you can see, Naphtha can be used not only for joint diseases, but also in dermatology. Treatment of chronic pain, including both bone and muscle pain. So the spectrum of activity of this drug is wide - it covers the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as the peripheral nervous system. At the moment, naftan is considered an analgesic for pain in the joints.