
Treponema is the bacterium that causes syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease transmitted through contact with the body or secretions of a person infected with the bacterium. This is one of the most common and ancient sexually transmitted diseases. Its name comes from the Latin word treppe, meaning cutting instrument, which was often used by doctors to clear infection from ulcers.

Treponema (Treponema pallidum) belongs to the family of microscopic spirochetes and is the only representative of the genus Treponema. It is a very small, spiral-shaped bacterium with many curls. Its length can reach from 7 to 15 micrometers, and its width can be about 0.2 micrometers. The strength of the treponema body is made up of proteins called cystinases, which help it maintain its shape despite the efforts of the host's immune system. Treponema is a dangerous infection because it affects the human body. It is the cause of syphilis, a complex chronic disease leading to various