Foxglove Purple

Foxglove purpurea: Poisonous beauty, medicinal plant and danger for self-medication

Foxglove Purple, also known as glove grass, wood bell grass or wood bell grass, is a biennial plant in the Scrophulariaceae family. Its leaves contain cardiac glycosides, which can be used as a cardiac remedy for cardiac disorders. However, any independent use of foxglove is strictly prohibited, since it is one of the most poisonous plants of the German flora.

The botanical description of foxglove purpurea states that in the first year of the plant’s life, only a rosette of large and powerful leaves is formed. In the second year, an erect, non-branching stem is extended, on which successive leaves are located. The tip of the shoot ends in a one-sided flower raceme, on which there are large flowers with a purple-red corolla, spotted on the inside. The fruit is a two-lobed capsule. Foxglove prefers lime-poor montane forests and is common in Western and Central Europe.

The medicinal use of digitalis purpurea was discovered due to its cardiac glycoside content. They enhance contractions of the heart muscle, which accelerates blood circulation and removes, due to increased urination, unwanted accumulation of water in the body. However, due to the deadly toxicity of the plant, the use of foxglove leaves should be strictly followed by a standardized assessment of the effect.

In homeopathy, Digitalis purpurea is prepared from fresh leaves collected during flowering and is used primarily as a cardiac remedy. However, digitalis is also used for urinary disorders, fluid accumulation in the body and kidney failure. The dosage may vary, but you should not self-medicate even with homeopathic digitalis preparations.

Despite its medicinal potential, foxglove is a dangerous plant and any use of it as a medicine should be under the strict supervision of a physician. When using digitalis on its own, serious side effects may occur, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia, suffocation, cardiac arrest and others.

In conclusion, Foxglove Purple is a beautiful and medicinal plant, but its use should only be done under the supervision of a physician. Despite its effectiveness in treating heart problems, self-medication with digitalis can lead to serious health consequences. If you have any heart disease or other medical problems, consult your doctor before using this herb.