How to Achieve Pregnancy When Menstruation Changes

How to achieve pregnancy when menstruation changes

Most often, changes in menstruation occur unexpectedly for a woman. Unfortunately, many do not attach importance to this, because they are afraid of an appointment with a gynecologist and waste time, says Victoria Viktorovna ZAEVA:

Please tell me what to do. I am 21 years old. Married for 2 years. My husband and I used interruption as protection. Now I haven't been able to get pregnant for six months now. The menstrual cycle has changed. Was 28-32 days. It became 33-40 days, and the duration of bleeding increased. I went to the gynecologist. He said everything was fine. And I don't know what to think. Maybe I’m looking forward to it too much and that’s why it’s not working out?

Since pregnancy does not occur on its own, and there are obvious changes in the menstrual cycle in the last six months, you need to urgently contact an infertility specialist and therapist for a comprehensive examination.

The fact is that it is not reasonable to examine a woman only by a gynecologist, since there is also a second interested party - a man. First of all, you need to start measuring your basal temperature. After an initial examination of both spouses (examination by a reproductive specialist, blood and urine tests, smears for hidden infections, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the condition of the fallopian tubes, spermograms of the husband), the preliminary diagnosis will be clear. And only then the Clinic doctor will tell you what to do next.

Comment from a specialist - Victoria Viktorovna Zaeva:

Surprises can be hidden under the guise of minor irregularities in the rhythm of menstruation. Moreover, some are threatening, for example, ectopic pregnancy or ovarian tumors.

Irregular uterine bleeding may be a consequence of a general systemic disease. For example, blood diseases, and most often - anemia. In turn, prolonged and strong bleeding exhausts the woman and themselves provokes severe anemia.

Due to a lack of iron, oxygen does not reach human organs in sufficient quantities and they experience oxygen starvation. A modern drug for correcting this condition in women planning pregnancy is Maltofer Fol, which also contains folic acid. Its difference is that it does not cause any adverse reactions. Maltofer Fol, unlike other drugs, is absolutely non-toxic, does not irritate the stomach, does not cause a metallic taste in the mouth and does not interact with food.

Most often, gynecologists are faced with irregular uterine bleeding that occurs due to disruption of hormone production. At this young age, the usual cause is inflammation of the genital organs. Against this background, a violation of the correct maturation of the egg occurs in the body: either there is not enough strength for its maturation, or the follicle cannot rupture, immured in adhesions. And the egg does not enter the fallopian tubes.

During an ultrasound, the doctor sees multiple cysts (cystic ovaries) in the ovaries. The corpus luteum, accordingly, is not formed, and there is no normal endometrium in the uterine cavity, which is why bleeding occurs. The bloody discharge continues until the uterine cavity is cleared and the entire endometrium is rejected (sometimes for several days or weeks). Against this background, polyps or hyperplasia (tumor-like brushes) of the endometrium can easily form.