Vitamins During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period when a woman should especially carefully monitor her health, since her health directly affects the health of the unborn child. One of the important aspects of health is proper nutrition and taking essential vitamins. Vitamins are important elements for healthy fetal development, but excess artificial vitamins can have a negative effect on intrauterine development.

As practice shows, many expectant mothers prescribe themselves various vitamin preparations to improve fetal development. Some of them additionally inflate the doses of medications prescribed by the doctor. However, they do not take into account that an excess of artificial vitamins can disrupt the intrauterine development of the fetus. Artificial vitamins are also medicines, active chemical compounds, and their use must be controlled.

One example of the negative effect of excess vitamins during pregnancy is the excess supply of vitamin A to the tissues of the fetus. This can lead to malformations of the skeleton, brain, eyes, and palate. Also, excessive amounts of vitamin D can lead to the accumulation of calcium in the blood of the fetus, which can cause delays in the child's mental development.

However, you should know that when you eat ordinary food, even the most vitamin-rich food, an excess of vitamins will not occur. Vitamins obtained from food are natural and are absorbed by the body better than artificial vitamins.

Thus, women who are pregnant should monitor their diet and intake of essential vitamins. However, the intake of artificial vitamins should be controlled and carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. It is important to remember that excess artificial vitamins can have a negative impact on the health of the unborn child.