
Narine is one of the most popular probiotics that are used to normalize intestinal microflora and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is produced in several countries, including Russia, Armenia, and in Russia and Armenia.

All drugs containing Narine in their composition belong to the pharmacological group “Medicines that normalize intestinal microflora”. They contain several types of bacteria that help improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body. An important point is that Narine contains natural substances that help reduce the risk of developing stomach and intestinal cancer. Therefore, this drug may be useful for people working in environmentally hazardous conditions or suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

The main advantages of Narine: 1. Wide spectrum of action - the drug will help in the fight against a wide variety of infections and diseases that often occur in the intestinal tract. There are no contraindications for taking the drug. It can be used for children from an early age. 2. The high effectiveness of the product allows it to be used to treat many systems of the body, preventing the development of serious illnesses. 3. An additional advantage of the drug is the stability of the composition.