Folk anti-wrinkle masks recipes

Folk remedies in the fight against aging facial skin successfully compete with elite cosmetics from famous brands. The main condition: choose masks and creams for your skin type in order to get a rejuvenating effect and not cause allergic reactions. Home remedies will help you get rid of subtle and deep wrinkles. Lotions, masks, creams based on products that are always at hand successfully combat dry skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. We will give you recommendations for daily care of all facial skin types. Let us introduce you to recipes for effective masks that you can make yourself from simple ingredients.

Benefits of folk remedies for wrinkles


Well-groomed ladies always have in their arsenal olive oil, vitamin oil solutions, and herbs for daily facial skin care. The advantage of using folk remedies is the availability and natural composition of anti-aging masks, which you can always prepare at home.

For those who have sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, it is difficult to choose a ready-made cosmetic product - they always contain chemical additives. Folk remedies for facial skin care, smoothing wrinkles, and firming the dermis are hypoallergenic. They are based on natural products. Natural care is contraindicated only for those who are allergic to such a common product as honey.

Regular visits to beauty salons and the use of professional anti-aging cosmetics are not a reason to give up folk skin care products, proper nutrition and a daily routine. Nothing can replace a good night's rest and the famous “glacier” wash in the morning.

Ice based on green tea, cucumber juice, and mint is an excellent remedy for smoothing out wrinkles. Ice cubes tone the skin, saturate it with moisture and vitamins. Ice tonic will cost you mere pennies, and the effect will become noticeable after the first regular sessions.

Traditional recipes for wrinkles

If you are used to taking care of your face every day, eating right and resting, you will not face premature wrinkles. If signs of aging have appeared, you can prepare an entire arsenal of anti-wrinkle remedies at home.

  1. Tonics and lotions are useful at the first stage of skin care, for cleansing. To care for oily dermis, the composition is alcohol-based and is stored for a long time. Cucumbers, lemons, and rose petals are suitable for tincture. Dry skin requires careful handling: water infusions of chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, mint. Lotions are used at least twice a day. Prepare your own nourishing lotion based on egg yolk. Mix with a spoon of sour cream, add a little alcohol or vodka, half a glass of freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Wipe your face with cosmetic pads soaked in homemade lotion before going to bed.
  2. Masks are made two to three times a week after deep cleansing the face using a steam bath and lotions. They saturate the skin with moisture, vitamins, and make it elastic.
  3. Creams enhance and consolidate the rejuvenating effect of lotions and masks.

Anti-aging face masks: recipes


There are dozens of popular masks based on folk remedies that effectively fight the first and deep wrinkles. Many of them are applied in two stages. The preparatory stage cleanses and tightens pores. Next comes the process of saturating the skin with nutrients.

For the first stage, we recommend applying beaten egg white and a spoonful of lemon juice to your face for a couple of minutes. Rinse the mixture thoroughly. For the second stage (it lasts up to 20 minutes), we selected several compositions.

  1. Mix the yolk with half a spoon of squeezed lemon juice. Add a spoonful of olive oil and anti-wrinkle facial vitamins: just a few drops of liquid vitamin (A or E).
  2. Beat the egg yolk with a spoonful of flour. Dilute the mixture with warm milk. It should have the consistency of village sour cream. Apply to cleansed face.
  3. Base: potato and carrot puree diluted with milk, butter and egg yolk. If your facial skin is flabby and dry, add 5 grams of vegetable oil (grape, sea buckthorn, olive) to the composition.
  4. Brew crushed oatmeal (100 grams) with a glass of hot milk. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey. The warm mixture can also be applied to the neck.
  1. The yeast mask gives the skin elasticity and a healthy color. Dilute 50 grams of yeast in warm water to a thick viscosity. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil. The mask is applied in three layers. After the first one has dried, apply the composition again on top. After three minutes, apply the remaining mask to the skin. Leave for 20 minutes.
    For dry skin, dilute with a tablespoon of water half as much as in the first yeast recipe. Mix a teaspoon of kefir and baking soda into the slurry at the tip of a knife.
  2. Fruit masks are useful for any skin type. Combine mashed banana with milk. If you have combination or oily skin, add a few drops of lemon juice.
    For dry: combine grated banana with potato starch and warm cream. After applying to the skin, cover the thick, homogeneous mass with paper napkins. Squeeze out the grape juice. Dampen a multi-layer napkin and place it on your face.

How to get rid of deep wrinkles?


Everyday competent facial skin care and lifting procedures based on folk remedies will slow down the aging process of the skin. If deep expression wrinkles have already formed, homemade masks based on various oils that deeply nourish the epidermis will help you.

  1. Masks based on butter give a good effect. Mix it with egg yolk, add a spoonful of applesauce and liquid honey. After 20 minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad and water from the face and neck. If your facial skin is dry, add a spoonful of glycerin and chamomile infusion to the mixture.
    The following recipe: combine butter and beeswax in a steam bath, in a ratio of 5 to 1. Add crushed herbal pulp (currant leaves, parsley, jasmine) and 5 grams of vitamin A.
    For deep wrinkles, make this nourishing mask for a month: every other day for 15 minutes. Instead of herbs, you can mix butter with grated cucumber, honey and crushed black currants.
  2. A mixture of honey and vegetable oil with the addition of egg yolk, beaten with a mixer, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on dry skin. Olive, coconut, grape oil or heavy cream, homemade sour cream are recommended. Proportions: one to one.
  3. Herbal masks. A composition based on aloe, honey and oil will smooth out deep wrinkles. To activate the nutrients, wrap the leaves of the plant in thick paper and place in the refrigerator for 10 days.
    Mix a tablespoon of aloe juice with a spoon of lanolin or nourishing cream that you use. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil and slightly heat the mixture. Soak a napkin in it and apply to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with water.

Effective folk remedies for wrinkles


Fruit and vegetable compositions and decoctions based on strong coffee and green tea have proven themselves to be effective rejuvenating procedures. The latter are prepared in the same way as for drinks. Next, starch and fruit juice are mixed into them.

You can make ice cubes from the decoctions, which will smooth out morning wrinkles and nourish the skin with energy and vitamins. Soft peelings are prepared from ground coffee by adding foam or washing gel to the grounds.

One of the most effective masks are compositions based on citrus fruits and watermelon. Combine the juice and pulp with honey, add vegetable oil. Cosmetologists distribute oils according to their effectiveness:

  1. from grape seeds;
  2. almond;
  3. peach;
  4. coconut;
  5. jojoba;
  6. olive

They contain polyunsaturated amino acids, vitamins A, E, PP, collagen, and microelements. Vegetable oils restore skin elasticity, moisturize it, and prevent the formation of facial wrinkles.

In one mask, you can mix several types of oil and add oil solutions of vitamins E and A.

In order for folk remedies to give good results, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Cleanse your face well with ice cubes;
  2. enhance cleaning with coffee scrub;
  3. apply a mask suitable for your skin type:
  4. thoroughly rinse the composition from the skin of the face;
  5. apply nourishing cream.

We recommend combining folk remedies with such procedures as: massage to tighten the oval of the face (lifting massage), facial exercises for wrinkles. It is advisable to carry out the first procedures with a professional massage therapist, and then master the technique yourself.

A recipe for three effective anti-wrinkle masks is offered in this video:

Simple but effective folk remedies for wrinkles will prolong your youth and delay your meeting with a plastic surgeon. Use the entire arsenal of folk pharmacy products - your skin will glow with health and beauty for many years. Try to pamper your skin with nourishing anti-wrinkle masks at least a couple of times a week.

You can find more information on this topic in the Wrinkle Remedy section.


A woman remains feminine at any age. It doesn’t matter whether she is twenty years old or well over fifty, she wants to look irresistible on weekdays and holidays. To drive you crazy, to conquer men's hearts, to feel like a beauty - millions of women dream about this. Unfortunately, the environment, stress, and temperature changes have a bad effect on the skin. The first wrinkles and crow's feet under the eyes cause panic. Beauty salons offer treatments, but they are expensive. You can make effective anti-wrinkle masks at home. You will be surprised at the changes in your appearance.

Recipes for homemade face masks against wrinkles

You will put on an elegant dress, do evening makeup, but the whole impression of the image will be spoiled by wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, unkempt skin of the décolleté area, and drooping eyelids. We offer effective face masks. They are based on natural products that are purchased at the market, store, or pharmacy. These anti-wrinkle products require minimal preparation time and their recipes are very simple. Please note that you should prepare your skin before applying masks. It is advisable to clean it with soft belongings made from soaked semolina or wet oatmeal.

Before applying the mask, you should wipe your face with toner. Prepare the place for the procedure. To get the best effect, it is advisable to apply it and lie down. Turn on the music, don't talk, don't smile, spend twenty minutes quietly. Then rinse off the applied composition with warm water. Next, a moisturizer is desirable. Even making a mask once a week will give you a super effect. If your plans are to go to an anniversary where you want to look perfect, do them several days in a row. When applying to the face, avoid the areas around the eyes. This area requires special treatment.


For dry skin

Frost, dry indoor air, and lack of vitamins cause enormous damage to the skin. We offer the best face masks. They will moisturize the skin, make it soft and velvety:

  1. Take 40 g of hot milk, a full tablespoon of rolled oats. Wait for the flakes to swell, add one yolk. Stir, the mask is ready.
  2. Mix 30 g of fresh fat cottage cheese with 20 g of heated milk. The result is a mask with an excellent moisturizing effect.

To nourish dry skin, use folk recipes based only on natural products. Your impeccable appearance will conquer many if you make these masks once a week in winter:

  1. Mix a dessert spoon of olive oil with an egg yolk, add 6 drops of lemon juice. Apply with a brush.
  2. Add the same amount of olive oil, honey, and one yolk to a teaspoon of small oatmeal. The mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin is ready.


For the skin around the eyes

Cosmetologists, while advising to make masks on the face, do not recommend applying them to the area around the eyes. She is very gentle, sensitive, but you cannot completely ignore her. The skin here is dry, thin, the appearance of small facial wrinkles and crow's feet after the sun requires special care. Therefore, it is very important to care for the skin around the eyes at home, moisturize it, and nourish it. The easiest and fastest way is to apply aloe juice or sea buckthorn oil with a soft brush. Make this mask before going to bed. Remove excess oil with a napkin and rinse off the aloe juice.

Folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes receive good reviews. A very effective rejuvenating, toning, moisturizing banana mask. It contains 2 teaspoons of softened banana, one each of chopped parsley, mint, half of almond oil, and vitamin E. A mask containing one teaspoon of warmed butter and 50 grams of banana works well for deep wrinkles under the eyes. You will get excellent results from its weekly use.

An original recipe for a moisturizing mask to smooth out wrinkles, using white bread. Grind a piece and mix with warm milk. Lie down with the mask for twenty minutes, remove the residue with a napkin, and wash. Make an effective anti-wrinkle mask at home using potatoes. It simultaneously nourishes the skin and has a lifting effect. Grate half a potato, add 3 drops of grape oil, a tablespoon of 10% fat cream.


For eyelids

How much distress drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes cause women. It's easy to deal with this situation at home. It is necessary to apply sesame or grape oil to the eyelids daily with a thin brush. Additionally, once a week it is suggested to make a mask with yolk and five drops of castor oil. You will get the effect of young skin from a mask with five drops of olive oil and half an avocado.

Try doing a protein eyelid lift at home. Beat the white of one egg, plus 2 teaspoons of wheat flour, one teaspoon of melted honey. The mask is made in stages:

  1. Apply the product to the lower eyelid. After drying, rinse off.
  2. Lubricate the upper eyelid with moisturizer.
  3. Apply the mask to the sponges.
  4. Place on the upper eyelid for 14 minutes, then rinse.

In a situation where friends are coming to visit soon, and you have swelling under your eyes from lack of sleep or fatigue, an express mask will help out. You will find all its components in the kitchen. Take 20 minutes to prepare it, then lie down. When your friends arrive, you will be irresistible. Mix 2 tsp. chopped parsley, starch, add tsp. cottage cheese, two drops of mint oil. Apply to eyelids. The result will amaze and delight you.


For neck and décolleté

Even if you have tidied up your face and look great, your neck and décolleté area can give away your age. Pay attention to them, because the skin here is dry, with a small number of sweat glands, and quickly loses its tone. When washing your face in the morning and evening, don’t forget about your décolleté and neck. Make gentle scrubs with moistened oatmeal, semolina, wipe with ice cubes, apply masks. Mix one and a half tablespoons of olive oil with three drops of lemon juice and heat. You will not only nourish the skin, but lighten it slightly.

A rejuvenating mask gives an excellent effect. You will only need fresh ingredients. Mix fifty grams of full-fat cottage cheese with two spoons of 30% cream. Add the juice of half an orange. The more acidic it is, the better the effect. Your skin will look great if you do the mask without skipping it every week. Thanks to natural ingredients, this recipe is safe to use during pregnancy.

An excellent remedy against wrinkles on the neck and décolleté area is the original French mask. It tones the skin, thickens it, makes it velvety, tightens pores. It can be made in a weekly course and stored at the bottom of the refrigerator. Includes:

  1. Hard cheese, grated, topped with one tablespoon.
  2. Whipped protein.
  3. A tablespoon of liquid honey.
  4. The same amount of cream with 10% fat content.


Against expression wrinkles on the forehead

If you are a cheerful person or, on the contrary, prone to heavy thoughts, frown often - you are guaranteed to have facial wrinkles. Be more even in your emotions, then you won’t have to fight the wrinkles on your forehead. But, if they bother you, there is an anti-wrinkle remedy that will help in this situation. For oily skin, a nourishing mask with olive oil has an excellent effect. Grind rolled oats in a coffee grinder, put 3 tbsp in a bowl. l., add one and a half tbsp. l. olive oil, 8 drops of lavender or patchouli oil.

An effective anti-wrinkle mask at home with “Star” balm. Cooking takes place in a water bath. 3 teaspoons of olive oil are poured into a bowl, the yolk is added, 7 drops of vitamin A, two drops of liquid “Star” balm. All this is placed in a saucepan with hot water, mixed, and kept in a water bath for 12 minutes. Cool to body temperature and apply to forehead.


Anti-aging masks for deep wrinkles after 50 years

In adulthood, the skin requires special care, begins to age, and loses elasticity. Hormonal changes and lack of vitamins leave their mark. The skin is no longer as elastic as in youth. The use of a pea mask smoothes out wrinkles well and gives a lifting effect. Take two tablespoons of it, rinse, dry, and grind in a coffee grinder. Add warm water and natural yogurt in the same quantity. Let sit for 10 minutes to allow the peas to swell. Apply to the face, leaving the area around the eyes without a mask. Lie down for 15 minutes.

If you want to prolong your youth, make an anti-wrinkle cream at home. When you start applying it every evening, you will notice significant changes in your appearance. You should mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Store the finished cream at the bottom of the refrigerator. It contains:

  1. a tube of baby cream with calendula;
  2. 1 teaspoon Vaseline;
  3. 50 grams of olive oil;
  4. 6 drops of Neem cosmetic oil;
  5. half a teaspoon of fresh orange juice;
  6. 12 drops of wheat germ oil;
  7. a teaspoon of grape seed oil;
  8. 10 drops of calendula oil.

Try the most effective anti-wrinkle remedy - a mask of youth, which contains the most affordable products. Make jelly from potato starch. Stir it in half a glass of cold water, a tablespoon is enough. While stirring, pour into half a liter of boiling water and cool. Grate the carrots, squeeze out the juice, you should get 5 tablespoons. Pour it into jelly, add 30 grams of sour cream, mix everything. Apply to face with a brush. Do the mask for a week, you will be pleased with the results.

Video: how to make anti-wrinkle masks at home

Watch the video. You will learn the order of mixing the components, see how to apply the mask correctly, and what utensils to use. You will understand why it is better to lie down with the mask and what to do if the mixture remains after application. You will be surprised by the visual effect of using home remedies. You will understand that you can create a home beauty salon using natural, affordable ingredients. Look at recipes for new masks using yeast, salt, and cinnamon.

Skin aging is an irreversible process, but you want to get rid of or prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Not only cosmetologists and expensive cosmetic products can help with this, but also folk remedies for wrinkles. They must be selected based on the characteristics of the skin and the presence of allergies.

Types of wrinkles on facial skin

Skin aging is an inevitable process. Its signs are wrinkles - folds of different lengths and depths. Getting rid of them has become one of the main tasks of cosmetic and aesthetic surgery.

Wrinkles are divided according to several parameters. Based on their depth, they are divided into:

Epidermal or superficial wrinkles appear due to insufficient skin hydration. The easiest way to eliminate them is.

Medium-deep wrinkles are folds that penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and are a consequence of the long-term development of superficial wrinkles. They are more difficult to deal with, but you can still get by with cosmetics.

Deep wrinkles are pronounced folds that penetrate deep into the skin. Right down to the dermis. If they appear, a visible effect can only be obtained with surgical intervention.

The main classification of wrinkles, according to which a remedy for eliminating them is selected, is the causes of formation. According to them, folds are divided into:

  1. facial expressions;


    Expression wrinkles appear first
  2. gravitational;


    Gravity wrinkles are difficult to eliminate
  3. age.


    Age wrinkles appear for everyone over time.

Expression wrinkles are folds of skin that occur as a result of muscle movement. Gravitational ones are formed as a result of sagging skin (ptosis). Age-related changes in the entire skin as a result of chronoaging.

Effective recipes for folk remedies

Before using the masks described, it is worth doing a shallow peeling. It will be enough to apply beaten egg white with a spoon of lemon juice on your face. This mixture is kept on the skin for 20 minutes and then washed off. Then you can apply masks. Any of them should be left on for 20–30 minutes and then washed off. The frequency of using masks is 2-3 times a week. After using them, you must apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to consolidate the effect of the procedure.

Egg mask

  1. yolk of one egg;
  2. lemon juice (0.5 tbsp.);
  3. olive oil (1 tbsp);
  4. vitamins A and E (a few drops).


You need to use nourishing masks 2-3 times a week

The components of the mask must be combined until smooth. It should be applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Mask with egg and flour

  1. egg yolk;
  2. flour (1 tbsp);
  3. warm milk (1–2 tbsp.).

The egg yolk is mixed with flour and warm milk. The last component needs to be diluted with the mixture so that it has the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face.

Mask with potato and applesauce

Fruit acids act as peeling. Therefore, a mask with fruit juices will help get rid of wrinkles.

  1. mashed potatoes (3 tbsp);
  2. carrot puree (3 tbsp);
  3. milk (1 tbsp);
  4. butter (1 tbsp);
  5. egg yolk;
  6. vegetable oil (olive, grape, sea buckthorn, peach).

All components are mixed and applied to the face.

Oatmeal mask

  1. oatmeal (100 g);
  2. hot milk (1 tbsp.);
  3. vegetable oil (1 tbsp);
  4. honey (1 tbsp).

The flakes need to be soaked in hot milk. Wait a few minutes for them to swell. Mix the resulting porridge with vegetable oil (peach, olive, grape) and add honey. The last component can be administered only if there is no allergic reaction to it.

Yeast mask

This mixture improves skin elasticity and restores its healthy color. Required:

  1. yeast (50 g);
  2. warm water;
  3. vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).


Yeast mask helps improve skin elasticity

Yeast must be mixed with warm water until it acquires a viscous consistency. Then you should add vegetable oil and apply a thin layer of the mask on your face. First one layer, after three minutes, when it dries, another one. The mask should have three layers. After applying the latter, you need to wait 20 minutes and wash it off your face.
If you have dry skin, you need to slightly change the mask recipe. You will need:

  1. yeast (25 g);
  2. water (1 tbsp);
  3. kefir (1 tsp);
  4. baking soda (on the tip of a knife).

The yeast must be mixed with water until smooth, and then the remaining ingredients must be added to the mixture. The mask is applied in the same way - in three layers.

Banana mask

Suitable for any skin type. You will need:

The grated banana should be mixed with a small amount of milk until a homogeneous paste is obtained (not too liquid). If your skin is combination or prone to oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture.
If you have dry skin, you can change the recipe. Need to:

  1. banana;
  2. potato starch (1 tbsp);
  3. warm cream.

The pureed fruit must be mixed with starch and cream added to the mixture. Their volume depends on the consistency of the mixture (like thick sour cream). The finished mask is applied to the face, and paper napkins are placed on top of it.

Mask with aloe, honey and vegetable oil

This mask can be used both for the appearance of superficial wrinkles and for smoothing out deep wrinkles. Required:

  1. aloe;
  2. lanolin or nourishing cream;
  3. vegetable oil.


A mask with aloe, honey and vegetable oil is suitable for both superficial and deep wrinkles

Aloe leaves must be cut, wrapped in thick paper and left in the refrigerator for 10 days. During this time, the nutrients in the plant will be activated and it will be possible to grind them and squeeze out the juice. A tablespoon of the resulting liquid should be mixed with cream or lanolin, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil should be added. Mix all ingredients and heat slightly. Soak a napkin with the resulting mixture and apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, the napkin must be removed and the mask washed off with cool water.

Flaxseed mask

You will need the following components:

  1. flaxseed (2 tbsp);
  2. clean water (2 tbsp.).

The seeds must be washed and filled with water. Place the container with them on the fire and cook without allowing them to boil. The seeds should soften. Afterwards they should be crushed into puree (you can use a blender) and allowed to cool.
The mask is applied with gentle massaging movements to the skin of the face and décolleté. You need to wash it off first with warm and then with cold water.

Plantain mask

The product tightens dry and sagging facial skin, tones it and smoothes out wrinkles. You will need:

  1. dry plantain leaves (2 tsp crushed plant);
  2. liquid honey (2 tsp);
  3. warm water.

The plant must be filled with warm water until it becomes a paste. Add honey to the mixture and stir. The mask is applied to the face with gentle massage movements.

Grapefruit mask

  1. pulp of fruit pulp (2 tbsp.);
  2. kefir (1 tbsp);
  3. rice flour.


The consistency of the mask with grapefruit should resemble thick sour cream.

The pulp or juice of the fruit is mixed with kefir. Rice flour is added to the resulting mass. It can be replaced with corn, buckwheat, rye flour, and bran. The consistency of the mask should resemble medium thick sour cream.
The resulting product is applied to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Green tea mask

  1. strong green tea without additives;
  2. gauze or linen napkin.

It is necessary to brew strong tea, strain it and soak a napkin with it, after making slits on it for the eyes and mouth. You need to keep this mask for 15–30 minutes. If you have deep wrinkles under the eyes or “bags,” you should use the tea bags left after brewing, placing them on your eyelids. But you can replace them with mugs of potatoes or fresh cucumber. This is an excellent folk remedy against wrinkles around the eyes.

Herbal anti-wrinkle toner

  1. chamomile (30 g);
  2. peppermint (20 g);
  3. rosemary (10 g);
  4. salicylic acid (20 ml);
  5. dry red wine (1 l).

All dry ingredients must be mixed and poured with salicylic acid mixed with red wine. The future tonic should be sealed in a glass container and left for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then it is carefully filtered and used twice a day after washing, wiping the face.

Tonic with yarrow

To prepare you will need:

  1. dried yarrow (3 tbsp);
  2. boiling water (0.5 l).


Yarrow mask improves skin elasticity

The herb must be poured into a thermos and pour boiling water over it, leaving the mixture to steep for an hour. Then strain, cool and use after each wash.

Cream with avocado and almond oil

  1. sweet almond oil (2 tsp);
  2. avocado oil (1 tsp);
  3. solid cocoa butter (1 tsp);
  4. beeswax (1 tsp).

In a water bath, you need to melt all the oils and mix them together (solid cocoa butter can be replaced with shea butter). Then beeswax should be added to them. All components are mixed until smooth and poured into a glass jar. The product must be stored in the refrigerator. You can use it as a regular daily night cream.

Cream with gelatin

  1. food gelatin (1 tsp);
  2. clean drinking water (0.5 tbsp.);
  3. glycerin (0.5 tbsp.);
  4. honey (3 tbsp.);
  5. salicylic acid powder (on the tip of a knife).

In a water bath, dissolve the gelatin in water, add the remaining ingredients and mix until smooth. Afterwards, let the mixture cool slightly and beat it with a whisk until it reaches a creamy consistency. The resulting product is applied to cleansed facial skin before bedtime. Residues that do not have time to be absorbed can be wiped off with a dry cloth.
The cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

Egg yolk cream

  1. egg yolk;
  2. olive or any vegetable oil (2 tbsp.);
  3. Vaseline (2 tbsp.);
  4. honey (1 tsp);
  5. sea ​​salt (1 tbsp);
  6. chamomile decoction (1 tbsp.).


The finished egg yolk mask should be stored in the refrigerator.

In a steam bath you need to dissolve Vaseline, honey, sea salt and chamomile decoction. When the mass becomes homogeneous and the salt is completely dissolved, it can be removed from the heat and cooled. Then add the yolk and butter into the mixture and stir. The cream is stored in the refrigerator and applied at night every day.

In addition to the listed masks and tonics, you can use other ways to combat wrinkles:

  1. wiping the face with ice cubes from a frozen decoction of herbs or cucumber juice;
  2. scrub made from ground coffee or oatmeal;
  3. tonics from herbal decoctions;
  4. creams with vitamins;
  5. Applying nourishing vegetable oils (peach, grape seed, almond, coconut) to the face in the evening.


I never thought that flax seeds can be used not only to restore intestinal functions, but also for rejuvenation. After reading the recipes, I decided to try the one based on honey. I applied it only once, but the result is already noticeable - the skin became smooth and clean.

Marina, 41 years old


A green tea mask helps against wrinkles very well, I tested it myself. I look 35. I have been using green tea masks for several years now, changing recipes every five to six months, because I am afraid that the skin may get used to it and the effect will decrease significantly.

Olga, 43 years old

I tried a mask with flour and lemon juice, my friend really praised it, well, I also liked it, the lifting effect is true. Now I’ll start applying it more often, and suddenly I’ll look younger. But jokes aside, the mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.


I tried to make a mask with banana, I didn’t expect such a result - the effect is amazing. I recommend it to everyone if they urgently need to get themselves in order.

Lyudmila, 31 years old

I only recently discovered the benefits of aloe. Masks give the same result as many pharmaceutical products: the skin is clean, soft, delicate, small wrinkles are smoothed out. And all this costs much less!


Folk remedies for wrinkles are simple but effective. They will be able to prolong the youth of the skin and delay the need to see a plastic surgeon. But they cannot be considered a panacea. In addition to using home remedies, it is necessary to take care of the entire body, eat right, often be in the fresh air and exercise.