Coffee face mask for acne

To restore health and vibrant shine to the skin in a short time, it is not necessary to resort to expensive products. The fact is that since the last century, most leading cosmetic companies began to actively use the ingredient, the properties of which exceeded all expectations. It's caffeine. So why not use it at home?

Coffee grounds for face and body

What could be better than drinking a cup of coffee early in the morning and making an invigorating mask for your face and body? Many people are not aware that coffee grounds are one of the best cosmetics that are suitable for literally any skin type.


In home cosmetology you should use only natural products

The use of a natural product is mandatory, otherwise there is a risk of not only not improving your health, but also causing significant harm to natural beauty.

Properties of coffee in cosmetology

  1. tones the facial skin, refreshes and gives it freshness throughout the day;
  2. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. delicately cleanses pores, and chlorogenic acid present in the grains has protective properties and protects the skin from external influences;
  4. returns healthy complexion to the face;
  5. tightens the skin of the face and body;
  6. has an anti-cellulite effect.

Masks based on coffee grounds have no contraindications, except for open wounds on the face and body. In this case, caffeine can cause a number of complications.

The remedy is shown to those who want:

  1. get rid of signs of fatigue on the face;
  2. soothe skin prone to rashes and irritation;
  3. let it be saturated with useful substances;
  4. get rid of acne and minor rashes quickly.

We can confidently say: coffee is not an ordinary drink that invigorates the body, but can also be used as a panacea for problem skin and serve as a means to nourish normal facial skin.

Find out more information about the benefits of coffee grounds from the video below.

Recipes for face masks made from coffee grounds

Depending on the desired goal and skin type, masks may differ in their components. In this case, the choice is based on the lady’s personal preferences.


Coffee face masks are made according to various recipes

Let's look at several recipes for “coffee beauty”.

  1. Coffee + honey A win-win option for any skin type. Just one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of ground grains and your face will radiate life and energy. Apply a mixture of honey and coffee to the face and neck, wait 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Coffee activates anti-inflammatory processes, and honey gently nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. Coffee + yogurt + oatmeal. To create a mask, you need to mix a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal (preferably instant) and the same amount of coffee. Then add yogurt to form a paste mixture. For those who like to use various cosmetic oils, you can add a few drops of your favorite product here. Leave on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is difficult to overestimate. After it, the skin softens: you want to touch it and touch it.
  3. Coffee + olive oil. There have been legends about olive oil for a long time. It can revitalize dry skin by nourishing it with beneficial microelements. Combined with coffee grounds it works wonders. For the mask, mix a tablespoon of ground grains and olive extract. After the mask dries, rinse with warm water and enjoy your renewed skin.
  4. Coffee + cocoa. A truly tasty and aromatic mask is deservedly a favorite among the fair sex. Mix equal amounts of coffee and cocoa, add cream or milk to form a paste. After this, apply to the face and wait 30 minutes, rinsing with warm water. The composition is recommended for use by older women due to its anti-aging effect.

These are basic masks suitable for absolutely everyone. In general there are countless of them. In addition, you can always feel like a cosmetologist, combining familiar ingredients with coffee grounds and creating your own, unique masks.

Coffee grounds mask for acne

As mentioned above, coffee has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it has long been the best panacea for acne and blackheads. It is important to understand that facial cleansing in this way is not recommended for severe rashes and skin damage.

There are also several types of recipes for such masks. Let's look at the simplest of them with easily accessible ingredients.


A coffee-based mask can be combined with yogurt

Yogurt mask with coffee

To prepare it you will need one egg white, a tablespoon of ground coffee beans and a little yogurt. When all the ingredients are transformed into a homogeneous mass, it’s time to apply it to your face with massaging movements. Leave for 15-20 minutes. After time, rinse off carefully with warm water.

How does a yogurt mask with coffee work? Coffee grounds improve blood circulation, returning a healthy color to the skin. Egg white has a drying effect, while the micronutrients in yogurt gently cleanse all clogged pores. By using a mask with yogurt for a month, 1-2 times a week, you can easily get rid of hated pimples and blackheads.

Fruit mask with coffee

Another mask that quickly and reliably copes with the problem of acne. A teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of grated apple and coffee grounds is all you need for preparation. Apply the mixture to the face with massage movements and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with plain water.

How does a fruit mask with coffee work? In addition to removing acne and cleaning pores, it can whiten the face, thanks to the presence of lemon juice in it. In addition, the latter tones the skin well and significantly tightens it.

It is unlikely that you can find a better remedy in the fight against acne than face masks made from coffee grounds. Fast, reliable, effective - the best description of a wonderful panacea.

Face masks made from coffee grounds: reviews


Most reviews are positive

Analyzing the experience of girls who actively use coffee-based masks at home, one can see some general trends.

  1. Firstly, masks are great for treating dull facial skin and unnatural color, restoring health and beauty.
  2. Secondly, coffee works as an excellent scrub, cleansing the skin of dead particles and impurities.
  3. Thirdly, after a coffee mask, the skin becomes soft to the touch and more elastic, which is what ladies over 30 say.

However, sometimes it happens that the same mask helps some girls, but on the contrary, harms others. Why does this happen? This is explained by the fact that for different skin types it is necessary to select the appropriate components for the mask, in addition to the main one - coffee grounds.

Girls who have chosen the same coffee mask for themselves leave only positive reviews, inspiring others to search for a suitable panacea.

Coffee grounds scrub

It is hardly possible to describe all the benefits that a coffee scrub has for the face and skin.


There are many scrub recipes

Let's try to list a few of them:

  1. caffeine helps improve microcirculation of blood flow in the body;
  2. lymph flow and metabolism improves;
  3. chlorogenic acid has a protective effect, including from ultraviolet radiation;
  4. the skin of the body and face is evened out, and small facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  5. Thanks to the increased production of enzymes, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

The abundance of scrub recipes is explained by the fact that they are able to solve almost the most advanced problems. Let's consider several options most often used among beautiful ladies and intended for different skin types.

  1. Scrub for normal and combination skin. To prepare, you need to mix equal parts of ground coffee beans and sea salt. Add egg white to this and mix everything until smooth. Before scrubbing, it is important to cleanse your face. When it is clean, it’s time to apply and massage it for 20 minutes, without letting the mixture dry on your face. After the procedure, rinse with warm water. In some cases, the skin may feel tight and dry. It would be appropriate to apply moisturizer here.
  2. Scrub for oily skin. To cleanse oily skin, you can use coffee grounds in tandem with natural yogurt. Simply mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and massage the skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse off the residue with warm water. Noteworthy: the recipe can also be used for dry skin, but you should replace the yogurt with sour cream.
  3. Scrub for dry skin. The recipe for this scrub differs only in the fat content of the second ingredient. You need to take cottage cheese, sour cream or full-fat cottage cheese, mix with coffee grounds and apply to the face, gently massaging problem areas. After the scrubbing procedure, your face will be cleansed of impurities and thoroughly moisturized.

Without resorting to the help of professionals and expensive products, you can set up a real beauty salon at home, filled with the aromas of freshly brewed coffee.

Coffee grounds for cellulite

If there is a truly healing remedy that actively fights cellulite, it is undoubtedly freshly ground coffee. The thing is that caffeine improves metabolism in the body, increases the production of enzymes and breaks down subcutaneous fat.

If you look closely at the composition of the packages of expensive anti-cellulite products, you will notice that they all contain coffee beans. Why pay more when you can make a real tool for fighting cellulite with your own hands without leaving home?


You can make an anti-cellulite remedy from coffee

Since some girls do not like preparing special products with their own hands, a “lazy” anti-cellulite option was invented.

To do this, just take some ground coffee beans and add them to your favorite shower gel. The remedy for fighting cellulite is ready.

When taking a shower, use the resulting product to massage problem areas for 5-10 minutes. It is best if you first steam your body in a hot shower.

There are other recipes for anti-cellulite coffee products:

  1. a mixture of coffee grounds and vegetable oil interspersed with orange oil (citrus fruits stimulate the process of losing weight in the body);
  2. honey and ground coffee beans also have an anti-cellulite effect; In addition, honey draws out harmful toxins and all excess fluid from the body;
  3. kefir and coffee are an excellent tool in the fight against cellulite; dairy products delicately cleanse the skin, moisturize it, making it soft and silky.

There is hardly a better fighter against “orange peel” than coffee beans.

Coffee, used in ancient times by women to rejuvenate and maintain beauty, does not lose its relevance today. Coffee is a real panacea for many difficulties and facial problems. The caffeine contained in the composition can give the body long youth and health. And thanks to its indescribable aroma, coffee has truly earned a leading place on the pedestal among other cosmetics.

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If you wholeheartedly support natural cosmetics made with your own hands, then pay attention to ground coffee, which invigorates not only your spirit. Leftovers in your cup benefit your skin. Facial procedures that include coffee grounds as a base are distinguished, in addition to their inimitable aroma, by the huge scope of problems they solve. A face mask made from coffee grounds is rich in active substances that improve the functioning of dermal cells.


One of the main advantages of homemade “coffee” cosmetics is their low cost. Rarely does a modern family get by without morning coffee awakenings. And to get an effective cleanser and toner for the face, the housewife simply needs to collect the cake remaining in the Turk or coffee machine. But the value of the product is not only in its availability. Coffee “crumbs” are distinguished by a rich palette of components useful for female beauty.

Grounds for cosmetic purposes: pros and cons

Caffeine is the most famous component of the drink. It improves blood microcirculation and activates skin tone. Smoothing wrinkles and eliminating bags under the eyes is his merit. Coffee is also rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, contains vitamins PP and B2, and this is not the whole list. What else is different about the grounds?

  1. Antioxidants. They have a stronger effect on the body than green tea extract or vitamin C. These substances can reverse the aging process.
  2. Polyphenols. Provide a tightening effect and also slow down aging. Thanks to this component, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.
  3. Chlorogenic acid. In tandem with antioxidants, it protects skin cells from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Carotenoids. Responsible for complexion and help end painful yellowness and various rashes, including acne and teenage acne. Thanks to this substance, cosmetic “caffeine” masks are famous as a source of golden skin tone.


Coffee grounds face mask: recipe table for all skin types

To create a face mask at home from coffee and complementary ingredients, take the grounds of a classically brewed drink without cream, milk or sugar. There is no point in using instant coffee granules; they will not have the desired effect.
Before mixing all the components of the cosmetic product to a homogeneous paste, make sure that the coffee grounds have cooled down.

Interestingly, coffee can help solve various skin problems and is suitable for all types of epidermis. The main thing is to know the recipe secrets. The table below contains proven and simple combinations of coffee-based mask components “for every occasion.”

Table - Coffee grounds masks for different skin types

Mask/skin type Recipe Time Effect
With honey for any skin — A teaspoon of coffee grounds;
- a teaspoon of honey
20 minutes — Moisturizes;
- nourishes;
— evens out the color;
- relieves inflammation
With oatmeal for any skin - Two large spoons of base;
- two small spoons of oat bran or flakes;
- 1/3 small spoon of sour cream
Up to 15
— Moisturizes;
- nourishes;
— evens out the color;
- relieves inflammation
With olive oil for dry skin - A large spoon of grounds;
- a large spoon of olive oil;
- a pinch of cinnamon or salt on the tip of a knife
15-20 minutes — Moisturizes;
— saturates with useful microelements;
- pulls up
With “sourness”
for oily skin
— A large spoon of coffee base;
- a large spoon of low-fat cottage cheese, which can be completely replaced with citrus juice, kefir or other fermented milk product, as well as egg white
25 minutes — Dries;
- cleanses;
- tightens pores

Anti-aging coffee help: 5 options

Coffee can “erase” facial wrinkles and restore girlish freshness to your face. In this case, the surface of the dermis is not simply nourished, but its regeneration mechanisms are activated. Below are examples of five anti-aging homemade coffee remedies.


Creamy banana smoothie

  1. Mix mashed banana with two teaspoons of cream.
  2. Combine with the main ingredient - you need a small spoon of base.
  3. Apply and leave to dry.
  4. After 15 minutes, use warm water and a mirror to admire your lightning-fast achievements.

"Dough" for lifting

  1. Combine in a bowl one tablespoon of the essential grounds from your morning coffee cup with ordinary rye flour.
  2. Complete with egg yolk.
  3. The procedure lasts ten minutes.

With quail eggs

  1. You will need three tablespoons of good ground coffee. Three quail eggs, three tablespoons of sugar-free cocoa powder, two tablespoons of liquid honey.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer and add them to the dry ingredients.
  3. Then add honey and bring until smooth.
  4. This mask must be applied in layers and allowed to dry.
  5. Gently moisten the resulting crust with a cotton pad and then remove it with warm water.

With chicken eggs

  1. Beat a couple of chicken egg whites with a blender into a fluffy foam and add to a large spoon of the main component.
  2. Pour in a large spoonful of liquid honey.
  3. The time it takes for the mixture to act on your dermis is 15 minutes.

Plus sour cream nutrition

  1. Add a large spoonful of grounds mixed with a whole egg and a teaspoon of honey.
  2. For a nutritional effect, dilute the mixture with a teaspoon of sour cream.
  3. The mask can be removed 15 minutes from the start of the procedure.


Coffee for teenagers: drinking is not allowed, smearing is necessary

In the fight against acne, even the simplest coffee masks are considered a panacea only if there are no wounds or inflammations on the face. Due to the absence of chemical components, these recipes are suitable for teenagers who want to get rid of acne, which, due to age-related hormonal changes, haunts them.

All ingredients from the given recipes are available at your nearest home store.

With added fruit

  1. After adding the grated apple to the ground coffee (the amount is determined by eye), dilute it with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  2. Rub your face in a circular motion after applying the mask, avoiding your eyes and the area around them.
  3. Wash off the residue after half an hour.

On whites with yogurt

  1. Separate the egg white.
  2. Add a large spoonful of the main ingredient.
  3. Add a small spoonful of unsweetened yoghurt.
  4. It is advisable to keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes.


For a "beach" effect

Thanks to carotenoids, coffee beans give the skin a dark complexion. According to reviews from women who use such masks, a light tan appears after just two procedures. An easy way to achieve a beachy effect is to mix your leftover morning drink with whatever you have in the kitchen.

For oily skin, a mixture of ground coffee and warm water is suitable. And if you feel tightness, mixtures with oil, such as olive oil, will help better. Spread the brown mixture over your face, neck and open chest in an even layer.


Coffee scrubs: rules of use

Scrubs have an exfoliating effect, removing dead cells from the surface of the dermis. Thanks to the massage with hard grains, blood flow accelerates, the skin is saturated with oxygen and acquires a healthy tone.

Depending on your skin type, you can prepare a scrub based on coffee grounds with different ingredients. But you can universally add fruits, oatmeal, and dairy products to the base. And for problem skin, you can choose the simplest recipe: mix ground coffee with the nourishing cream that suits you.

Unlike face masks with coffee grounds, the procedure time with a scrub is much shorter. It is enough to massage problem areas for five minutes. But due to the fact that the scrub contains solid particles that cleanse the skin, you will have to follow certain safety precautions.

  1. Postpone application. This is what you need to do if you have damage, ripening acne, or wounds on your face.
  2. Apply from time to time. You can’t use this cleansing often, it’s better not more than twice a week.
  3. Mitigate the effect. After the procedure, be sure to apply an emollient cream.

Cosmetic companies are actively using the capabilities of coffee beans and producing entire “coffee” lines. But why overpay for a brand when the main component of popular industrial products is available to you every day? A face mask with coffee is always at hand. Just by entering the kitchen, you can create your own unique cosmetic product.

Hello my friends. We continue to describe the most effective scrubs for acne, and today we will talk about the most suitable product for this – coffee. In fact, it is not only a favorite energizing drink, but also an excellent exfoliant.

In general, acne is a problem for many people and sometimes just a scrub won’t help the matter. As a dermatologist, people often come to me with the problem of acne, and I advise them this - Tritin lotion.

This is a unique product recently launched by leading skin doctors. It helps to get rid of even the most advanced rashes on the face and body in almost a single use. Thousands of women and men have already tried Tritin on themselves and left extremely positive reviews.

Yes, this lotion works! Try it too! Just follow this link and order yourself the miracle pimple lotion.

This was a slight digression from the topic, but now let’s continue.

Why coffee?

Many people wonder how coffee can affect our skin? Even one coffee bean contains many beneficial microelements.

If you use this product correctly (for the face, of course), you can maintain a healthy, fresh complexion for a long time, get rid of acne, as well as cellulite.

As a rule, a coffee facial scrub for acne is made at home. In this case, coffee sediment is used, or more precisely, what is left in your mug after brewing coffee (not instant).

It removes dead skin cells and tones the body surface with caffeine.

What properties do homemade coffee-based cosmetics have?

Many people ask this question, but do not always find an answer. So, the properties of coffee grounds are as follows:

  1. Blood circulation will be stimulated at the site of application, which will give the skin a fresh look and glow;
  2. Pores will be cleansed and oily shine will disappear;
  3. This will prevent edema. A couple of days after using the scrub, the skin will become elastic;
  4. Dead cells on the surface of the dermis will be removed;
  5. The face will acquire a pleasant dark shade, like after sunbathing.

Are there any contraindications to using coffee scrub?

As you know, the coffee drink itself has many contraindications, but we are talking about a scrub, that is, about the local use of this product. But even with this use there are limitations.

  1. The scrub should not be used by people with very sensitive skin, as exfoliation will lead to even greater thinning of the skin;
  2. You should not use this product if you have pustules or severe scratching, as the skin may be injured;
  3. You should not scrub your face more than 2 times a week (this rule applies to all types of exfoliators).

Useful recipes against acne on the face

Well, now we’ve moved on to the most important thing - the list of recipes that you can easily prepare yourself at home. My patients tried all these mixtures on themselves and left only positive reviews. I have highlighted the most effective recipes:

To prepare this composition you will need five coffee beans, 4 tablespoons of cocoa bean butter (small spoons). We grind the grains or grind them in a blender (coffee grinder). After this, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add to your face cream.

Then we cleanse our face with tonic or milk and apply the prepared mixture. Massage thoroughly (without pressure) your face and neck and leave the mixture for half an hour.

So cocoa bean butter in combination with coffee will work better. After this time, rinse everything off with warm water.

I note that to prepare this scrub mask, you can use the remains of ground grains.

Here we will take coffee, honey, aspirin. This scrub will leave your face clean, soft, and free of acne marks. So, grind 5 tablets of the medicine, add coffee grounds in the amount of 1 tablespoon, as well as honey.

Mix everything and apply to the surface of the face with massaging movements. It is best to leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

A mixture of coffee grounds, egg whites, and yogurt will help get rid of blackheads. To do this, take a small spoon of the grounds, mix with protein and yogurt (in the same proportions) and apply to your face. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off.

A scrub mask for oily skin with rose water, dry milk and natural coffee will get rid of the most severe acne.

Just take the above ingredients in equal proportions, mix, bring to a paste-like consistency with rose water, apply to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Skin nourishing mixture based on coffee grounds and milk. Take 3 large spoons of coffee grounds, mix with milk until a thick mass is formed (so as not to spread on your face). Lightly rub all this into the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Remember, when you remove the scrub mask, you should do a light facial massage, and after the procedure, do not forget to apply moisturizer.

  1. Recipe No. 6

Coffee scrub-mask with salt and honey. Salt, like coffee, is an amazing scrubbing agent.

So, take all the ingredients in equal quantities, add a chicken egg, brown sugar, and beat until thick. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes all over your face and neck, avoiding the eye and mouth area.

Coffee scrub with cosmetic clay is ideal for deep cleansing of the dermis. To prepare the mixture, take 1 tablespoon of blue or white clay and mix with coffee.

You can also add orange zest to it. Dilute the mixture to a thick consistency using boiled or rose water and apply to your face for 10 minutes, then wash thoroughly.

  1. Recipe No. 8

A curd and coffee scrub mask will moisturize the skin and get rid of acne and blackheads. Take 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese and add 3 teaspoons of ground coffee beans or grounds. After this, thoroughly scrub your face and neck and rinse with warm water.

Well, friends, my article has come to an end. I advise you to drink less coffee, and instead use it as scrubs and masks. After just a month of regular procedures, you will notice a positive result that will last for a long time.

Tell your friends that coffee will help you cope with pimples and subscribe to site updates to always be aware of the latest news in the world of health and treatment of skin problems. Good luck!

Author of the article: Elena Smirnova (dermatologist)

Publication date: 23-02-2016