Our Baby and Us

Since time immemorial there has been a saying: It was never so good even in the womb! Among the people, it has been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries, and science - psychology - only a few decades ago for the first time said out loud: yes, many people - albeit in the form of a vague sensation - have the feeling that at the moment of their birth they were torn away from some it's a very cozy place. In newborns this feeling is stronger, since they have not gone far from the lost paradise of their existence. In the womb, the child felt more protected; he didn’t even have to take care of food himself: the mother’s body gave him everything he needed. He had no direct connection with the outside world, so he knew neither fear nor pain. He was constantly warmed by uniform heat. The mother, being on the move, rocked and cradled her child all day long. The child's vision was not irritated by the light, his hearing was not disturbed by sounds, he was not treated unceremoniously by uncles and aunts with unfamiliar faces and a strange smell, he could not slide out of nowhere and could not fall anywhere.

The child’s brain does not store memories of those golden times - and how could they arise? However, many people believe that the child remembers them. Allegedly, this is why he loves to be rocked, so he strives to cuddle up to his mother (and later to his father), warmed by the warmth and comfort of his mother’s body. Therefore, he loves peace and quiet and is frightened by sharp sounds, light, and movements. Sometimes it takes months until the child’s nervous system finally finds a new, independent balance and he himself turns into a calm, harmonious being.

That is why we need to be patient and not be nervous if the child at first seems restless, unbalanced, unstable in his desires - especially when it comes to eating and sleeping. If we also start throwing tantrums, we can completely deprive the baby of peace, instead of introducing him to the new paradise of cloudless happiness that is due to every child in the first years of his life.

Not every baby reaches half a meter by the time of birth, but sixty centimeters is truly rare. And how light a newborn baby is! You take him in your arms and are amazed: like a feather.

And with what difficulty the mother sometimes wears it during pregnancy! He sometimes seems like a leaden weight to her; As soon as she stands for a while, her legs give way - like a heavy load pulls her down;

Was this tiny child really such a heavy burden?

No, not only the child, but also the amniotic fluid and afterbirth.

And yet the bulk of the weight was the child, only then he could not be picked up. It was supported only by the abdominal muscles and pelvic bones of the mother. He pulled her whole body forward, made her gait uncertain, and made it difficult to move on her swollen, aching legs with swollen veins. As soon as the mother looked down, she saw only her own stomach. You can never be sure that you won’t trip over a stone, or that you won’t trip by getting your foot into some pothole. You can’t see what’s going on under your feet, you can’t bend forward to avoid tipping over.

Now this living burden is incomparably easier to bear. And yet, as a rule, the father carries the child from the hospital. This is his honorable duty (if one of the grandmothers does not help). The father still holds the baby awkwardly in his arms, because he doesn’t really know how to hold him, and is afraid of hurting him. But so far all my father’s science does not go beyond the vague feeling that in his hands he has something like a painted Easter egg that must be protected so that it does not break.

Of course, caution is never too much. If you are carrying a child in your arms, you just cannot see what is under your feet, just like a pregnant woman. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to be especially attentive, inspect the road meters ahead so that you notice it in time.