Ammonia against papillomas: treatment features

The content of the article:
  1. What is ammonia
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications
  4. Instructions for use
  5. How to supplement the treatment of papillomas
  6. Results of using ammonia
  7. Reviews about the treatment of papillomas

Using ammonia against papillomas is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to remove them at home. It is quite effective, practically painless and has not many contraindications for use. This remedy is unique because of its drying effect, which allows you to get rid of formations on the body.

What is ammonia?

It is a clear liquid in the form of ammonia (a colorless gas) diluted with water at a concentration of 10% or 25%. When these two ingredients are combined, a clear solution with a pungent odor is obtained called ammonium hydroxide. To designate it, two formulas are used - NH4OH and NH3·H2O, depending on the concentration of the active substance.

Ammonia can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store in darkened glass bottles of 25 ml or in plastic packages with a capacity of 100 ml, 200 ml, 400 ml, 1 liter, etc. The note should indicate “For external use.” It is commercially available and available without a prescription.

Analogues of ammonia are formic, isopropyl, salicylic and boric alcohol. If necessary, it can be successfully replaced with Limanovit E tincture.

The price of ammonia in Russia is 7-15 rubles.

Name Volume, ml Company manufacturer price, rub.
Ammonia solution 10%

100 Fitofarm 15-20
40 Viola Pharmac. Factory 7-12
Pharmaceutical factory, Ukraine 8-13

The price of ammonia in Ukraine is 2-8 hryvnia.

Name Volume, ml Company manufacturer Price, UAH.
Ammonia solution 10%

100 Fitofarm 6-8
40 Viola Pharmac. Factory 2-4
Pharmaceutical factory, Ukraine 3-5

It is more profitable to buy a large volume at once, since the product can be stored in a medicine cabinet for more than 2 years.

Note! For external use, a 10% ammonia solution is usually used.
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Useful properties of ammonia for papillomas

In the photo, ammonia for the treatment of papillomas

External use of an ammonia solution will not help remove the virus from the body, but it can eliminate its consequences in the form of tumors on the body.

Upon contact with it, the surface of the growths dries out, causing a slight burn and as a result, the skin in this area dies. Some time after using ammonia, the papilloma turns deep black instead of pink and disappears on its own.

Ammonia helps remove warts, papillomas and other growths along with the base, root, and prevents the further spread of the virus throughout the body and the reappearance of formations.

This product also has an antiseptic effect and prevents blood poisoning in case of minor skin lesions. It also helps treat inflammation and redness that often remains after the growth is removed.

Contraindications to treatment of papillomas with ammonia

It is worth understanding in advance that using ammonia in any form can leave small wounds and burns, which will take some time to heal and require the use of special ointments. It is for this reason that this method is not the best for people with a tendency to form keloid scars.

Note! Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use ammonia solution with caution.

The list of strict contraindications to the use of ammonia for papillomas includes:

  1. Skin damage. In this case, there is a high probability of burning, redness and severe itching, to eliminate which the surface must be lubricated with a soothing cream.
  2. Dermatological diseases. This contraindication comes into force only when such problems appear at the site of treatment with alcohol. It should not be used for urticaria, dermatosis, allergies, psoriasis, lichen and other similar skin diseases.
  3. Individual intolerance to the drug. When using ammonia for papilloma, despite this contraindication, there is a possibility of redness of the skin, itching and severe burning.

It is dangerous to use ammonia on mucous membranes, which are more susceptible to burns than the skin. Therefore, it is not suitable for treating papillomas on the vaginal walls, mouth and nose. You should also use it with care to remove lesions on the chest, neck and face.

Important! Before resorting to self-treatment of papilloma with ammonia, you need to make sure that there are no cancer cells in its structure. Otherwise, you can provoke an increase in education and deterioration in health.
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Instructions for using ammonia for papillomas

In the photo, cauterization of papilloma with ammonia

The optimal number of papilloma treatments is 3-4 times a day. The procedures should be carried out in courses lasting 7-10 days, after which, if there are no positive results, the treatment must be repeated after a month's break. According to this scheme, therapy is carried out until the tumor is completely removed, which must first dry out.

Here's how papillomas are treated with ammonia:

  1. The areas surrounding the growth are lubricated with any rich moisturizing cream to prevent burns to healthy tissues.
  2. A clean cotton swab is moistened in an ammonia solution.
  3. They wipe the growths that they want to remove without pressing too hard on them.
  4. Repeat the procedure according to the same plan 2-3 more times.
  5. The last time the cotton swab is pressed against the growth for 10 seconds.

There is no need to wash off the composition with water; it should be absorbed into the skin and “dissolve” the papilloma from the inside, drying it until a crust forms.

Important! If ammonia gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water, and if this does not help, burning and stinging appears, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

On average, after 5 days, small papillomas dry out from ammonia, decrease in size and become invisible to others. If this happens very slowly or there is no effect, then after completing all the procedures, when the growth has softened sufficiently, you can try to carefully remove it using a patch or sterile tweezers warmed to room temperature. If pain occurs at this time, it means that the formation is not yet ready to be removed from the skin.

Note! In order for ammonia to work against papillomas, the formation should not be allowed to come into contact with water during the entire course of treatment. Therefore, before swimming, this area should be covered with a patch or waterproof bandage.

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How to supplement the treatment of papillomas?

To prevent the spread of the virus throughout the body and to suppress its activity, antiviral drugs should be taken orally along with cauterization with ammonia. Among them are very effective tablets "Alpizarin", "Isoprinosine", "Acyclovir", "Arbidol" and "Galavit". You should choose only one option from this list and take the drug for 2-4 weeks as prescribed by your doctor.

For external processing, you can use external agents, for example, Cryopharm, designed to soften papilloma and its trouble-free removal. Virogel ointment, Viferon ointment or Betadine solution can replace it.

Treatment of papillomas with medical ammonia can also include salicylic patch for removing papillomas: "Salipod", Sanita or COMPEED. First you need to treat the formation with alcohol, then with cream, and then stick a tape on it and after a few minutes carefully remove it. After the growth softens, it should be removed along with it.

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Results of using ammonia for papillomas

The photo shows the process of removing papilloma with ammonia

It’s definitely not possible to remove the papilloma immediately after the first procedure; during this time it can only become a little softer. Next time its surface will not be as dense as before. Even later, it will be covered with a thin crust, which will fall off on its own in a few days, and the growth will come off with it.

There are no complications after cauterization of papillomas with ammonia, if you take into account the existing contraindications and take a solution with a 10% concentration of ammonia. Otherwise, we remind you, a severe burn will become possible, after which a scar may remain for life.

Too intense friction against the papilloma can lead to inaccurate removal and painful sensations. If such a scenario develops, you should immediately apply an analgesic cream, for example, Emla, to the skin, wait for it to be absorbed and then consult a doctor.

After getting rid of papilloma with ammonia, it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool in the next week. All this can trigger the activation of the virus and accelerate the appearance of new formations. Also, in the first 2-3 days, it is not advisable to use various gels, soaps, milks and other body care products in the area where the growth is removed.

Note! After each treatment with ammonia, the skin around the papilloma should be lubricated with any vegetable oil that eliminates irritation, redness, inflammation and itching.

Reviews about the treatment of papillomas with ammonia

For the most part, reviews about the use of ammonia for papillomas have a positive connotation. True, girls write that they do not dare to remove many formations in this way. It is described as an excellent method for eliminating single growths that are not suspected of malignancy.

Denis, 39 years old

I have many papillomas on my back, but I never even thought about removing them until one began to cling to my clothes. Once I almost tore it off; not only did it cause unpleasant sensations, but I could also harm myself. As a result, I decided to deal with a single growth on my own using such an affordable product as an ammonia solution. It is very cheap, can be found at any pharmacy, and is quite easy to use. I used ammonia for flat papilloma for 6 days, 2 times a day, although I was told that once would be enough. I treated the formation with a cotton swab dipped in the composition for 1 minute. After about 3 days I noticed that it began to dry out, and by the end of the first week it was almost completely dry, there was almost no trace left, and nothing had to be removed.

Oksana, 30 years old

I really wanted to get rid of flat papilloma, but I was not eager to go under a scalpel or expose myself to current or laser. I thought, why not use ammonia for papillomas, since it is safe for humans when used correctly. I followed all the instructions and convinced myself of this, and also confirmed the effectiveness of the product, which was able to dry out the growth in a week. Subsequently, I removed it with an ordinary plaster; it hardly hurt, and there were no traces left. Of course, this is not the most convenient and fastest method, but it is reliable and proven, has many positive reviews, and most importantly, does not require large financial outlays.

Rimma, 60 years old

I am a fan of folk remedies, and I didn’t even have the desire to go to the doctors to remove papilloma surgically. Ammonia became an excellent alternative to invasive methods, but, of course, it did not help me right away; I needed to undergo a course of 7 procedures. To do this, I treated the papilloma every day by wrapping cotton wool around a pencil. So it dried out and with the help of a patch easily came off almost on its own, without much effort. You may have to take the same route to eliminate another small formation in the navel area. But I would never do this on the neck, chest or genital area, and I do not advise others to do this either.

How to get rid of papillomas using folk remedies - watch the video:


There is no doubt that ammonia against papillomas is an excellent remedy. But you need to use it correctly, after consulting with specialists. It is necessary not to give up treatment, follow the chosen treatment regimen and, in case of any problems, consult a doctor.

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