Natural remedy for wrinkles around the eyes

Good day to all! They say that the expression lines surrounding our eyes are a symbol of wisdom. With these words, I can see the old herbalist teaching wisdom to Ivan, who was lost in the forest. And somehow the prospect of being like her doesn’t appeal to me...

Who agrees with me? I think the majority, not only women, but also men. In that case, follow me! On this occasion, I decided to post today my best recipes for wrinkles around the eyes.

But not all at once! First, let's figure out what expression wrinkles are and how they arise.

Where does everything come from?

The skin around the eyes has a special structure - and we know this very well, since we buy different creams for the face and eyelids. It is generally accepted that the skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the epidermis of the body. And, of course, it dries much faster and is more susceptible to adverse factors. Especially now, in winter.

When we squint, smile, we see how mobile facial expressions are in the eye area: it’s not for nothing that they are called the mirror of the soul. That's why these wrinkles are called mimic wrinkles. So what now - freeze your face like a mask of the Japanese Kabuki theater and try to avoid any external manifestations of emotions? Well, of course not. But you also need to take care of the “frame for the mirror of the soul” accordingly.

Important! In sunny weather, to reduce squinting, use sunglasses, and do not expose the skin around your eyes to strong winds or cold.

Low-quality cheap cosmetics are completely excluded - they dry and spoil the skin, deprive its cells of necessary nutrition, and the result is the ubiquitous “crow’s feet”.

And, of course, the reason for the appearance of “wisdom wrinkles” is a woman’s age, or more precisely, her hormonal status. If you take care of yourself, cleanse your body and eat right, spend time in the fresh air every day, and even better with physical activity, then you will feel better and look younger. And the hormones in your body are produced as if you were a couple of years younger - and this is a serious objection to wrinkles.

How to warn

My dears, these are again common truths... And I never tire of reminding you of them:

  1. Normal sleep
  2. No stress
  3. Using only high-quality cosmetics
  4. Cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing the skin around the eyes twice a day
  5. Reading only in good lighting without straining the eyes
  6. Massage
  7. Gymnastics for the eyes
  8. A complete diet (it must include foods containing protein)
  9. Physical activity (within reasonable limits)

Just please, do at least half of this! Honestly, your “wisdom” will come a-a-a-lot later. If you question my authority in this area, I suggest you watch the video. Experts have their say here:

Well, if “the train has left” and all the beauty is already with you, we will make up for lost time, although no one has canceled the above requirements for you.

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy

To get fewer colds, what should you do? That's right, toughen up. We will do the same with the skin around the eyes: it is thin, delicate, afraid of dryness, wind, frost. And we treat her with ice! Yes, not simple, but cosmetic.

I read that Russian beauties, when snow fell, considered it their first duty to wash themselves with the first snow, and even from a silver bucket - and they retained their beauty until old age.

Why? Yes, because the touch of scalding cold snow causes the blood vessels to sharply contract. And then, when the cold was removed from your face, you unclench. This is a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels. Blood circulation improves, and, therefore, skin nutrition. It becomes elastic, elastic, swelling and dark circles go away.

What if the ice is not just plain ice, but with a decoction of parsley, which has been considered the best remedy for “crow’s feet” from time immemorial? Then the absorption of the active ingredients of parsley increases and wrinkles disappear and are smoothed out.

And now - attention! - secrets of making magic ice.

Parsley - fighting crow's feet and whitening

Let's take a couple of bunches of parsley and tear off the leaves from the stems: we won't need the stems. Chop the greens, pour in two glasses of boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove, wrap in a towel and place in a warm place for a couple of hours. Strain the cooled broth and pour into ice trays. After half an hour in the freezer we have the best folk remedy for crow’s feet.

Parsley for the face is a super remedy for wrinkles at home. Its infusions and decoctions help with both dry and sensitive skin and oily skin. And prepared masks and frozen ice cubes from it simply work wonders.

We use ice only once a day, in the morning (in winter, an hour before going outside!). But if urgent rehabilitation measures are required, you can take the magic cube out of the freezer at any time and in a few seconds refresh your face, smooth out the skin around the eyes and give it elasticity and radiance.

Linden and flax - folk recipes for shallow wrinkles

Infusions of linden flowers and flax seeds have a slimy consistency. Due to this, they nourish the skin well and protect against drying out.

For infusion, take 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. spoon of linden blossom (or flax seed). Pour in, cover with a lid, keep warm. Has it cooled down? We filter, pour into molds - and forward, towards beauty.

Well, if the wrinkles around the eyes are deep, oatmeal ice will help us.

Oatmeal ice – a revitalizer for tired skin

For two tablespoons of oatmeal - a glass of hot milk. Pour in and keep warm. The cooled milk from oatmeal becomes so thick that it almost stretches. But we will still be able to strain it! Strained, poured into molds, and froze. We wipe our face and leave this mask on for 10 minutes, trying not to wince, squint, or grimace. The mask will tighten the face, and even deep “paws” will smooth out.

A contraindication for the use of ice is vascular diseases (rosacea). You can learn more about cryotherapy from this article.

The girl eats butter and honey, gets fatter and prettier

This is what they wrote in a Russian folk tale that I read as a child. I remember that for a long time I tried to understand how such a diet could make me look better. But the fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint in it.

Any oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin due to the abundance of vitamins A and E in it. But not all of them are suitable for caring for the most delicate skin.

Castor oil is best known. It makes hair thicker, improves the structure of eyebrows and eyelashes, but most importantly, it has the unique property of smoothing out facial wrinkles surrounding the eyes. It is included in makeup removers; in general, castor oil is ideal for the face.

Jojoba oil is considered an elixir of beauty and youth; it contains a lot of vitamin E, which revives dry, aging skin. Wheat germ oil contains a number of B vitamins and is a powerful antioxidant.

Other oils that are great for aging skin include:

  1. avocado,
  2. peach,
  3. coconut,
  4. almond oil,
  5. grape seed oil,
  6. Shea Butter.

And sesame oil is considered the best. Mixed with wheat germ oil, it eliminates wrinkles in a few days - or rather, nights, because it is applied before bed.

Advice: be careful! If you have an individual intolerance, you risk waking up with slits instead of eyes.

Mask, compress, cream

Aloe is very beneficial for the skin around the eyes. The juice of this wonderful home plant heals wounds, relieves swelling and eliminates fine wrinkles. If you wipe the skin around your eyes daily, “paws” will form much more slowly.

A folk remedy that is older than wrinkles is bread. It nourishes and does not irritate the skin around the eyes, saturates it with natural collagen. There is no need to talk about the benefits of fruits. Well? Shall we experiment?


  1. Aloe juice (1 tbsp), sesame oil (1 tbsp), tocopherol oil solution (vitamin E, 5 drops). Mix, heat to 30-36 degrees, apply with fingertips, driving into the skin, for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Mash a piece of banana, add butter or olive oil, and apply for 20 minutes.
  3. Three raw potatoes on a fine grater, add cream to form a paste, apply for 20 minutes.
  4. Soak white bread (pulp) in milk, apply the paste to the area around the eyes for 15 minutes. You can add olive oil.


Hot homemade compresses soaked in herbal decoctions or oils refresh the skin around the eyes well. They activate blood circulation and improve skin nutrition. You can make them with water, tea, potato juice, natural and essential oils. The main thing is the temperature of the compress: about 40 degrees.

And preparing it couldn’t be easier. We heat the oil or other prepared product in a water bath, dip cotton swabs in it - and lie down to look good. They recommend keeping this compress on for as long as 40 minutes, but I don’t have enough patience, I give up after 15 – and so good. Such compresses must be done over a two-week course, every day, only then will it be effective.

We will prepare our own cream for the skin around the eyes. For its base, wax and lanolin are used, which are melted in a water bath in a ratio of 1:3. After removing from heat, add vegetable oil (peach, jojoba, almond, coconut oil, sesame) in an amount of 4 ml and carefully pour in and stir in 6 ml of hot water (an herbal decoction is even better!). Stir until smooth, cool, and store in the refrigerator. If you are interested in the topic of homemade anti-wrinkle creams, follow the link.

How to get rid of wrinkles using homemade cream with mumiyo - the famous Tibetan cure for all diseases - and about all sorts of effective remedies for wrinkles that include mumiyo, you will learn from the corresponding article.

We apply it correctly

How to apply eye cream correctly? We do not press or stretch the skin under any circumstances. To ensure that the product is better absorbed, we “drive” it into the skin with your fingertips.

Movements when applying the cream should be directed on the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. At the top, the direction changes: from internal to external. Movements should be light, pressure should be pointed. It is recommended to apply the cream with the pad of your ring finger: the pressing force is optimal for delicate skin.

And, of course, we remember that any product is applied to cleansed skin.

Good luck to you in the fight against wrinkles, my dears! Comment on the article, subscribe to updates - and always be beautiful.

Wrinkles primarily attack the delicate skin around the eyes, but these changes are not always associated with the onset of aging. The reasons may be improper self-care, poor hydration or stress. Folk remedies that also have preventive properties will help to effectively solve the problem.

Causes of wrinkles


To stop the early development of wrinkles around the eyes, it is important to remember the factors that can cause them:

  1. One of the main reasons for the formation of crow's feet is lack of moisture. This is explained by the fact that poorly moisturized skin dries out and loses its elasticity, as a result of which it stretches better.
  2. Excessive facial activity also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. Over the years, the skin becomes less elastic, so it is more difficult for it to return to its original state.
  3. The list is completed by poor nutrition and frequent stress, which are nevertheless considered quite serious factors. Here the consequences can be even more dangerous: with a lack of vitamins and minerals, the grooves around the eyes become more distinct and pronounced.

The main problem with the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area remains the impossibility of masking them. Foundations, concealers and other products only further emphasize the presence of folds. That is why literate women resort to folk recipes.

How to avoid crow's feet

You need to start taking care of the skin around your eyes when you are young. It is worth paying close attention to the quality of cosmetics and eyelid care products. To solve the problem, you can also use “grandmother’s methods”, which can not only prevent the formation of new wrinkles, but also smooth out existing ones.

Folk remedies to combat wrinkles after 30 and 40 years

When immersing yourself in the study of traditional medicine recipes, pay attention to the peculiarities of the action of certain remedies depending on age. Until the age of 50, changes in a woman’s body, both physical and hormonal, occur gradually. This means that after 30–40 years, daily eye skin care and following popular advice can lead to excellent results.

There are many home remedies for wrinkles - masks, compresses, lotions, lotions and even creams.

Remember! The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer it will delight you with youth and freshness.

For young skin, it is recommended to use both fruit and plant-based decorative cosmetics, as well as folk recipes with the same composition. Below are the methods most suitable for the prevention and elimination of wrinkles after 30 years.


The simplest remedy, but at the same time quite effective. To obtain ice cubes, pour clean drinking water into ice molds and leave in the freezer for several hours. The best effect can be achieved by adding milk or herbal decoction in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the skin around the eyes with ice cubes very carefully in the morning and evening.

Egg based mask


  1. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 1 egg white;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. flour.

Combine honey with pre-beaten egg white, then add a pinch of flour and knead until smooth. The warm mixture should be applied to the skin of the eyelids and washed off after it has cooled completely.

Milk compresses


  1. boiled milk;
  2. cotton pads;
  3. moisturizing cream.

Moisten cosmetic cotton pads with a small amount of milk, then place on eyelids for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times. After completion, rinse your eyes with warm water and use a specialized eyelid cream.

Strawberry-honey mask


  1. 4–5 strawberries;
  2. 1 tsp. warm honey;
  3. gauze.

Mash strawberries with warmed honey. Place the soft mixture in a small piece of gauze and leave on the eye skin for about 20 minutes.

Asparagus juice mask


  1. asparagus juice;
  2. fatty oil (olive, peach, almond);
  3. cotton pads.

Mix asparagus juice with oil, then moisten a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and apply to the eyes for 15–30 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.

Flax seed lotions


  1. 2 tbsp. l. Flaxseed;
  2. 2 glasses of water;
  3. gauze.

Pour water over flax seed and bring to a boil over low heat. Place the boiled product in a gauze bandage and leave on your eyes for 15–25 minutes. After the procedure, you should rinse your face with water.

Video: flax seed mask

Mask with honey and oatmeal


  1. 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. strong tea.

Honey must be mixed with crushed oatmeal and tea, then add a little water and heat. After applying the mask, cover your face with a towel for 20–25 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, wash your face and treat your skin with moisturizer.

Video: oatmeal mask

Lemon mask


  1. 1 tsp. olive oil;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. grated lemon zest;
  3. juice of half a lemon;
  4. 1 egg yolk;
  5. milk.

To get a mask, you need to grind the lemon zest, add lemon juice, yolk and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the skin of the eyelids and leave for 25–35 minutes. It is recommended to wash off with cotton pads previously soaked in milk.

Sour cream-banana mask


  1. 1 tsp. softened banana;
  2. 1 tsp. sour cream.

Mash the banana with a fork, then add sour cream to it and apply it to your eyelids. After 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Dill seed compresses


Place dill seeds on cheesecloth and dip in hot milk for a few minutes. Apply compresses to your eyelids for 10–15 minutes, then wash with water.

Folk remedies to combat wrinkles after 50 years


Over time, the skin loses its former firmness and elasticity. Most women begin to pay attention to this after the age of 40–50, and only radical solutions such as complex cosmetic procedures or even surgical intervention come to mind. There is no need to rush, because folk remedies will help to prolong the radiance of your skin and restore it to its former freshness, even if you have reached the age of 50.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use regular face cream on the delicate skin of your eyelids.

Only natural materials should be used as ingredients: only they can have the most gentle and effective effect on the skin. It should be noted that women over 50 years of age and younger representatives of the fair sex have different skin structures, so the choice of product should be approached carefully and responsibly. Don't forget about allergic reactions. To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow a few rules:

  1. Study the composition carefully. You must clearly understand the desired result and understand what components can contribute to its achievement.
  2. Do not neglect the test for an allergic reaction - apply a small part of the drug to your wrist. If no changes are observed in your condition, feel free to use the recipe!
  3. Before using the product, you need to steam your facial skin - this will prepare it for manipulation and enhance the effect.
  4. The composition should be applied with light massage movements. Do not press under any circumstances!
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 40 minutes per session and twice a week.

In the fight against wrinkles after 50 years, the following recipes have proven themselves to be the best.

Black currant mask


  1. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 1 tsp. butter;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. blackcurrant juice.

Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply the mixture to the skin. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with clean water.

Potato lotions


  1. 2 wedges of raw potatoes.

Quite a simple recipe. You just need to cut the potato into slices and apply it to problem areas for a few minutes.

Video: raw potato mask

Gelatin mask


  1. 1 tbsp. l. glycerin;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  3. 5 tbsp. l. water.

To prepare a gelatin mask, mix all ingredients and heat in a water bath. The mixture should be carefully applied to the skin and washed off with cool water after 20 minutes.

Turmeric mask


  1. 3 tbsp. l. pineapple juice;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. turmeric.

Mix both ingredients and apply to skin for 20–30 minutes.

Video: turmeric mask


Aloe juice should be massaged into the skin around the eyes with the lobes of your ring fingers every day. Aloe is the most popular remedy in the field of folk cosmetology.

Photo gallery: using folk remedies - before and after


This problem hasn’t really affected me yet, but my sister is constantly coming up with something. Silver spoons are regularly frozen in the freezer - you need to apply them to your eyes in the morning, it removes swelling and wrinkles. Peels from fresh cucumbers - wipe around the eyes, and if you don’t have fresh ones on hand, then you need to make supplies in advance, that is, freeze them. Well, plus some tea bags, but these are already warm. Believe it or not, at 38 she looks like just a girl. Maybe this kind of operation of the freezer helps...


I am 24 years old and about 2 months ago wrinkles began to appear around my eyes. And for some reason there are more wrinkles under the right eye. I urgently began to look for ways to combat these nasty paths. First, I bought two products in the store - these are products from the company “Black Pearl” and “Magrav”. I’ve been using them for 2 months now and I can say that they help very little. Then I bought cosmetic oils at the pharmacy: peach oil and apricot oil. I added them to creams around the eyes, and sometimes applied them before bed with patting movements of my fingers. Oils help, but not much. Today I discovered a magical face mask made at home and concluded that it will get rid of wrinkles. Ingredients: 1 egg white, a little warmed milk and 1.5 tbsp. l. oatmeal. All this is mixed, placed on gauze and on the eyes for about 20 minutes. When I took off the gauze and went to the mirror, the effect shocked me! There were no wrinkles. At all. So I highly recommend trying it and seeing for yourself.


Nowadays, a huge number of recipes are available using folk remedies for the prevention and elimination of crow's feet. Above is only a small part of the whole variety of masks, lotions, compresses and lotions that can improve the condition of the skin. The result can be amazing, the main thing is to devote a little time to yourself and be patient, which is so lacking in the rejuvenation process. As a result, you will gain radiant fresh skin and an eternally young irresistible look!

Cosmetics for the skin around the eyes can do a lot - they can even get rid of crow’s feet if you choose them correctly and use them correctly. We tell you exactly how in this article, and also give examples of the best products, according to the editors of

  1. Causes of wrinkles
  2. The best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes
  3. Rating of salon procedures
  4. Gymnastics and massage
  5. Prevention of wrinkles
  6. Vitamins for youthful skin

Causes of wrinkles

The area around the eyes is different from the skin on the rest of the face.

It's thinner.

There are fewer sebaceous and sweat glands here.

It contains less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity.

Subcutaneous fat in this area has a looser structure.

All this makes the skin of the eyelids defenseless against an aggressive environment and age-related changes: the rate of cell regeneration, the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid slows down. As a rule, the first wrinkles appear in the area around the eyes.

The skin around the eyes has fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. © iStock

But years are not the only factor responsible for the appearance of crow's feet; there are others.

Every minute we blink about 20 times, using the facial muscles around the eyes. If we violently express our emotions (smile, frown), the load on them increases even more.

People with nearsightedness and farsightedness often squint to see something, which also causes wrinkles to form. Only constant wearing of contact lenses or glasses can save you.

Tension and stress

Lack of sleep, reading in poor lighting, and working at the computer for long periods of time keep your eyes hypertonic—from time to time they need to be given rest.

The lower eyelids are prone to fluid accumulation, which over time stretches the skin and leads to the formation of bags.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can age your skin prematurely, so don't neglect sunglasses and SPF creams.

Smoking causes a spasm of the capillaries for about two hours, and if you regularly “refuel” with tobacco, the skin will be in a state of tension and oxygen starvation all day. Excessive alcohol consumption dehydrates cells.

The best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

The first wrinkles around the eyes may appear at 27–30 years of age. Everything, of course, depends on heredity, lifestyle and other individual characteristics, but experts recommend starting preventative anti-aging care from the age of 25. This is true for both women and men.

Having shared this valuable information, with a clear conscience we present a list of the best products against wrinkles around the eyes, according to the editors of

After 25 years

For young skin, radical adjustments are not needed - only deep hydration, drainage and prevention of photoaging. Light gels, creams, masks that relieve swelling, redness and have an invigorating effect, as well as sunscreens, are suitable.

Moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes “Youthful glow 25”, Garnier

The complex with caffeine extract stimulates cellular renewal, intensely moisturizes and adds radiance.

Awakening balm for the eye contour Aqualia Thermal, Vichy

A cocktail of hyaluronic acid, aquabioryl, L-carrageenan, glycerin, caffeine and thermal water improves microcirculation and reduces under-eye circles.

After 30 years

At this age, it’s time to start the real fight and choose an effective cream for facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling.

Eye cream “Revitalift Filler [HA]”, L’Oréal Paris

Cream with hyaluronic acid retains moisture, stimulates cell regeneration and fills wrinkles.

Moisturizing balm for skin care around the eyes Eye Balm, SkinCeuticals

The combination of phytoextracts and amino acids with vitamin E protects against the negative effects of free radicals, collagen breakdown and dry skin.


Svetlana: “The cream has a very pleasant consistency, like whipped cream. At first I applied it once a day, then after 2 weeks - in the morning and in the evening. The skin does not dry out. It seems that small facial wrinkles are smoothed out. But maybe I'm imagining it. It's only been 3 weeks. I think I’ll repeat it again.”

After 40 years

It's time to use the “heavy artillery” - complex products for lifting, moisturizing, nutrition, protection, fighting swelling and dark circles.

Concentrated anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic [R] Yeux, La Roche-Posay

The duet of retinol and caffeine actively corrects the signs of photoaging and fatigue of the skin around the eyes.


Alexandra Shmatko: “To my great surprise, the cream lightened the dark circles, my face began to look different, and now sometimes I even forget to apply concealer before leaving the house. For me, this cream is just a salvation, I’m incredibly happy with it.”

Anti-aging eye cream Absolue Yeux Premium ßx, Lancôme

Proxilan helps restore skin density, white iris extract stimulates collagen production, and the Bio-Network complex of soybean, kelp, barley and wild yam extracts reduces visible signs of aging.

Rating of salon procedures

If cosmetics are not enough, visiting a professional cosmetologist will help remove wrinkles.

High-frequency radio waves affect the deep layers of the skin and stimulate the production of its own elastin and collagen, activate microcirculation, reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes. The procedure helps get rid of small wrinkles.

Pulsed current of ultra-low amplitude, corresponding to the processes that occur in the human body, affects the soft tissues of the periorbital zone, activates intercellular metabolism processes, fills cells with oxygen, tightens the skin, relieves tension, evens out the relief and improves complexion.

Subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid, amino acids and vitamin complexes activate metabolic processes in cells, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, making the skin healthier, smoother and more elastic.

Filling wrinkles with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, and calcium hydroxyapatite gives quick and noticeable results for a long time, but does not have a therapeutic effect.

Gymnastics and massage

In order to delay hardware, injection, and especially surgical correction methods, we recommend timely prevention of wrinkles around the eyes. To do this, perform the following exercises daily after applying the cream or oil.

Take a comfortable position, relax. Rub your palms together and place them over your eyes.

Close your eyes and slowly move your gaze left and right, up and down.

Using the pad of your index finger, draw a figure eight along the contour of your eyes, centered on the bridge of your nose.

Place the pads of your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and then slowly move them without pressing along the lower eyelid to the bridge of your nose.

Remove makeup using special makeup removers. © iStock

Prevention of wrinkles

In addition to massage and gymnastics, adhere to the following simple rules.

Give your eyes a break from reading, working at the computer, hanging out on mobile devices and other activities that require significant stress.

Get plenty of sleep, preferably in a well-ventilated area. The optimal sleeping position is on your back with your head slightly elevated on the pillow. This will help get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Use a good cream designed specifically for the eye area.

Do not rub the delicate skin of the eyelids, apply creams, serums, masks pointwise, using light tapping movements with your fingers. Remove makeup using special makeup removers.

Use cosmetics specifically designed for the eye area. © iStock

Vitamins for youthful skin

Pay attention to your diet. To keep your skin in good condition, include foods rich in vitamins.

Vitamin A increases the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and reduces the depth of pronounced wrinkles. Contained in liver, fish oil, butter, whole milk, carrots, apricots, pumpkin.

Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. They are rich in vegetable oils, nuts, herbs, and legumes.

Vitamin F relieves inflammation, promotes hydration and protects against premature aging. Its source is sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts, soybeans, egg yolks, tofu.

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More about the ingredients

  1. Natalya March 29, 10:20 pm I didn’t even bother to look at what was next after I saw the Gareniere cream, it almost ate my eyes. It’s terrible.
  1. Editorial April 2, 20:08 Natalya, probably the moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes “Youth Radiance 25” from Garnier was not suitable for you due to the individual characteristics of your skin. It should be borne in mind that when using absolutely any perfumery and cosmetic products, despite the general safety of the ingredients, cases of individual intolerance are possible, associated either with intolerance to any of the ingredients included in the formula, or the combined effect of any of the ingredients in the composition of the product used. product with components of other products/preparations used externally or internally during the same period. We recommend that you pay attention to other products from our selection - you will definitely find something that suits you.

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