How to get rid of stretch marks on chest

Small pale pink or white stripes on the chest, different in structure from the surrounding skin, are called striae or stretch marks. You can get rid of an unsightly cosmetic defect using both salon procedures and improvised means. The speed of the fight depends on the type of striae and the reason for their formation.

Why do stretch marks form on the chest?

Stretch marks appear due to thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity. For these reasons, in those places where the skin is strongly stretched (chest, thighs, abdomen), internal tears of the epidermis occur, which are replaced by connective tissue over time.

Decreased elasticity of the epidermis can cause various problems. The most common include:

  1. hormonal imbalance (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
  2. lactation;
  3. rapid weight gain or loss;
  4. diabetes;
  5. genetic predisposition;
  6. lack of vitamins and minerals;
  7. taking hormonal drugs.

Types of stretch marks

Depending on the time of appearance and color, striae are usually classified into two types:

  1. New. The lines are bright pink or purple in color and stand out clearly against the background of the surrounding fabric. Fresh stretch marks on the chest are easy to correct, shrink in size, and become less obvious.
  2. Obsolete. The stripes are pearlescent or white in color, almost invisible on the skin, and clearly appear when tanning. It is more difficult to get rid of old stretch marks; you need to contact a professional cosmetologist or undergo an expensive operation.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks on breasts forever?

When starting the fight against stretch marks, it is important to know that you can completely get rid of them only through surgery; other methods will only help make stretch marks less noticeable. If you feel severe, causeless itching in the breast area, are expecting the birth of a child, or have finished breastfeeding, seek help from cosmetics or traditional medicine.

Methods for removing stretch marks

Home remedies can only remove fresh stretch marks - red or purple in color. Effective methods include: creams or gels, compresses with aloe and other medicinal plants, massage, contrast shower. Cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy and body wraps are no less effective. Plastic surgery can help remove old stretch marks.

Professional treatments

Cosmetic shops and beauty salons today offer different methods for getting rid of stretch marks on the chest. The most popular include:

Average price in Moscow (per session)

The laser damages problem areas, which activates the production of elastin and collagen. This leads to a decrease in the severity of stretch marks and thickening of the epidermis.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to complete a course of 5 procedures. For old stretch marks – 10 sessions.

  1. allergy;
  2. poor healing of scars;
  3. dark skin.

From 10,000 rubles.

Application of oxygen-containing products to the upper layers of the epidermis. The procedure stimulates cell regeneration processes.

Chemical peeling is performed under local anesthesia. To achieve the effect, you need to do up to 10 procedures.

  1. oncology;
  2. lactation;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. infectious diseases;
  5. heart diseases;
  6. herpes;
  7. individual intolerance to the composition.

Saturates the skin with beneficial substances, vitamins, minerals. Increases elasticity.

10–15 sessions are required. The procedure is effective as a preventive measure.

  1. fungal skin diseases;
  2. individual intolerance to mixtures;
  3. allergy;
  4. wounds, abrasions on the body;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. lactation;
  7. oncology;
  8. thrombophlebitis;
  9. cardiovascular pathologies.

It affects the deep layers of the dermis, activates blood circulation and collagen production.

Suitable only for the treatment of fresh stretch marks. Standard course – 10 procedures.

  1. various skin diseases;
  2. stage 3 hypertension;
  3. severe endocrine disorders;
  4. tumors;
  5. pregnancy.

Preparations with plant extracts are administered subcutaneously. The procedure saturates the skin with vitamins, tightens, and activates regeneration processes.

To achieve effectiveness, it must be combined with microcurrents or plasma lifting. Suitable for all types of stretch marks. Standard course – 10 sessions.

  1. pregnancy;
  2. breast-feeding;
  3. menstruation;
  4. hormonal changes;
  5. increased sensitivity to drugs;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. blood diseases.

Massage of the upper layers of the skin, carried out by supplying a stream of directed air with solid microparticles.

The technique is suitable for getting rid of fresh stretch marks on the chest. Course – 10 sessions.

  1. rosacea;
  2. dermatosis;
  3. diabetes;
  4. increased skin sensitivity;
  5. viral or bacterial diseases.

Cosmetics and medicines

In pharmacies and specialized cosmetic stores you can find professional creams, ointments, and gels for stretch marks on the chest. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition, it should include:

  1. vegetable oils – shea, jojoba, olive, almond, coconut, shea butter;
  2. extracts from plants - chamomile, calendula, aloe vera, nettle;
  3. algae extracts;
  4. vitamins and minerals;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. Hydroxyproline is a substance that stimulates collagen production.

The cream for stretch marks on the chest acts superficially. It saturates the skin with nutrients, prevents moisture loss, stimulates blood circulation, improves the production of elastin and collagen. Regular use of cosmetics makes the skin smooth and velvety, significantly reduces the visibility of stretch marks, but this method will only be effective if there are fresh stretch marks. Among the wide range of products, the following products are popular among women:

  1. Gel phytolastil from Lierak. The average price is 2854 rubles per 100 ml.
  2. Universal body cream for stretch marks from Vichy – 1125 rubles for 200 ml.
  3. Sanosan – 385–450 rub. for 100 ml.

Folk remedies for stretch marks on the chest

If stretch marks have just begun to appear or you want to prevent their occurrence, you can resort to the help of traditional medicine. To help get rid of the problem:

  1. Essential oils (almond, castor, coconut, peach, flaxseed). They are applied to the chest and given a light massage. The procedure is carried out every day until the desired result is achieved.
  2. Mask with honey. At 0.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add 3 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp. thick natural honey. Apply the mixture to your chest, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. You need to make masks 1-2 times a week.
  3. Cereals. 3 tbsp. l. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over Hercules porridge. Leave for 20 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream. Apply the mixture to your chest. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to make a mask once a week.
  4. Curd mask. Mix 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg, 3 drops of jojoba oil. Distribute evenly over chest and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off any remaining product. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.
  5. Coffee scrub. 2 tbsp. l. Mix ground coffee with 1 tsp. honey and 3 drops of any essential oil. Apply the scrub to the chest, massaging gently. It is recommended to use the mixture 2 times a week.

Stretch marks are scar changes in the layers of the epidermis. The areas most susceptible to their appearance are the thighs, abdomen and chest - the places where the skin is most likely to stretch.

The defect is purely cosmetic in nature and does not pose any health hazard.

But the appearance of stretch marks on the chest causes panic in most girls. After all, no matter what scientific minds say, breasts are the main female weapon, and you need to take care of its beauty.

What can you do to get rid of stretch marks on your chest? Let's look at the most popular methods, assessing the effectiveness of each of them.

The content of the article:

Professional cosmetology

Old scars on the skin are extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, despite all the effectiveness of home treatments, you should not try to get rid of them yourself.

In this case, professional cosmetology will be much more effective. Let's take a closer look at what treatment options beauty salons and specialized clinics can offer.



The essence of the wrapping procedure is to create a thermal effect that enhances the penetration of beneficial substances.

The medicinal mixture usually contains seaweed, cosmetic clay and various oils. After applying the composition to problem areas of the skin, the client is covered with a thermal blanket.

The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. The number of sessions is selected individually. On average, 6-12 procedures may be required.

As for the effectiveness of wraps, everything is purely individual. Everything will depend on the depth of the stretch marks, the woman’s age and the condition of the skin, its ability to regenerate.

Typically, wraps are recommended for removing fresh scars that are no more than six months old.

In this publication, find out the price of buttock augmentation with implants.

Chemical peeling

Treatment using chemical acids has proven itself well, as it allows you to get rid of even stale scars.

Under the influence of organic acids that penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, intensive restoration of the skin occurs. Unlike wraps, the procedure is not pleasant. And even moreover, it is quite painful to bear.

The cost of chemical peeling depends on the clinic or salon where the procedure is performed, and varies between 2-8 thousand rubles.

Laser peeling

Laser peeling is a method of removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis along with the resulting stretch marks.

The laser resurfacing procedure has many advantages over other treatment methods, among which sterility, safety, painlessness and effectiveness are especially highlighted.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, starting from 4 thousand rubles. for the procedure. The exact price is determined by the number of scars, their size and depth.

By the way, the more work a cosmetologist has to do, the cheaper the final cost per 1 cm 2 will be. The brand of equipment used by the clinic also plays an important role in pricing.


The microdermabrasion procedure is less popular than the same laser resurfacing.

The method is based on gentle exfoliation of dead skin using a special abrasive composition. In its principle, microdermabrasion is somewhat reminiscent of scrubbing.

Therefore, the result from it will be minimal due to the lack of deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis.

The procedure is recommended for fresh stretch marks on the chest; in advanced cases, the method will be ineffective. The average cost of skin polishing in the décolleté area is 2-3 thousand rubles.

Breast surgery


Plastic surgery refers to radical methods recommended for a comprehensive solution to the problem of stretch marks, excess skin and ptosis of the mammary glands.

But the possible risks accompanying any surgical intervention scare girls away. And the prices for plastic are steep. Thus, the cost of one operation varies between 50-200 thousand rubles. depending on the volume of surgery and the reputation of the clinic.


According to objective assessments of women and cosmetologists, mesotherapy is one of the safest and even useful methods of treatment. To carry out the procedure, multivitamin formulations, extracts from medicinal herbs and protein compounds are used.

After the drugs are administered under the skin, metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis are activated, promoting tissue regeneration at the cellular level.

The average duration of treatment is several months. During this period, 6-10 injections are given with a break of a week. The cost of each procedure is 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.

You can completely get rid of defects with a course of injections if we are talking about fresh scars.

For persistent changes in the epidermis, the procedure promises partial resorption of stretch marks and lightening of healed areas of the skin.

Ultrasound therapy

The ultrasound therapy method is based on the effect of high frequency waves on the skin.

Under their influence, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid increases, cell permeability increases, and metabolic processes in the skin improve.

The general course of treatment includes 10-15 procedures with an interval of several days. The cost of each of them is about 1-3 thousand rubles.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine ultrasound with wraps and mesotherapy.

Ozone therapy


Treatment of stretch marks on the chest with ozone therapy - injection of oxygen cells under the skin.

The cost of the procedure is approximately 1-1.5 thousand rubles. The number of sessions depends on the individual needs of the client, and 10-15 visits will be required to obtain the expected effect.

At the same time, not a single clinic undertakes to guarantee complete removal of stretch marks, since the real result, according to reviews, is 30-60% of the total. And many people note the pain of injections with active oxygen.

The video presents the most effective methods for getting rid of stretch marks.

The cost of a 100 ml tube is approximately 370-420 rubles. The product is positioned as a preventative, and for the treatment of already existing stretch marks it will be ineffective.
Anti-stretch Mark(Maternea). This Bulgarian-made cream can be used both to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation, and to remove existing fresh scars.

A complex of vitamins C and E moisturizes the skin, softens and protects it. Almond oil nourishes muscle fibers, preventing them from stretching, and jojoba transports all these active substances to the deepest layers of the epidermis.

Together, the entire cream works to deeply restore the skin by enhancing the production of elastic and collagen fibers. The average cost is 520-640 rubles. for a cream volume of 150 ml.
Vichy. The main difference in the composition of this cream is thermal water and the amino acid hydroxyproline. But, despite this, the effect is quite standard for this category of cosmetic products - moisturizing and nourishing the skin, stimulating collagen production.

The product has a high level of effectiveness for the prevention of stretch marks. But if you believe the reviews, then most likely it will not be able to get rid of existing stretch marks. Price – 1300 rub. for a 200 ml tube of cream.
Avent. The cream contains algae extract, shea butter, almond and papaya. Since none of these oils has the ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, the effect of moisturizing the upper layer of the dermis is the only thing you can count on.

Therefore, the effectiveness is very doubtful, and it can only be used as a preventive measure. The cost of the cream is 700-800 rubles, volume is 200 ml.
Mustela. The cream from the French cosmetics company contains avocado and soybean extract, shea butter and an elasto-regulator. What the last component is is not entirely clear, since such a substance does not exist in nature, and the manufacturer does not reveal its secret.

According to reviews of women who have used this product, the cream has a good moisturizing effect, but nothing more.

So a high rating of preventive effectiveness is the only thing this cream can boast of. He is unlikely to be able to remove even fresh scars. The price for a 150 ml tube is 2000-2300 rubles.
Lierac. This is another remedy whose formula was developed by the French. It is produced in ampoules and in gel form. For prevention, a light gel is used, which has a pronounced moisturizing and regenerating effect.

If stretch marks have already appeared, you need to fight them with ampoules. After two months of treatment, you can switch to gel. The manufacturer does not promise complete removal of scars, but this product can significantly reduce the appearance of scars.

The cost of ampoules when ordering online is 2,900 rubles, the price of the gel is slightly less than 1,700 rubles.
Baby Teva. And this is already the development of Israeli cosmetologists. The main active ingredients are shea butter and cocoa. With regular use, the manufacturer promises firm and elastic skin without a hint of hated scars.

So the cream passes the prevention test perfectly. But to treat stretch marks, it is not advisable to use an expensive product, since you will not notice significant changes. The cost of a 250 ml jar of cream is 4,200 rubles.


Modern pharmacology can offer us a huge selection of remedies for stretch marks. But conflicting reviews from women raise serious doubts about the advisability of using these drugs.

Contractubex. The product is available in gel form. Heparin and allantoin are the main active ingredients of the drug. Thanks to this, regular use of the gel helps soften the skin in areas of scarring and restore blood circulation in these damaged areas.

But Contractubex gel will help to completely get rid of defects only if treatment is started in a timely manner at the stage of the appearance of dryness and itching of the skin. Price 690—1,100 rub.
Clearwin. Inexpensive Indian remedy based on herbal ingredients. Indications for use are not limited to stretch marks on the skin, and according to the instructions, it can be used for increased pigmentation, acne spots and dark circles under the eyes.

According to reviews, it is not capable of completely smoothing and evening out the skin in the chest area. But noticeable improvements with regular use are observed in all cases. The price of the drug is approximately 70 rubles.

Kelofibrase. The main active ingredients are heparin, D-camphor and urea. The drug is actively advertised as a means of prevention. The effectiveness for the treatment of formed scars is low. The average cost of the drug is 1200-1800 rubles. depending on the volume of the tube and pharmacy. Zeraderm ultra. A unique product whose action is based not only on the penetration of active substances into the deep layers of the skin, but also on film protection of the scar from aggressive environmental influences.

The main active ingredients are polysiloxane, vitamin K, vitamin E and coenzymes. Judging by the reviews, the product is highly effective.

The only difference is the duration of treatment, which depends on the age of the stretch marks and the regenerative capabilities of the skin. The price of the drug is 3,100–3,900 rubles. Its polysiloxane analogue without vitamins will cost about 30% less.

Physical exercise

Physical activity as a method of correcting cosmetic defects has always been popular. Likewise in the treatment of stretch marks, the right exercises will help tighten your breasts, make them firmer and more beautiful.

  1. Stand against a wall, facing it. Place your hands at chest level. Push off the wall, tensing your pectoral muscles as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  2. Stand against a wall with your arms at your sides. Align your back, following the five-point rule (top of your head, shoulders, buttocks, calves and heels touching the surface of the wall).

Straighten your shoulders, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. Hold the position for 8-10 seconds, relax. Do 10-15 repetitions.

Sitting in lotus position, raise your arms and bring them together above your head. Place your palms together and apply pressure. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Proper nutrition

Without correcting your diet, you will not achieve good results in the fight against stretch marks on your chest. There should be no diets or strict restrictions. Your skin needs nutrients to maintain an active metabolism.

When creating a menu, you should avoid fatty foods, sweets, fast food and processed foods. The benefits of such products are still questionable.

But what you should supplement your daily diet with is protein foods (meat, fish, eggs), vegetables and fruits. Pay special attention to foods high in vitamin A and E (vegetable oil, nuts, seafood, carrots, blueberries).

Traditional medicine recipes


Folk recipes are time-tested and generation-tested remedies for beautiful and elastic skin.

Our ancestors had no idea about the existence of modern methods for removing scars, but no one was going to walk around with “striped” breasts. Let's take a closer look at the entire list of the most popular recipes.


Comfrey contains two beneficial substances: allantoin and tannin. They have the ability to remove dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production, activating regeneration processes in tissues.

The use of comfrey-based products will lighten and reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, making them less deep and noticeable.

Preparation: 1 tbsp. l. Pour dry comfrey leaves with purified water and let it brew for half an hour. Treat damaged areas with the prepared infusion twice a day.

It is recommended to use horsetail-based alcohol lotion. The results of the effectiveness of the folk remedy can be observed after a month of use - complete healing of fresh stretch marks and lightening of old scars.

Preparation: Pour 50 g of dry raw material into a bottle of water and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Place the lotion container in a dark place for 4 weeks. Treat damaged skin areas with the prepared product several times a day.


Another effective remedy that helps to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the chest is mumiyo. It is necessary to use mummy-based cream prepared at home every day. The duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

Preparation: dissolve 2 mummy tablets in a small amount of purified water. Add 50 ml of your favorite milk or body cream to the finished concentrate.

If the finished product has a specific odor, you can eliminate it with the help of orange oil.


Much has been said about the benefits of vitamin A and natural oils for the skin. So let’s move on directly to the recipe for a folk remedy based on carrots.

Preparation: Soak finely grated carrots in a glass of purified water for 15-20 minutes.

Strain the infusion and add 1 tbsp. l. almond or peach oil. Use the prepared lotion twice a day to treat problem areas of the skin in the décolleté area.

Preparation: Mix ½ cup olive oil and ½ cup aloe juice. Add 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A to the oil mixture. Apply the mixture daily, gently rubbing the oils into the skin.

For more information on fixing the problem at home, watch the video.


It is not easy to draw any conclusions about which remedy is best to use for stretch marks on the chest. And the abundance of conflicting reviews only makes this situation even more confusing. So write in the comments how you solved your problems and what results you achieved.

Beautiful breasts are the dream of every woman, without exception. Let it not be big, but elastic and attractive, peeking seductively from the edge of the neckline. But, unfortunately, dreams do not always coincide with reality, pregnancy, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss after strict diets, simply age-related changes negatively affect the tone of the breast skin, and stretch marks form on it. What they are, why they appear and how to deal with them - everything is detailed in this article (link to the previous article).

What are stretch marks and where do they come from?

Stretch marks are, scientifically speaking, cicatricial changes in the skin of an atrophic nature and refer to a cosmetic defect of the skin. People often call them striae. They can be localized on the calves, thighs, abdomen - and on the chest; they come in different lengths, widths and depths. Stretch marks come in a variety of colors, from whitish to bluish and even purple. In any case, this spectacle is not aesthetically pleasing, although everyone understands that it is not the woman’s fault; stretch marks often become a real problem in relationships with the opposite sex, and simply cause moral discomfort.

Why is this happening? From a physiological point of view, stretch marks are micro-tears in the epidermal tissue. They occur when overstretched. Then, when the forms return to their previous sizes, connective tissue forms at the site of the ruptures - an unsightly scar is obtained. Every woman can face the problem of stretch marks, at any age – even teenagers. Factors that provoke this unpleasant phenomenon are:

  1. rastyazhki-na-grudi-kak-MukMxi.webp

    sudden weight gain – for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  2. rapid growth of a teenager during puberty;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. strict diets, when girls starve and quickly lose extra pounds;
  5. incorrectly selected underwear for large breasts that does not support them sufficiently;
  6. intense workouts in the gym with excessive stress on the bust muscles;
  7. injuries and mechanical damage to the chest.

A hereditary predisposition to the formation of stretch marks is also possible - if your mother or sister developed them after childbirth, then, most likely, sooner or later they will appear on you. There are versions that bad habits, in particular smoking, also affect the appearance of stretch marks. This assumption makes sense, since smoking causes vasoconstriction, tissues receive insufficient nutrition, and therefore the skin loses its elasticity. It is enough to first add a couple of kilograms and then lose weight again - and you will see for yourself what your breasts will turn into.

First aid

The fight against stretch marks should begin by eliminating the cause of their formation and preventing further formation. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Choose high-quality, corrective and supportive underwear that does not interfere with blood circulation and allows the skin to breathe - beautiful lace bras with underwire are now excluded.
  2. Check your hormonal levels - almost all cosmetic defects need to be eliminated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. If there is a problem, the doctor will select the appropriate medications and give all the necessary recommendations.
  3. Refuse strict diets - the diet must contain calcium and proteins, vitamins A, E and C. Iron deficiency also negatively affects the condition of the skin, therefore it is necessary to donate blood for hemoglobin, and, if necessary, take a course of iron supplements. And be sure to supplement your diet with red meat, liver, eggs, and buckwheat.
  4. Play sports, but without fanaticism. 2-3 workouts per week are enough, and the set of exercises includes chest exercises.
  5. Quitting smoking will not harm you in any case.

Sometimes following these rules is enough to make your skin look much better. But you'll have to wait a long time. These methods of getting rid of stretch marks on the chest will help speed up the process.

How to remove stretch marks on chest at home

Before you start saving money for plastic surgery and looking for a good clinic, you should try to get rid of stretch marks on your own at home. The following methods are used for this:

  1. pharmaceutical preparations;
  2. massotherapy;
  3. cosmetical tools;
  4. exercises.

What can modern pharmaceuticals offer against such a problem as unsightly stretch marks on the chest? As a rule, these are gels for external use. They should not be confused with conventional cosmetics - the active ingredients in these preparations are selected very carefully and are several times more effective. The price is correspondingly higher too.

The popular ointment for resolving scars and postoperative sutures, Contratubex, has proven itself well. The components of this product stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells and the natural production of collagen. But to get results, you need to use the ointment daily for at least three months.


The advantage is that this drug is suitable for pregnant and lactating women; it is not absorbed through skin cells into the blood and cannot harm the child. The only warning is not to apply the product to the nipple and the area around it.

Mederma gel can be used as an analogue; its effect on epidermal tissue is almost the same. We need to thank the technologists of the German pharmaceutical company Merz Pharma for such a gift. And, of course, it’s worth purchasing vitamins - for example AEvit. They can be taken orally, or you can use capsules to lubricate the skin of the chest. If you take vitamins internally, not only the condition of your breasts will improve, but also your facial skin, hair and nails.

Breast massage against stretch marks

Massage is generally an irreplaceable procedure for every woman. Even if there are no visible problems with health and appearance, all cosmetologists and doctors unanimously recommend doing it for prevention and maintaining tone at least once a week. During a massage the following happens:

  1. blood circulation is stimulated, cells receive more oxygen and nutrients;
  2. the outflow of lymph, which accumulates unevenly between skin cells, accelerates;
  3. muscles are tightened and toned.

The effect of the massage will be enhanced by special oil against stretch marks. But if this is not the case, then you can use wheat germ oil, peach, orange, almond or just olive oil. The massage must be performed very carefully, without excessively squeezing the chest.


At home, for self-massage it is better to use Taoist technique. The chest is grasped from below with the palm, after which nine rotational movements are performed from the shoulder to the center of the body. Then the chest is covered with the palm and lightly pressed. The massage ends with clockwise stroking. When doing a massage, it is important to breathe deeply and evenly. It is better to entrust manual massage to a specialist: if it is performed incorrectly, you can overstretch the skin and even provoke the development of mastopathy, especially if there is a hormonal imbalance.

Cosmetical tools

Finding lotions, gels and creams against stretch marks on the chest in cosmetics stores and pharmacies today is not a problem at all - the problem is choosing a really good one. Which one is better? You need to pay attention to the composition of the product. It’s good if it contains:

  1. vegetable oils – shea butter, jojoba, olive, coconut, shea nut;
  2. extracts of medicinal plants - agave, chamomile, calendula, nettle;
  3. kelp extract – seaweed;
  4. vitamins B5, A, E;
  5. Hydroxyproline is a substance that stimulates the production of collagen and elastane.


It’s better not to waste money and buy quality products from a good manufacturer - for example, Lirac, Vichy, Sanosan, Mama Comfort.
Although many people highly praise the anti-stretch mark series from Avon. Everyone decides for themselves how much they are willing to spend on the beauty of their breasts.

You can make seaweed wraps - dry kelp is sold in pharmacies. Immediately after the shower, gently rub your breasts with a soft towel, then apply anti-stretch mark oil and apply steamed seaweed. Cover the chest with plastic, wrap it warmly and leave for an hour.

Exercises for stretch marks on the chest

It is not necessary to visit a fitness center to make your breasts beautiful and firm. You can perform the minimum complex, which will also be very useful, at home:

  1. You need to stand facing the wall, rest your hands on it and perform 10 pushing movements.
  2. Then sit on a chair, raise your arms and join your palms at chest level. Squeeze them forcefully for five seconds ten times.
  3. Now you should straighten up, lower your arms and try to squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Hold for a few seconds, relax, repeat ten times.

You can do this kind of exercise every day, even during a break at your workplace - chest training will take no more than five minutes.

Modern hardware techniques for removing stretch marks

There are ladies who are not ready to do exercises and lubricate their breasts with various products every day. They don’t want to wait either, and therefore they are looking for radical methods to restore beautiful breast skin. Modern hardware cosmetology offers the following options:

  1. Radio wave therapy. The breasts are exposed to high-frequency pulses, they penetrate the skin tissue and cause the relaxed collagen fibers to curl again. As a result, the tissues are tightened and stretch marks are smoothed out. To obtain visible results, you will need at least three sessions.
  2. Microcurrent influence. The principle is approximately the same. The skin cells are exposed to a small current, due to which all processes are accelerated, the cells are rejuvenated and restored faster. To enhance the effect, before starting the procedure, apply a little or a vitamin complex against stretch marks to the skin.
  3. Laser grinding. The most radical method of removing stretch marks on the chest. Problem areas of the skin are treated with a laser beam - microdamage occurs, reminiscent of a burn. In response, the body begins to intensively produce collagen, stretch marks are filled with healthy tissue and smoothed out.
  4. Introduction of an oxygen-ozone cocktail under the skin. Injections stimulate fat metabolism and destroy fibrous formations, at the same time improving blood circulation in the tissues. To get results, you will need at least 8 procedures.
  5. Microdermabrasion – eliminates even old stretch marks forever. The top layer of skin is polished mechanically using a special apparatus and attachments.
  6. Mesotherapy. The procedure involves injecting a mixture of vitamins and hyaluronic acid under the skin on the chest. Injections activate metabolic processes in the skin tissue, and after just three sessions it becomes smoother, firmer and tighter.
  7. Chemical peeling. In this case, an acidic preparation is applied to the skin, burning the upper layer of the epidermis. After some time, it peels off and new skin appears underneath - young, beautiful and elastic.

When choosing a radical method of dealing with stretch marks, you should rely not on the cost of the procedure or on the advice of friends, but solely on the doctor’s recommendations. All procedures have their contraindications and side effects and require preparation and a recovery period. The cost of a course of treatment for stretch marks will depend on your region, the type of procedure and the required number of sessions.

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