Natural face creams rating

Women who care about the beauty and youth of their skin are, of course, interested in tracking the rating of natural face creams, because natural ingredients in the composition of the products are always a plus. How many representatives of cosmetic products can boast of an absolutely safe composition? And what is better to choose – a product containing the latest developments from chemical laboratories or rely on Mother Nature? This question can only be answered by first studying the main advantages of natural cosmetics.

What are the advantages of natural face creams?

And yet - which face cream is better - one that includes innovative components or one that consists entirely of natural, natural ingredients? Of course, the skin of Russian shoppers is accustomed to purchased products. Typically, such facial products have a catchy name, are widely advertised on TV screens, and are much easier to get. The price for such compositions is usually not high, as they say - go to any store and take it from the shelves in the cosmetics department. Nevertheless, natural-based creams have their own charm, and most importantly, invaluable benefits. Thus, natural compositions have a number of advantages over industrial ones:

  1. This product is not addictive to the skin.
  2. The natural cream does not contain hormones, which can be found in abundance in store-bought analogues. By the way, this does not make the natural product any less effective.
  3. Minimal amount or complete absence of preservatives. For this reason, the natural product will not provoke an allergic reaction.
  4. There is always the opportunity to choose products based on the type of dermis. And be sure that the composition contains all the necessary ingredients.
  5. Short shelf life. Some will consider this point more of a disadvantage than an advantage, because buying a new portion of the product after 3-4 months is quite problematic. And such a cream should only be stored in the refrigerator (which also indicates its naturalness). Nevertheless, it is difficult to talk about the benefits of a product that is allowed to be stored for 6-12 months. In this matter, everyone decides for themselves.
  6. Efficiency. Natural components of the compositions provide the most positive effect on the skin. Most customers note that with the systematic use of such products, the face looks much better - irritation and age spots disappear, and a healthy glow appears.

By the way, you can prepare natural cream at home:

The best anti-aging creams

Alas, the years are cruel to absolutely any skin. However, this does not mean at all that you need to resign yourself and meekly wait for old age with its wrinkles and folds. On the contrary, the modern cosmetic industry has created many products to prevent signs of skin aging. A natural-based face cream is the main assistant for ladies who do not want to fade. The most effective anti-aging creams are:

Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol. A wonderful cream that slows down the aging process of the face. In its composition there was a place exclusively for natural ingredients. The product has the ability to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis. Approximate cost: 1800-2000 rubles.

Intensive Rebuilding by Prescriptives. Significantly reduces expression wrinkles and smoothes the skin. The cream does not add an oily shine to the face and is suitable for any type of dermis. The price of the composition is quite high - it can reach 4,500 rubles.

"Anti-aging transformative care" Garnier. The cream contains an impressive list of ingredients that help fight skin aging. Additionally, the product deeply moisturizes the skin and saturates it with beneficial substances. The product costs about 500 rubles.

AOX Complete Rejuvenating Care, Payot. The product is ideal for women who have crossed the 40-year mark. The cream copes wonderfully with the signs of skin aging. Its use allows you to tighten the oval of the face, eliminate wrinkles and age spots. The product is classified as expensive and can cost more than 5,000 rubles.

The best moisturizers

The rating of the most effective face creams is presented by products of the following brands:

"Ideal Skin" from "Clean Line". A budget-friendly but at the same time effective natural facial moisturizer from a Russian manufacturer will help you get complete hydration. The product saturates the skin with vitamins and helps maintain normal water balance. Natural components in the composition prevent skin flaking, making it more youthful and beautiful. Prices in cosmetic stores start from 150 rubles.

Oriflame "Swedish SPA salon". Vitamin E and malachite in the composition have a protective and moisturizing effect on the skin. The product renews the dermis during the day and restores it at night. Estimated cost: 250 rubles.

Shiseido Skincare Multi-Energizing Cream. Does an excellent job of moisturizing and toning the skin. A whole complex of useful substances in the composition is an ideal solution for dull and dehydrated skin. Approximate price of the cream: 2500 rubles.

Clarins Eclat du Jour. Day moisturizing face cream. Evens out the color and structure of the epithelium. The product is well distributed over the surface of the skin, is perfectly absorbed and penetrates deep into the layers of the dermis. Purchasing the product will cost approximately 1,200 rubles.

The best products for problem skin

What is the safest cream for a face already prone to various rashes, irritations and redness? Of course, this is a natural-based cream. The following brands best understand the problems of capricious skin:

Artistry from Amway. A good face cream that acts mainly in the upper layers of the dermis, allowing the skin to renew itself faster. The product is ideal for combating minor dermal problems - acne, blackheads, pimples, relieves redness, and eliminates the effects of allergies. Has additional protective properties. Estimated cost – 1100 rubles.

Mon Platin by DSM. The product is unique in its composition - it contains almost all the necessary components. The cream strengthens the skin's immunity and also helps eliminate irritation and inflammation. Costs approximately 700 rubles.

Normaderm from Vichy. An excellent solution for young, acne-prone skin. The product tightens pores, eliminates blackheads, redness and oily shine. The cream does not clog pores, but on the contrary, cleanses them. Regular use of Normaderm makes the skin even, clean, smooth and toned. The cost of one tube starts from 1200 rubles.

Cicaplast Baume B5. La RochePosay. An excellent product for hypersensitive and irritation-prone skin. Has a powerful antibacterial effect. The cream has a light texture and is perfectly absorbed. After using this composition, the skin becomes clean and protected. Purchasing the product will cost approximately 300 rubles.

The best nourishing creams

What are the best face creams in terms of skin nutrition? According to the majority of customers, the following companies have proven themselves to be the best:

“Nutritious cream” from Nivea. It occupies one of the leading places in the list of budget facial products. In terms of efficiency, it is in no way inferior to expensive analogues. The main plus of the product is its mild effect, for this reason it is suitable even for hypersensitive dermis. Perfectly nourishes the skin, in very rare cases it causes irritation. The product will cost only 170 rubles upon purchase.

La Roche-Posay Hydraphase. Provides 2 important functions for the skin - hydration and nutrition. Does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe freely. Eliminates peeling and redness, makes the skin soft, gives it tone. You will have to pay about 1,400 rubles for the cream.

L'Occitane Ultra Rich. It acts in the deep layers of the dermis, simultaneously softening and moisturizing it. Additionally, it combats peeling and eliminates microdamage to the skin. Approximate cost: 2500 rubles.

Multi-Hydratante by Clarins. The high cost of the cream is justified by the amazing effect of its use. Highly effective components in the product nourish the skin, eliminate imperfections and eliminate the main signs of aging. The price of the cream varies from 3200 to 3500 rubles.

Natural face creams are a real find for lovers of high-quality and effective cosmetics. Such products have a wonderful effect on any skin, but are especially relevant for age-related and problematic dermis. The price range of formulations is very wide, which allows you to choose a product for every taste and budget.


The trend for a healthy lifestyle has forced women to take a fresh look not only at nutrition, but also at cosmetics. Nobody wants to put a mixture of glycerin and chemicals on their face anymore - we look for mentions of natural ingredients on the packaging. Natural face cream works much more effectively than usual.





The world's very first face cream, which was created in ancient times, was made exclusively from natural ingredients. It contained beeswax, spermaceti, cold cream, almond oil and pure water. Such a wonderful composition was effective, but ancient women did not have the happiness of storing it for months in a convenient plastic tube.

Even the most expensive factory-made cream today cannot be called 100% natural. It contains various chemicals that are needed to give the drug texture, stable consistency, pleasant odor and color. So the “naturalness” of modern cosmetics is very conditional.

According to statistics, of all the creams produced in the world, only 10% of the products contain at least some truly natural ingredients. Often, all kinds of “extracts”, “extracts”, “oils” are not taken from plants, but are synthesized chemically. They are completely harmless, and their effects are identical to natural ones, but the fact remains: they can hardly be called “natural”.

It is generally accepted to call “natural” cosmetics from well-known pharmacy brands or those companies that specialize in producing products with natural ingredients. In addition, today eco-cosmetics are gaining momentum - often unattractive in appearance, but created without chemical components.



How to find out whether cosmetics are natural or not

When choosing, pay attention to the product labeling. Green icons with the words ECO, BIO, etc. are most often ordinary designs invented by the manufacturer. Real natural product certificates are issued by only a few organizations. Not every cream has such an icon, but if it does, it’s a real certificate of authenticity of the ingredients.

Each tube of a cosmetic product can contain 100% natural ingredients, or it can contain 5, 10 or any other amount. You need to carefully study the composition. Cheap, and therefore unnatural, cosmetics contain:

  1. silicones. All ingredients that end in –cone. Dimethicone, etc.;
  2. mineral oils and paraffins. This also includes Vaseline. These are petroleum products;
  3. parabens. All components that end in –paraben;
  4. harmful preservatives. Anything that ends in –amine, or with the prefix PEG.

And although this is far from a complete list of “chemicals” in cosmetics, first you should “look” for these exact names of components on the packaging.

When buying a cream, pay attention to how the product is advertised. As a rule, if it is written in large letters on the box that it “does not contain silicones and parabens,” most likely the manufacturer is silent about the fact that other dangerous substances are present in the composition.

Watch the expert's thoughts on the composition of false natural creams in the following video.

Sometimes it happens that the manufacturer writes a list of “active ingredients” on the packaging. It lists all the best things that are inside. But this is not the complete composition of the cream - this is one of the ways to hide the presence of those very undesirable substances in the recipe. In this case, you will have to find a complete list of ingredients on the website or in the attached annotation.

Daily quality care is necessary for the skin at any age. Up to a certain point, the main methods of maintaining health and beauty are daily cleansing and moisturizing, but after 25 years, the skin needs more. Of course, at twenty-five, age-related changes are not yet visually noticeable, but metabolic and regenerative processes in the cells of the dermis are already slowing down, and additional hydration and protection from aggressive external factors will help delay the withering of the skin and the appearance of the first signs of aging. Which face cream should you choose to ensure proper care? We studied and analyzed reviews from girls and cosmetologists and compiled a rating of creams for skin care after 25 years.

Facial cosmetics are represented by a huge assortment. When compiling our rating of face creams for people under 30, we divided cosmetic products into two groups. The first includes creams that are sold only through the pharmacy chain. The second is represented by products from various cosmetic brands. Which face cream to choose is up to you. But we advise you to first pay attention to day care products - at 25 this is enough. Cosmetologists recommend switching to night nutrition, hydration and restoration a little later - after 30 years.

We recommend

Rating #1 #2 #3
Name Goji cream “GOJI CREAM” BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect Botox Active Expert Cream Mask
Unobtrusive aroma
Pleasant consistency Effectively eliminate irritation

Goji cream “GOJI CREAM”

Clinically proven: Goji Cream stops the aging process of cells and normalizes its functioning. A wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as BETAINE in the cream form a heavy molecule that allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin to make the effects of Goji Cream as effective as possible.

  1. In 97 out of 100 subjects, the result was noticeable after the first use. In 93%, fine and shallow wrinkles disappeared after 10 days of using the mask Continues to work actively for 24 hours from the moment of application
  1. Mail delivery

Botox Active Expert Cream Mask

The active component of the BOTOX mask allows you to restore the connective tissue of the epidermis and improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Unfortunately, with age, the body’s recovery processes slow down, so the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask is the most effective means for maintaining the tone of the skin of the face and neck, it helps fight expression lines and age-related changes; when used over a course, the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and restores collagen reserves, smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles.

  1. Result after 1 application 100% natural ingredients Replaces salon procedures
  1. Not found

BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect

BotoMax cream spray is a new generation rejuvenating spray, the secret of which lies in the healing effect of a special composition “like Botox” on the skin of the face. Using BotoMax twice a day neutralizes the aggressive effects of harmful factors that cause premature aging and smoothes out wrinkles like Botox. Due to the active supply of oxygen and under the influence of substances analogous to Botox, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is completely restored.

  1. restores skin firmness and elasticity only natural ingredients deep wrinkles are reduced by 27% per month
  1. Mail delivery

The best pharmacy face creams

As the name implies, the products of this group are sold only through the pharmacy chain, represented by the brands Vichy, Avene, La Roche-Posay, Kora, Lierac, Nuxe, RoC, Uriage.


The production of creams is based on the latest developments not only in the cosmetology industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry. The creams have a balanced and strictly verified composition. The components are contained in high doses (maximum permissible), interacting with each other, have a powerful therapeutic effect. In the manufacture of products, the highest quality and harmless preservatives, fragrances, stabilizers and emulsifiers are used.

The drugs in this group do not have a masking, but a therapeutic effect. They can be used both in the care of healthy skin and to eliminate certain problems - increased oiliness or excessive dryness of the skin, pigmentation, acne, rosacea and others.


Many (but not all) pharmacy brands use synthetic ingredients of non-natural origin in the production of creams. Due to their high molecular weight, they do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and act primarily in the superficial tissues of the skin.

Rating of the best pharmacy face creams

Rating #1 #2 #3
Name Vichy Aqualia Thermal Riche Lierac Hydragenist Moisturizing Cream Avene Hydrance Optimale UV legere SPF 20
Unobtrusive aroma
Pleasant consistency Effectively eliminates irritation, rosacea and other skin problems Package design Complex action

Avene Hydrance Optimale UV legere SPF 20

A universal moisturizing protective cream for normal, combination and sensitive skin. Contains thermal water, glycerin, tocopheryl and sebum-regulating components. Perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, protects against ultraviolet radiation, preventing premature aging, and gives a matte finish. Sebum-regulating components normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and thermal water perfectly soothes even sensitive skin. For dry and dehydrated skin there is a separate version of the cream, more saturated with moisturizing components (instead of “UV Legere” it is marked “Riche”).

  1. Moisturizes and softens, while mattifying and preventing the appearance of oily shine. Very light consistency, more like an emulsion. The cream is absorbed very quickly. Fresh, light aroma. The cream is universal - can be used in the morning and before bed. Is an excellent base for makeup. Does not clog pores, does not cause comedones. Contains SPF protection and tinosorb, which protects against radioactive beta radiation. Contains no alcohol.
  1. For some girls, moisturizing is not enough; the effect lasts a maximum of 4 hours. Also, a weak moisturizing effect is noted in the cold season. The composition contains polymers that visually improve the condition of the skin, creating the illusion of effectiveness. Not an economical expense.

La Roche-Posay Hydraphase Intense Legere SPF 20

Moisturizing protective day face cream based on fragmented hyaluronic acid is suitable for owners of sensitive and dehydrated skin of normal and combination types. The cream perfectly moisturizes, gives a feeling of freshness and comfort, without overloading the skin. A system of super active sun filters prevents skin damage from daily exposure to sunlight.

  1. Actively moisturizes and retains moisture in the skin. Mattifies and does not leave a greasy sheen. Does not cause comedones. Light consistency and pleasant texture, absorbed instantly. It is economically consumed due to its consistency and the presence of a convenient dispenser. Unobtrusive aroma.
  1. Chemical composition (synthetic oil, stearate and others). Short-term effect - moisturizes while you use it. After stopping use, your skin may become drier than before. High price.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Riche

The best day cream for dry and dehydrated skin with a rich moisturizing formula: thermal water - has a calming and regenerating effect, improves intercellular water exchange, saturates with minerals; aquabioril in combination with hyaluronic acid – saturate the skin with moisture; carrageenan - restores the protective barrier of the epidermis, maintaining the desired level of hydration for a long time.

  1. Intensively and long-lastingly moisturizes, gives the skin a fresh look. Does not contain parabens. It has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, and does not clump.
  1. Does not contain sun filters. It is not completely absorbed and leaves a shine on oily and combination skin. It has a not very pleasant smell.

Nuxe Prodigiense Enrichie

An enriched day face cream designed to care for dry skin, effectively moisturizes and eliminates signs of fatigue. Thanks to the presence of powerful natural antioxidants in the cream, the skin remains protected from oxidative stress throughout the day. Contains plant extracts of blue ageratum, cocoa, immortelle, sweet almond vegetable oil and mineral powder.

  1. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, evens out tone, optically removes fine wrinkles. There are no parabens in the composition.
  1. More suitable for autumn and winter, but not for summer. Not everyone has enough hydration. Contains no SPF. The texture is dense and creates a sticky feeling after application. A pungent, intrusive odor.

Lierac Hydragenist Moisturizing Cream

Universal moisturizing oxygen cream for dry and very dry, weakened, dull skin. A patented formula of biometric oxygen and hyaluronic acid provides intense hydration and saturation of cells with oxygen, which helps maintain skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Gardenia, jasmine and rose extracts retain moisture in cells and eliminate the feeling of dryness and discomfort.

  1. Moisturizes and mattifies the skin, makes it smooth, gives a fresh look. Pleasant consistency, not very thick. The cream spreads well over the skin. Has a pleasant smell. Economically used.
  1. For some girls, the texture of the cream is too thick and rolls off when applied. According to users, the price is too high.

The best cosmetic face creams

Cosmetology products are conventionally divided into several classes. These are elite cosmetics (“Lux”), middle-class products (“Middle-Market”) and products for mass consumption (“Mass-Market”).


Cosmetics, unlike pharmaceutical creams, contain predominantly natural ingredients obtained from plant materials (their highest concentrations are found in luxury cosmetics). Such drugs are usually well tolerated and do not cause allergies or addiction.

Cosmetic products are available to everyone, as they are presented in various price categories - from elite expensive creams to budget mass market products. Everyone can choose a remedy based on their financial capabilities. Middle-class and mass-market creams are several times cheaper than elite and pharmacy products.


Cosmetic products are intended primarily for the care of healthy skin, and they do not solve serious dermatological problems; they only mask them for the period of use of the product. In creams in the cheaper price segment, the content of useful components is low; parabens, mineral oils and other substances harmful to the skin may be present.

Rating of the best facial cosmetics

Rating #1 #2 #3
Name Garnier Skin Naturales Youthful Glow Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm Soin Hydratant Apaisant Anti-Stress Clarins Crème Eclat du Jour Daily Energizer Cream
Unobtrusive aroma
Pleasant consistency Quick results Package design Complex action

Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm Soin Hydratant Apaisant Anti-Stress

According to many women, this is the best cream for moisturizing, toning and sun protection. Suitable for all types, including sensitive skin. The herbal complex included in the cream instantly saturates the skin with moisture, soothes, and evens out the tone. Extracts of French rose and peony tone and refresh the skin. Hyaluronic acid in combination with Lipidur microcapsules has a rejuvenating effect, smoothing the skin in areas of wrinkles.

  1. Provides long-lasting hydration, removes signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. Removes peeling and minor inflammation. Quickly absorbed thanks to its light texture. It has a subtle, pleasant aroma.
  1. High price. Lack of UV protection.

Clarins Crème Eclat du Jour Daily Energizer Cream

Another worthy representative of luxury cosmetic products. The active components of the cream provide complete care for normal and dry skin after 25 years. Vitamin C in combination with turmeric and mantle extracts evens out the tone and eliminates minor imperfections; ginkgo biloba leaf extract activates blood circulation in the skin tissues. The cream perfectly moisturizes, suitable for dry and normal skin types.

  1. Moisturizes and gives the skin a fresh look. The consistency is quite thick, and the cream spreads easily over the skin, is well absorbed, and does not leave a sticky film. Doesn't clog pores. Universal - can be used in winter and summer, morning and evening. Used economically. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent.
  1. For dry skin types, moisturizing is not enough. Not suitable as a base for makeup. Some users found the cream to be heavy in texture. High price.

Lumene Valo Light SPF 15

A good face cream is suitable for those with dry skin. It intensively nourishes, maintains skin firmness and elasticity, evens out tone and protects the skin from aggressive environmental factors. The effect of the cream is due to the presence of Arctic cloudberry extract (the leader in vitamin E content), vitamins B5 and C.

  1. Moisturizes the skin well. The texture is delicate, the cream spreads easily, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a greasy film. Light, unobtrusive aroma.
  1. Unnatural composition, presence of components toxic to the skin. High price.

Loreal "Trio active Ultra-hydration"

One of the available face creams after 25 years is available separately for dry/sensitive and normal/combination skin. The active components of the product are ceramides, vitamin B5 and glycerin, which provide hydration for 24 hours. Vitamin E and ultraviolet filters protect the skin from aggressive external influences. The cream for dry skin additionally contains saturated fatty acids, which provide additional hydration.

  1. Has a moisturizing, nourishing and tonic effect. It has a light texture, spreads well, and is quickly absorbed. Does not leave a film or greasy shine. Has a pleasant aroma. Low price.
  1. Not all women notice the moisturizing effect. Moisturizing in winter is not enough; cream is more suitable for summer. It clogs pores and prevents the skin from breathing. Rolls down.

Garnier Skin Naturales "Youthful Glow"

Day cream “25+”, containing caffeine and herbal ingredients, is suitable for any skin type. The active components of the product activate metabolic processes in cells, help maintain skin elasticity, protect against aggressive external factors, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Well moisturizes and refreshes the skin. Light consistency, the cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky film or greasy shine. Affordable price.
  1. Not a natural composition, contains alcohol. May cause redness of the skin, not suitable for sensitive skin. Strong smell.


The best face creams after 25 years are the ones that work. And their effectiveness is determined not by price and brand name, but by composition. Of course, the needs of each girl’s skin are individual, so it is impossible to accurately answer the question of which cream is better. The product must be selected taking into account the skin type and its characteristics, as well as the problems that the product should solve. However, there are active ingredients that, according to cosmetologists, bring the most benefits at this age, providing the skin with the necessary hydration and protection. This:

  1. vitamins A, E, C, bioflavonoids - are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals and slow down the aging process;
  2. allantoin – has a moisturizing and soothing effect;
  3. panthenol – moisturizes, protects from aggressive sun rays;
  4. bisobolol – softens, eliminates inflammation;
  5. azulene – a soothing, healing and nourishing component obtained from plant materials;
  6. lactic acid – exfoliant (exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis), natural moisturizer;
  7. salicylic acid – effectively cleanses pores and helps fight acne, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  8. hyaluronic acid – moisturizes, prevents moisture loss from cells;
  9. sorbitol – enhances the moisturizing properties of other components;
  10. sun protection factors (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone) – it is desirable that the protection is at least SPF-15.

It is important to pay attention to excipients. Good cosmetics should not contain formaldehyde - harmful components that destroy the skin, and parabens (in extreme cases, their content should not exceed 0.3%). You shouldn’t expect any beneficial effects from mineral oils and glucols either, so it’s better to have as little of them in the cream as possible, or not at all.

We have highlighted only a few popular and high-quality brands of creams. But there are many more cosmetic products. It’s up to you to decide which cosmetics for facial care will be the best option. It all depends on the type of skin, its characteristics and vagaries. Dry skin needs maximum hydration, and a product for oily skin should normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and have a mattifying effect. To care for healthy skin, you can choose a good cosmetic day face cream. If you have sufficient financial resources, it is better to give preference to luxury cosmetics; if not, budget category products are quite suitable. If your skin is problematic, prone to rashes, pigmentation or peeling, it is better to choose the appropriate pharmacy cream with the help of a cosmetologist.