Evening makeup for a red dress

At special events you always want to be your best self. A woman who is ready to be the brightest at the celebration can choose a scarlet or red outfit. To do this, you need to be decisive, since a woman in such a dress will certainly attract attention. To enhance the effect, you need to choose the right accessories and makeup. When the jewelry has already been chosen, the final touch is needed - thoughtful makeup.


First you need to remember which colors emphasize red, and which, on the contrary, reduce its brightness. The selection of colors depends on the color type, but some shades suit everyone equally well. For example, orange or pink lipstick on the lips will add sexiness. The same effect can be achieved with coral lipstick. In addition, you can take beige, pastel and vanilla colors.

More daring and confident girls use gradient lipsticks from black to red and bright scarlet ones in their lip makeup, which repeat the color of the outfit. It is desirable that the color of the lipstick matches the color of the dress (although this does not apply to all color types) or is more saturated, but not too bright.

Pearlescent lipsticks and lip glosses are not suitable for the look; it is better to choose matte shades.

Not all women prefer lipstick when applying makeup. They can choose lip gloss to go with a red dress. Its shade can be pink, brown (this color is unacceptable for lipsticks in this makeup), red. It is in this makeup, like no other, that you need to choose what the emphasis will be on: on the lips or on the eyes. Often this choice depends on the color type that a woman considers herself to be.

Exceptions when choosing an accent are makeup in nude tones, but you should be careful with them, as they will not suit every red dress.

Legendary make up

The legendary beauty Marilyn Monroe loved the color red. Thanks to him, men fell at her feet. Modern women can also use the tricks of a movie star.

For makeup under Marilyn Monroe, light beige, white and silver shades of shadows are suitable. This makeup is universal, it will suit all women, regardless of hair color and color type. It suits blondes best, but Monroe's makeup will be spectacular on brunettes and redheads.

  1. Girls whose color type is Winter, black shadows are suitable, for the rest - light pink and pearlescent. To do the right makeup a la Marilyn Monroe, you need to carefully but gently powder your eyelids. You need to apply light shadows on them. Depending on the wishes and the celebration ahead, the shadows can be taken white. Silver shades will be no less successful in this case.
  2. The next step is to apply black eyeliner. With its help you need to draw arrows in a retro style to enlarge your eyes. This arrow has a thin base and a wide end.
  3. After applying mascara you should move on to eyebrow makeup. The color should not be too dark and radically different from natural, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar.
  4. For lip makeup you will need a pencil and scarlet lipstick. You need to work on your lips carefully to give them drama. The last stage of makeup for Marilyn will be working with the cheeks.
  5. Apply light blush to your cheekbones. Without them, your face may look flat, and this will spoil the impression of a bright dress.

How to do makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe, see the video below.

Red dresses come in different colors to suit different occasions. Therefore, one cannot ignore the specifics of the event when applying makeup. First of all, you need to distinguish between evening and daytime makeup. The first will emphasize the girl’s confidence, and the second will be her companion on weekdays.

Most often, a red dress is chosen for events that are held in the evening, although during the day a girl in red can look stunning. Makeup for a red dress will suit everyone: blondes, fair-haired, redheads, brunettes (the red-black combination always attracts attention first). But it will look good if you apply it responsibly, because a bright outfit will certainly attract the attention of others.

Girls often choose a red dress for prom. The hairstyle for this outfit should not be complicated. Often women choose loose and slightly curled hair for a red outfit, without making complex hairstyles.


Bright girls who choose a red dress should focus either on their lips or on their eyes. For evening makeup, make-up in the “smoky eye” style is best suited. Women of the Winter color type can do it in smoky gray tones, the rest - in classic shades.

Fair-skinned girls will look brighter if they focus on their lips. This kind of makeup is often chosen to go with a red dress. Sexy scarlet lips on girls with porcelain skin should perfectly match their nails. Manicure in this case requires a special approach.

Girls with full lips should beware of such makeup, it may not suit them. If you still want to focus on the lips, the choice should be made in favor of desaturated and soft shades of lipstick. With this makeup, the eyes should be emphasized with eyeliner. If the choice falls on shadows, then they should be gold or silver with glitter.

Mascara should not be applied too thickly. For any skin type, shimmering powder will look spectacular in evening makeup.

Girls with different hair colors should also have different make-up. The first stage of makeup is the same for everyone: you need to cleanse your facial skin, hide uneven skin imperfections and apply powder.

For dark-haired people

Brunettes will have the hardest time applying makeup for this outfit, since this type requires the most precision in strokes. If not only your hair is dark, but also your skin, then pink shades are contraindicated. They, in combination with a red dress, will enhance all the unevenness and give the skin an unpleasant pink color, which will look vulgar.

  1. Let's start with eye makeup, for which you will need shadows and a charcoal pencil. The colors of the shadows should be: white, gray and black. First we apply white ones, covering the entire eyelid with them. Next, we cover the skin with gray shadows near the eyebrows. As a result of this action, you should get a thin gray stripe or, in other words, a semi-oval.
  2. Next we take a charcoal pencil. It should be applied to the entire eyelid: both the lower and upper parts. This way the image will not look too harsh. Black shadows will add a soft look. We complete eye makeup for brunettes by applying voluminous black mascara.
  3. New make-up style, which is very popular, is best suited in this case. This ombre style. To make it, you will again need a black pencil. It should be applied to the contour so that the lips appear narrow. They may seem very dark, but this will not last long. Next, you need a lipstick of a suitable color, onto which you apply a pencil. The result should be a gradient that will seem very interesting to others. To add sensuality to the lips, add a drop of white lipstick to the center of the lips. The color used for ombre can be any, the main thing is that the pencil is darker, this will create a transition from one color to another.
  4. At the end of the makeup you need to emphasize your cheekbones. To do this, you will need to take peach or pink blush.

For blondes

Blondes with blue eyes will find it more difficult to match makeup to a red outfit, but using our advice they will cope with the task.

  1. Blonde eyesThose who decide to wear a red dress should be painted with pearlescent or blue-white shadows. The second layer of shadows should be taken from cool shades. They can be green or purple depending on the eye color. You can take a blue tint.
  2. Before applying mascara you should use eyeliner. It needs to be applied under the eyelashes. Strict black arrows will only spoil the face of a woman with blond hair.
  3. To prevent makeup from coming out too bright, it should be muffled with lip makeup. They are coated with glitter in a delicate tone, such as pink or beige. You should be careful when choosing blush for a red outfit. Makeup artists recommend using salmon tones.

For fair-haired people

For girls with this shade of curls, “Smoky Eye” is ideal. It is important to remember that all makeup should be done in cool shades to perfectly highlight natural and natural beauty. Deliberately nude makeup can look impressive, but the chosen pastel colors can play a cruel joke and a girl with brown hair will look homely.

  1. As usual, the eyes are painted first. Apply a thick layer of gray shadow to the crease of the eyebrows. We complete the creation of the “smoky” effect with dark gray. It is important to ensure that it is not too noticeable. Using more than two shades of eyeshadow is not advisable.
  2. Graphite eyeliner will add expressiveness to the eyes. The peculiarity of this type of appearance is that pale skin and light eyes look too faded and the face needs to be given expressiveness.
  3. Lips with this makeup should be the only emphasis. Bright scarlet shades of lipsticks are perfect for fair-haired girls. Soft pink blush will help remove excessive pallor. But it is important not to overdo it, so that the face does not turn from noblely pale to unhealthy pinkish.

For redheads

A fiery beauty in a red dress is a win-win option to attract attention. But for the image to be truly beautiful, careful makeup is required. This is especially true for those girls who want to hide the freckles characteristic of redheads.

  1. Shadows should be chosen in a shade so that they are in harmony with the hair color. They can become brown and bronze. In some cases, beige ones look good. Coffee and chocolate shades will effectively highlight your eyes. The “smoky eye” effect made from gray-silver shades will look very sexy. Redheads should stop using eyeliner in their makeup.
  2. Black mascara can spoil the impression depending on the color of your eyes, so you should choose a shade that is brown and closer to your hair color. The color of the lipstick should not match the color of the dress, although they should overlap. It is important to remember that lips are not the main focus. They only emphasize the beauty of the outfit.

How to choose cosmetics?

Girls who often use cosmetics know well what suits them, but evening makeup requires a special approach. You should not use thick foundation. In this case, the most successful choice would be a light BB cream. In addition, a proofreader will come to the rescue.

It is important that cosmetics are of good quality and do not cause allergies. To avoid this, you need to check how it interacts with the skin in advance. After all, few people would be happy about a sudden rash on the body a couple of hours before the holiday! It is important to get rid of excess facial hair a few days before the event, do hair removal and check the effects of cosmetics. To avoid inflammation, do not check immediately after hair removal.

For New Year's or wedding makeup, it is appropriate to use cosmetics with sparkles, for example, gold and silver shadows. But there is a danger of overdoing it and this effect is not always good for brown-haired women.

The selection of eye shadow should depend on the color of your eyes. So, for example, blue-eyed girls should give preference to white, gray, dark gray, black shadows. For greater effect, they can be combined, working on different areas of the eyelid with different colors and different brushes. The same applies to green-eyed girls.

In red, women with brown eyes will have effects if they choose light shadows. In addition, makeup with arrows extended towards the base will be successful for them.

A red dress is a bright element of a woman’s image. Makeup for a red dress should be chosen just perfectly. It shouldn't be too much or too little. It should be in moderation. We tell you how to achieve this in our article.

takes 3 minutes to read

Text: Makeup.ru editors June 10, 2017

When choosing makeup for a red dress, you should take into account the shade of the dress. There are a large number of shades of red: from warm almost orange colors to cold wine colors. Your outfit and makeup should be in harmony with each other, which is why it is so important to choose shades that match your color type. You can find out your color type here.

Classic red looks elegant with pale aristocratic skin. But thanks to the large number of shades of red, it will look good on dark skin and skin with pink undertones.

To apply makeup under a red dress, your skin must be perfect: an even complexion without redness, acne or pigmentation. We have already talked about products with SPF protection in this article.

First, the facial skin is cleansed and then moisturized. Afterwards, you can apply foundation using a brush or sponge. We have already talked about how to choose the right sponge for applying foundation in this article. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes can be eliminated with concealer. To set your makeup, buff your face with setting powder.

There are some eyeshadow colors that should not be used in an outfit with red clothing items. For example, these are all shades of blue, red, green, purple and other bright colors. The most optimal shades for a red dress will be nude shades: peach, sand, light brown and beige. Eyelashes must be painted with lengthening, voluminous mascara. It is acceptable to line the eyelash line with a black pencil or black liquid eyeliner.

For a more rocking look, you can go for a black smokey eye. We have already talked about how to do such makeup quickly and beautifully in this material.

Don't forget to work on your eyebrows: pluck out excess hairs and give them a beautiful shape. Tint with eyebrow pencil or shadow. Choose a natural shade that matches your hair roots for a natural-looking brow.

Every fashionista has at least one bright, catchy, extravagant outfit in her wardrobe. It can be any color, but the most popular is red - synonymous with determination, passion and an excellent basis for creating spectacular, memorable images. Scarlet, titian, burgundy, ruby ​​and a dozen other shades go well with various hairstyles and accessories. No less important is makeup for a red dress, when choosing which you should take into account many subtleties and nuances. A woman should take into account her age, hair color, skin type. The right combination of colors can favorably emphasize the shade of the dress, make the image moderately sexy, but not vulgar, and vice versa - a carelessly chosen lipstick will reduce the brightness of the red, negating all its beauty and richness.


Red is one of the brightest colors in the spectrum. But to make an image in scarlet tones look impressive, you need to use the right color combinations and additions. You can reduce the intensity and brightness of all shades of red by combining it with white or beige, brown, pearl gray, with metallic and wet asphalt colors. The following will also help highlight the beauty of your outfit:

  1. black;
  2. violet;
  3. orange or yellow (for beach summer sundresses, tunics);
  4. Navy blue.

The main criteria for choosing makeup for a red dress, this extravagant and bold outfit, are color type, shade of clothing, appropriateness. Brunettes and brown-haired women can use bright makeup. Blondes and redheads are better off choosing softer, muted tones.

If the dress has a very intense, saturated shade, for example, scarlet, experts do not recommend highlighting the lips, instead focusing on the eyes. On the contrary, rich lipstick or lip gloss and pastel shadows go well with clothes in calmer tones. To look spectacular in your favorite dress, you need:

  1. Even out skin tone and create a smooth texture using cream.
  2. Be sure to use blush so that your face does not look pale against the background of bright clothes.
  3. Choose a lipstick that matches the shade of the dress.
  4. Carefully work out the shape of the eyebrows.

You should not use a foundation that is too dark so as not to look older than your age, which is especially important for brunettes and brown-haired women. Very bright lipstick also visually ages and gives the image a touch of vulgarity.

How to choose makeup for a red dress

Features of makeup depend on the color of the eyes and hair, as well as on the situation. Makeup for weddings and proms should not be too intense to emphasize the youth of a schoolgirl or the tenderness of the newlywed. Decorative cosmetics for older ladies for special occasions, as well as for visiting the theatre, cafe, restaurant, may have a more saturated color scheme.

By hair color

When choosing make-up, you should take into account the shade of your hair, as well as its length and hairstyle. Very young girls with curls flowing over their shoulders should rely on soft pastel colors to create a gentle, romantic and feminine look. For an adult woman with a high hairstyle, brighter colors are suitable for the look of a fatal, sensual beauty. Professional makeup artists give the following recommendations:

  1. Makeup for red dresses for brunettes - peach powder, coral blush, bronze or silver shadows, ruby ​​lipstick (for special occasions you can use burgundy).
  2. Blonde ladies should focus on their eyes. Silver or dark gray smoky shadows, pale pink lipstick or pearlescent gloss, shimmering powder with particles that reflect light are suitable. Makeup for red dresses for blondes should be natural and feminine.
  3. Brown-haired women should choose olive or light brown eye shadow, light pink blush, caramel or wild berry-colored lipstick. It is important to emphasize the line of the eyebrows; if they are too light, darken them with the help of special shadows.
  4. Light brown hair will be emphasized by smoky bronze shades for the eyes, fuchsia lipstick or lilac lip gloss, beige-yellow tone and blush, which includes bronzer. Makeup for red dresses for brown hair should not be overly intense.
  5. For beauties with natural copper strands, pale skin and green eyes, choosing the right combination with a bright outfit is not easy. In this case, a red dress in tandem with fiery hair looks too catchy, so the makeup should be minimal. You should focus on the eyes and face, revitalizing pale skin with bronze-brown blush. Recommended color palette – dark marsh-colored shadows, coral lipstick or lip gloss.

There is a stereotype that red suits only brunettes, but a natural blonde can also look impressive in a scarlet outfit. All you need to do is complement your hairstyle with a bright accessory to match the dress: a decorative hair ribbon, a tiara or an artificial flower. Makeup for brunettes For fair-haired ladies For brown-haired women For fair-haired women For red-haired women

By eye color

Contrary to popular belief, a red dress doesn't only suit brown or black eyes. With the right makeup, blue-eyed beauties will also look great.

You should not get carried away with colored contact lenses, they can look vulgar and unnatural.

Experts give the following recommendations:

  1. brown eyes – red-brown color palette, which echoes the tone of the dress;
  2. green – olive or marsh eye makeup;
  3. blue - gray shadows with a purple or chocolate tint;
  4. gray – silver makeup, smokey ice.

Fatal beauties with black oriental eyes should not highlight their eyelids; it is better to focus on the lips and choose colorless mascara. Black eyelashes often look vulgar when combined with a scarlet outfit. If your skin is naturally dark, you shouldn’t apply blush, just to even out the tone. Brown eyes Green Blue Gray Black

evening make-up

Red dresses for special occasions are always very popular. Such outfits are often worn at prom. To look spectacular at the last school ball, you should rely on youth, naturalness, and romance. The main thing is to know how to choose makeup for a burgundy dress. To do this you can:

  1. choose a lipstick of a delicate but rich color, or give preference to pearlescent lip gloss with a shimmering effect;
  2. use golden (for brunettes) or silver (for blondes and fair-haired) eye shadows;
  3. apply flesh-pink powder to the skin to give the face a youthful and fresh look;
  4. refuse to use classic black mascara, replacing it with a colored one that matches your eyes.

Evening makeup under a bright red dress for older ladies can be more catchy and include a rich color scheme. Lipstick should be chosen to match, for example, wineberry, scarlet, pomegranate. Colored eyeliner and black mascara are actively used. For several years in a row, glitter and shadows with a shimmering effect have not gone out of fashion. However, if the style of the red dress is too revealing (for example, with a deep neckline or open back), it is better to refrain from mother-of-pearl and glitter on the face. Dark purple mascara looks good in combination with a bold outfit. For prom For young girls For adult ladies

A color scheme

You can use dark shadows in a duet with red lipstick only in evening makeup for special occasions. In all other cases, you should adhere to a simple rule - if your lips stand out brightly on your face, your eyes should look more modest, and vice versa. If a fashionista is wearing a red dress, it is especially important to follow this rule.

Lipstick color What shadows are suitable
Bright red, garnet, ruby Any makeup in natural shades. The arrows look good
All shades of pink Graphite, chocolate
Pale, muted colors Bright, brown-burgundy, dark gray
Pearlescent lip gloss Silver - this makeup for a red dress suits blondes

Those who love scarlet lipstick can be advised to create a “smoky ice” effect. To do this, you should use makeup in a gray or brown palette; olive shadows are suitable for brown-haired women and red-haired ladies with green eyes. Professional makeup artists recommend combining a “brilliant design” of the eyes with matte lipstick (lacquer gloss), and vice versa. An outfit in bright colors in itself attracts attention, so you should not overload the image with unnecessary decor in the form of sparkles - such makeup suits a red evening dress, but does not always match the situation.

Make up of eyes and lips should be combined with the color scheme of the manicure.

Tips from makeup artists

When choosing what makeup to go with a red dress, experts do not advise blindly repeating the trends of the season, but being guided by the characteristics of your own appearance. When creating an evening make-up, the hairstyle is also taken into account.

For makeup, it is important to choose products from well-known brands: they are quite expensive, but do not harm health and do not cause allergic reactions. To apply cosmetics correctly, you must:

  1. Completely clean and dry your face.
  2. Use base, primer and concealer.
  3. After this, highlight the eyebrows with special means.
  4. Apply shadows and mascara - by carefully blending the cosmetics with your fingertips, you can create a light hazy effect.
  5. Distribute powder blush over face using a large fluffy makeup brush. If desired, you can additionally apply highlighter.
  6. Cover your lips with suitable lipstick or gloss.

If you plan to place the main emphasis on your eyes, you need to paint them first, then it will be easier to decorate your lips in a more modest, muted color scheme. If a fashionista wants to visually emphasize her mouth, she needs to start makeup with it. This simple rule will help you avoid many common mistakes in applying makeup. Delicate everyday makeup under a red dress is appropriate even for a celebration - beautiful hair styling and suitable jewelry will add elegance to the look.

Experts divide all women into several types, depending on skin and hair color. Bright scarlet clothing is ideal for the “winter” type (dark hair with pale skin, like Snow White from the Disney cartoon). A warmer, brick-red shade is suitable for “summer” ladies, brown-haired women with dark or peach complexions.

Common Mistakes

There are situations when makeup does not match the event. It should be remembered that bright, dark lipstick in combination with rich shades of shadow is appropriate only in the evening, in a theater or restaurant. Also, you should not focus on your lips and eyes at the same time; if you want to make them equally bright, it is better to wear a more modest outfit instead of a seductive red one.

Glitter can only be used for special events (weddings, proms), carnivals, and New Year's corporate parties. During the day they look vulgar, so they can ruin the most feminine, romantic look. If you really want to shine, it is better to use a glossy rather than pearlescent sheen.

The hairstyle should match the image; it is better to first decide on it, and then choose makeup to match the red dress. Classic ponytails are not suitable for evening events; it is better to have a high “tower” on your head or a creative asymmetrical haircut. Beautifully braided braids are an ideal option for a very young girl going to a wedding or prom.

Red has many shades, each of them has its own make-up option. And to prevent a spectacular outfit from looking vulgar, you should not overuse saturated colors. Poorly chosen makeup and hairstyle to match a red dress
