Be healthy

“No pain” is a complex nutritional supplement (dietary supplement) for the prevention and treatment of diseases based on medicinal plants. It contains essential oils rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that help strengthen the immune system, improve tone and improve overall well-being. Research shows that regular use of No Pain, especially during cold season, helps reduce the risk of infection and prevent the development of complications in the early stages. It is recommended to take one tablet per day after meals with plenty of water. Duration of treatment is from two to four weeks. It is not a medicine; consultation with a doctor is recommended before use.

Be healthy. dietary supplement

Be healthy

Country of origin: Russia

Pharm group: dietary supplement - source of multivitamins and minerals

Manufacturer: Fora Pharm (Russia)

International is not listed in the register of medicinal products.

No pain is a combined natural phytocomplex, including five types of medicinal plants, for the restoration of organs and systems, as well as the regulation of the body’s immune system.

Shilajit, which is part of the complex, softens pathological changes in tissues, eliminates joint and muscle pain, pain in the spine, and has a general strengthening effect. It helps improve blood circulation in areas of inflammation and stimulate regeneration processes. An infusion of rose hips inhibits the growth of pathogens in any part of the human body: intestines, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen. The main properties of rose hips are due to the content of biologically active substances: vitamin C, citric acid, sugar, pectins, phytoncides, carotene, lycopene, carotenoids, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc., which allows it to be used in the treatment of various diseases. The combination of berries and meadowsweet roots increases their effect in the fight against pathological processes by almost 20 times. The use of these natural remedies together makes it possible to enhance the antibacterial, antiseptic, antipyretic, hemostatic, and expectorant effects. This combination of plants also allows you to obtain a metabolic stimulant that restores the body’s strength and relieves fatigue.

The registration certificate was issued already in the 2nd quarter of 2019. On April 5, 2119, a decision was made to resume production of the product.

be healthy