
nasopharyngitis, or acute pharyngitis - acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx. The disease is infectious-allergic in nature and is usually caused by a virus or bacterial infection. Thus, acute rhinopharyngitis with a predominant lesion of the nasal passages accounts for about 20% of all requests for medical help to otolaryngologists and more than half of the cases of treatment in the practice of a general practitioner.

A person can be contagious as early as a day before the symptoms of the disease appear, i.e. the carrier of the infection is potentially dangerous to the people around him. The pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets: a sick person secretes infected saliva and mucus when coughing and sneezing. Once in the nasal cavity, they infect the nasal mucosa and the epithelium covering it, causing further development of the disease. Rhinopharyngitis most often affects children in the first two years of life and people with a weakened immune system.

Rhinopharyngitis manifests itself with different symptoms depending on the type of infection causing it. At the same time, the general picture of the disease

Rhinopharyngitis is an infectious process in the tissues of the nasopharynx and pharynx caused by bacteria. This symptom develops against the background of a runny nose and sore throat. First, let's look at the constituent words.


RHO - movement through and forward


We point out that this inflammatory process is localized on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and is a concomitant symptom of respiratory pathology. Typically, this disease is accompanied by the release of large amounts of mucus, nasal congestion and soreness in the chest, neck, mouth and eye mucous membranes. As the disease progresses, the disease progresses. In addition, there is a decrease in concentration, impaired sensitivity to tastes, malaise and other symptoms. Statistics indicate that nasopharyngitis is considered one of the most common infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. To avoid the development of the disease, monitor your immunity. At the same time, the patient needs to be given rest, ensure sufficient drinking regime, a complete adequate diet and reduce the intensity of exposure to provoking factors, including tobacco smoke, acidic odor, etc. During the recovery period, medications and herbal medicine are prescribed. If necessary, a specialist can prescribe immunomodulatory and restorative therapy.