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Nebido is a medicinal product containing the active component testosterone and belongs to the pharmacological group of the male sex hormone testosterone and its analogues. This is a solution for intramuscular administration of a 2.5% suspension. Long-term treatment with the drug is carried out.

It has a wide spectrum of action; the main indication for use is diseases associated with a deficiency of male sex hormones. The medicine is prescribed in complex therapy: menopausal syndrome in male patients; male and female infertility; decreased potency and other erectile dysfunction; impotence; osteoporosis (decreased skeletal density, predisposition to bone fractures); fibroids (benign tumor of the smooth muscle cells of the uterus); premenstrual tension syndrome (a cycle of psycho-emotional disorders before menstruation characteristic of women). Contraindications and side effects of the drug Among the contraindications are the presence of prostate or breast cancer (some manufacturers position the test as “for men”, so it is not a contraindication), as well as prostatic hypertrophy with urination problems. Side effects may include: abnormal development of the prostate gland; prostate cancer; hirsutitis (increased hairiness in men), gynecomastia (impaired development of the mammary glands); frequent erectile excitation, anorexia, intestinal constipation; constipation; priapism, enuresis, excessive absorption of blood in the intestine; increased sweating; acne and others. Take Nebido for two weeks in a row, twice a week, then 14 days later for another week according to the same regimen. This course is repeated every three months. The effect is noticeable after eight months of use.