Nephrosclerosis Acute

Acute nephrosclerosis (n.acutum) is an irreversible thickening of the kidney tissue associated with the rapid progression of the sclerotic process. The key symptom is acute pain in the lower back. The rapid appearance of edema, hematuria, arterial hypertension and other symptoms is also possible. If severe symptoms are present, medical assistance will be provided immediately. Main

Nephrosclerosis (disease and syndrome as synonyms) is a process of kidney damage, manifested by irreversible changes in the parenchyma (nephrons, glomeruli, tubules), sclerosis and arteriosclerosis of the renal parenchyma and leading to functional failure of the kidney tissue. Nephritis is an inflammatory disease that affects both children and adults. Regarding kidney disease, people are afraid of inflammation, but they should be afraid of nephrosclerosis - the result of untimely and incorrect treatment of the inflammatory process in the kidneys. Otherwise, a person signs his own death sentence. The disease is certainly unpleasant, especially its complications. But you can last for a month. But the memory of kidney disease will remain for a long time. Since it is precisely at one of its stages, when there is no longer inflammation and the person seems to be on the mend, there is always a risk of developing complications. The saddest development of complications is most often nephrolithiasis and hypertension - kidney and vascular diseases. So, these diseases are often enough for the doctor to be forced to write in the medical record - “the patient needs care.”

In general, if you notice that despite treatment, your condition is only slightly improving, or even not changing at all, you need to be wary. Don't expect miracles - tests will show everything. And remember, jades are not a death sentence! People with kidney disease live full lives