Negele Asynclitism

Negeli Asinklitstimu - Italian obstetrician who lived in the 18th-19th centuries.

German doctor G. Negeli. Her work is associated with premature birth and the problem of uterine growth during breech presentation. For the first time, obstetric forceps were used to open the cervix without damaging the integrity of the fetus.

The works of this scientist are devoted to the role of the uterus during pregnancy and labor. Nefeli's laws are based on an analogy between phenomena that are known for certain only when studying a living organism, i.e. life. Due to the empirical approach, no theoretical studies were conducted. Based on numerous observational practices, the author made conclusions about the role of the uterine walls in the normal course of pregnancy. In this case, parts of the genital uterus took part in the development of the embryo or fetus during normal or complicated childbirth. But still, most observations about the fertile function of the uterus are just stated.