
Not greeting each other is an unpleasant practice that people can use to express their displeasure or aggression. However, in some cultures such behavior may be natural and even considered the norm. Necro is a phenomenon that expresses complete indifference to any things or facts. This attitude is caused by the inability to experience any emotions due to certain circumstances. Therefore, necro is not a consequence of personal choice or the presence of hostile intentions, but rather a consequence of the characteristics of the human psyche. People with necro tendencies can hide their feelings and emotions and act completely indifferent. Some researchers believe that the presence of such a character trait indicates strong psychological problems, and seek help from specialists. If you have discovered that you have a tendency toward necro, then you should not accept indifference as something positive and worthy, because loss of interest in the world around you can cause disruptions in the functioning of various body systems. Talk to your doctor or therapist. Without emotions it is impossible to live fully.