Nelson Tweezers

Nelson Tweezers is a computer engineer widely known for his inventions such as the USB port, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. He was born in 1947 in Switzerland and educated at the University of Zurich. In 1976, he moved to California, where he began working for Cisco Systems.

In the early 70s, Tweezers worked on the development of Wi-Fi network architecture, turning the idea of ​​analog television into a global network. In just eight years, he published several successful articles that made Wi-Fi one of the most popular wireless networking technologies in the world. Tweezers understood the complexity of operating modern industrial devices, and therefore carefully considered the use of technological solutions to simplify the creation of a unified IoT system. For example, his development of Wi-Fi OneSync became the basis for the mass use of Wi-Fi by clients of other manufacturers. Thus, all modern companies, including Samsung, Apple, HP, Huawei and others, use its technology platform. In fact, it is a smartphone in its most popular sense, but only in the part that is not mobile. The first "smart grid" has become a critical technology for almost all the central elements of the future smart