Nephropathy Bismuth

Bismuth nephropathy (NB)

Vismur nephropathy is a rare incurable chronic disease caused by copper poisoning. It can lead to severe consequences for the kidneys and the entire body, which is often the cause of death. Treatment for NB is to treat metal poisoning.

The disease was described relatively recently, in the mid-20th century, initially as “Pertinent Paralytic Agitans nephropathy” or nephritic syndrome (NS) in adults in Australia. However, it can be traced back to 1802 in the USA and later in England.

Nephrovascular nephropathy Etiology and pathogenesis Nephropathy, caused by the accumulation of X-ray positive substances inside the walls of the renal vessels, is associated with the ingestion of manganese, bismuth, iodine and thallium. When eating foods containing metal salts, accumulation usually occurs mainly in the mesangium. The kidney tubules are affected in those individuals who expose themselves to radiation, take mercury