Nerve of the Tensor Tympani Muscle (N. Tensoris Tympani, Pna, Bna; N. Musculi Tensoris Tympani, Jna)

The nerve of the tensor tympani muscle (n. tensoris tympani, pna, bna; n. musculi tensoris tympani, jna) is a branch of the trigeminal nerve (V pair of cranial nerves). Innervates the tensor tympani muscle in the middle ear. It departs from the lower trunk of the trigeminal nerve, passes through the canal of the lesser petrosal nerve and enters the tympanic cavity, where it innervates the muscle of the same name. Participates in the reflex tension of the eardrum in response to loud sounds, protecting the inner ear.

The nerve of the tensor tympani muscle. This nerve originates from the cranial bridge and is located along its midline. It passes through the tympanic cavity and connects to the annular tendon of the tympanic muscle. This nerve supplies innervation to the tympanic membrane, which produces sound when the membrane vibrates. It also provides innervation to other muscles of the middle ear.