Nesbit Ureteral Implantation

Nesbita bladder implantation (NIS) is a surgical procedure used to treat urinary tract obstruction in patients with congenital urinary tract abnormalities.

During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the anterior abdominal wall, then exposes the bladder and ureters. The ureters, which are the main passages through which urine leaves the kidneys, can become damaged or blocked due to birth defects or other reasons.

Nesbita urinary tract implantation involves implanting artificial ureters inside the patient. These artificial ureters can be made from a variety of materials, including silicone, polymers, or metal tubing. They can be installed both inside the abdomen and inside the body.

After the operation, the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation, which may include taking antibiotics, painkillers and physical therapy. In some cases, patients may need repeat surgery to correct or replace artificial ureters.

The benefits of Nesbit ureteral implantation include improved urinary tract function, reduced pain and urinary tract infections. However, this procedure may be associated with risks, including infection, bleeding, organ damage and other complications.

Thus, unbroken ureteral implantation is an effective treatment for urinary tract obstruction in patients. However, before undertaking this procedure, the risks and benefits for each patient must be carefully assessed.

Nesbita bladder implant is a surgical procedure to treat various pathologies of the urinary tract, such as urethral dysfunction or insufficient urine production. The method was developed by the American surgeon Robert Neesbit and is used to solve various problems of the urinary system.

The method of bladder implantation was used by the ancients.