Mutation Chromosomal Numerical

__Chromosomal Numerical Mutations.__

ChChM is a group of mutations in which the number of chromosomes in the haploid set of an organism changes. CFM is based on changes in the structure of chromosomes. There are translocations, inversions and pericentric and paracentric deletions or duplications, microduplications, dipsychasia (increased incidence of Down syndrome), cases of redundancy in the number of chromosome sets. All of them lead to a distorted karyotype: not simple inherited quantitative genetic processes occur, but powerful qualitative ones, not limited by the framework of Mendelian (dominant-recessive) inheritance. Cases of paralytic epilepsy and degenerative diseases such as progressive Spinozza paralysis and progressive spinal muscular paralysis deserve special attention. These diseases are associated with dysregulation of neuron-neuron connections. These disorders are present in the spectrum of hereditary pathologies, such as didymia and cyclopia, mental retardation, chondrodystrophy, Down syndrome, Hoscheler's disease and many others. The mutation process in one chromosome is also a source of mosaicism Genotype, respectively. that when children with CFM are raised from heterozygous parents, the genetic composition of the parents is not a mystery. To date, a large bank of clones of CFM carriers has been accumulated, which makes it possible to diagnose their Genotypes based on the results of a comparative analysis of the products of the “disease genes” of both parental organisms. In order to increase the accuracy of diagnosis when using DNA technologies, all abnormal ploids of the normal human chromosome family are identified and, thereby, a bank of sources is created for the preparation of genetic markers. The main information about the structure of these loci is provided by segments of human chromosomal DNA linked to them, encoding individual polypeptide chains, or gene regions located outside the limits of transcription. The genetic sequence of genes of various types of animal DNA fragments is determined

Nowadays, the term “chromosomal mutation is numerical” is heard more and more often in the media and popular science publications, so I decided to write about it in more detail. I will focus primarily on the biological side of the issue, but I will not forget about the relevance of this topic in connection with modern realities.

First, some general information from the textbook: this is a one-time