
Infant feeding is the process of feeding a child, which begins immediately after birth and continues until he becomes completely independent of the mother's breast. This is an important moment in the life of the child, providing him with necessary nutrients and protecting him from possible infections during pregnancy. Breastfeeding is one of the most important and difficult

Breastfeeding is the natural feeding of a newborn baby. Natural are those methods of feeding a child of the first year of life in which milk is produced by specially breastfeeding people and breast milk is obtained with the participation of the mother, with direct contact of the mouth and breast, there are no other ways of receiving milk except sucking. Female breastfeeding occurs due to the woman's lactation, although there are countries where, in case of difficulties or complications, lactation is replaced by feeding cream or any other milk formula. One of the advantages of breastfeeding is that it does not require additional financial expenditure on the part of the young parent. When breastfeeding, the baby is saturated with everything necessary, because breast milk contains everything necessary for its development and growth. However, this process has its downsides. For example, one of them is inconvenience due to an inconvenient place to store breast milk or the need to frequently change nipples. Another disadvantage is the cessation of lactation after reaching one year of age. This happens for various reasons, most often it is caused by such factors as weaning the child from the breast, the onset of colds and illnesses. In order to stop worrying about the timing of cessation of lactation, you need to start the transition to artificial feeding on time and not delay it at all.