
Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that provides surgical treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: treatment of skull injuries, reduction of increased intracranial pressure and compression of the spinal cord, stopping intracranial bleeding, as well as diagnosis and treatment of tumors. The development of the capabilities of neurosurgery is facilitated by advances in the field of anesthesiology, radiation therapy, antiseptics, as well as new, recently discovered methods of human research.

Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Neurosurgeons perform operations aimed at treating skull injuries, reducing increased intracranial pressure and spinal cord compression, stopping intracranial bleeding, as well as diagnosing and treating tumors.

Modern neurosurgery is a very complex and multifaceted science that covers many different methods and technologies. She uses advances in anesthesiology, radiation therapy, antiseptics and other sciences to provide the best results for patients.

One of the main areas of neurosurgery is the treatment of brain tumors. Currently, there are many methods that are used to diagnose and treat tumors. For example, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) can accurately determine the location of the tumor and its size. With the help of modern surgical instruments and technologies, neurosurgeons can perform operations that remove the tumor with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.

Another important area of ​​neurosurgery is the treatment of brain injuries. Injuries can range in severity from mild concussions to severe injuries that can cause brain damage. Neurosurgeons perform operations aimed at repairing damaged tissue and restoring brain function.

Neurosurgery also treats spinal cord diseases such as herniated discs and tumors. Operations performed by neurosurgeons are aimed at removing pressure on the spinal cord and restoring its functions.

In general, neurosurgery is an important and integral part of modern medicine. She uses the latest diagnostic and treatment methods to help patients suffering from diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Advances in the field of neurosurgery continue, and new techniques and technologies will be used in the future to improve patient outcomes.

Hello! Today I want to talk about such a division in surgery - like neurosurgery.

Neurosurgery is a branch of medical science and practice that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The main object of treatment is the brain and spinal cord, as well as their systems and centers. The competence of neurosurgeons includes performing operations for traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, hemorrhages, herniated intervertebral discs, tumors and other diseases of the nervous system. One of the important tasks of neurosurgery is the elimination of compression (squeezing), tumors, hematomas, spastic deformities, etc. Operations are carried out using modern diagnostic methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography and ultrasound diagnostics. Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) is also used to monitor manipulations and determine the degree of compression of nerve structures. If necessary, preoperative radiation therapy or chemotherapy is performed. There are many pathologies that a neurosurgeon can treat. One of the most common is traumatic strokes, the so-called concussion. As a rule, such patients receive minor head injuries. They do not go unnoticed and after some time become “reversible”, since the main role belongs to the cerebral blood vessels. Another case worthy of attention is pathological fractures accompanied by impaired blood flow in the brain. In the most advanced cases, it is better not to risk your health and immediately contact a neurosurgeon. This will reduce the likelihood of severe complications. Any operation by a neurosurgeon, no matter how simple it may be, is prescribed only if