Domestic and foreign innovations in sports.

Let's continue studying newfangled technical means, helping modern athletes achieve outstanding results, unimaginable for the previous generation of athletes, whose physical, tactical and psychological preparation was carried out using the good old classical methods... Let's consider the next complex advanced devices both foreign and our production...

  1. American Biomechanics Laboratory.
  2. German sports innovations.
  3. Japanese laboratory of biomechanics and their achievements.

American Biomechanics Laboratory.

Since the USA confidently holds the championship bar at all Olympics with enviable consistency, their scientific developments and innovations in sports and sports medicine are of great interest to us. We closely monitor the work of their authors, trying to adopt and accumulate the best ideas...

To record biomechanical data in biomechanics laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania a system is used for instant (urgent) collection of electronic measurement data and transferring it to a computer without intermediate recording on third-party storage media, and, as a result, almost lightning-fast processing on a specialized computer (the so-called online system).

This system has the following advantages:

  1. a) fast and accurate measurement, calculation and recording of biomechanical data within a few seconds;
  2. b) a radical reduction in time expenditure, which makes it possible to collect and process a large amount of biomechanical data, change test conditions from experiment to experiment, and increase the number of calculated parameters of subjects;
  3. c) urgent information and data processing create conditions for management through research and improvement of the quality of the experiment.

This system was used to measure the force-time curve during isometric elbow flexion. System composition:

  1. variable differential transformer for measuring force changing over time;
  2. diatronic;
  3. computing devices;
  4. digital voltmeter;
  5. teletype for recording measured data and parameters.

A digital voltmeter is installed in an electrical circuit between peripheral devices to measure basic parameters while moving and control changing voltage. Electrically, the data obtained is measured by a voltmeter, converted into numbers and fed to a computer. The relationship (correspondence) between the voltage and the variable of interest is established by the calibration method, and the conversion is carried out during the calculation phase in the computer. A total of 15 speed-strength parameters are recorded:

  1. four power;
  2. seven temporary;
  3. three force impulse parameters;
  4. slope at the point of flexion of the force-time curve.

We also do not lag behind our foreign colleagues, creating similar computerized systems... For example, back in the 70s of the last century, an advanced method of using a single-operation analog computer to assess the explosive power qualities of an athlete was developed in Russia, and even then the possibilities of using computer in the field of theory and practice of sports medicine, physical culture and sports based on the very first computers and other computing systems available at that time.

German sports innovations.

Continuing the topic of achievements of foreign specialists, the system of dynamographic studies is of great interest vertical jumps, consisting of a strain gauge platform, a recorder (production Germany). The use of digital technology with a specified program for calculating the most important parameters of a jump allows the following data to be automatically recorded in numerical form: the athlete’s weight, maximum repulsion force, force impulse and time spent in the air. This system can be used to manage the training of special qualities of top-class athletes and makes it possible to immediately obtain information about the level of speed-strength qualities of athletes.

In cyclic sports for training work and speed measurements reaction and movement, determining the speed of approach to a ski jump and for short segments in a sprint, a photoelectric device has been developed, consisting of a light source and transformers, photoelectric sensors, a photoelectric signal processing device, processing units of photosensors, and universal counters. The device allows you to measure speed with an accuracy of 10~6 ms in several successive sections.

To develop push-off accuracy for athletes long jumpers an urgent information device has been designed, based on the provision of light and sound signals to the athlete. Contact plates are mounted at the repulsion site; when closed, an electrical signal is sent to the light bulb and sound indicator. The contact plates close if the jumper steps beyond the control line.

In training skiers It is suggested to use television recording using a portable DVD or HD player.

To study human motor parameters, a stand is used, consisting of a swing, potentiometric sensors attached to the joints of a person’s lower extremities, and a multi-channel recorder. When pushing off the wall with your feet, mechanograms are recorded on the device. Then, using the obtained data, using the equations of harmonic curves, the values ​​of movement parameters are determined, which have diagnostic and prognostic values ​​in determining motor abilities. The most informative indicators have been identified:

  1. depreciation time during push-off,
  2. push-off time,
  3. free oscillation time,
  4. maximum deflection angle,
  5. time of flexion in the joint (knee or elbow),
  6. maximum angle and time of flexion at the hip joint.

Japanese laboratory of biomechanics and their achievements.

In Japan, a tremometer-tachometer was created to determine the frequency and amplitude of vibrations of human limbs, as well as an apparatus for determining the latent period motor reaction, which has a stopwatch and sensors (light, sound) to measure the time of rebound from the floor.

In subsequent articles on the site “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian” we will continue to introduce you to new products science and technology in the field of sports. I still have a lot of interesting things for you!

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