Disappointing sports news continues to disappoint...

I think that even the most dense people who are not interested in news have long been aware of the next “gifts” from the European Union and our “good friends” with the Star-Spangled Banner. As you know, almost all of our athletes were convicted of doping, and now their path to the upcoming Olympics is simply closed. Moreover, the participation of our team in this Olympiad is now being called into question! It seems that in addition to the economic and political blockade, we are also facing a so-called sports blockade. They don’t want to see our athletes at such a serious world event as the Olympic Games...

As we are told, even the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin refused to attend the opening ceremony of the games, apparently to make it clear to our foreign colleagues that we, too, will not easily swallow this next pill addressed to us.

Of course, this is all very regrettable, especially for us bodybuilders. Especially at the hour when our “iron sport” approached the last step before the finish line to become a full-fledged Olympic discipline. Such global purges of sports personnel are beginning. And it is unclear, if this happens with ordinary sports disciplines, what will happen with bodybuilding, because all sports there are saturated with doping, steroids and other special pharmacological agents, without which, probably, not a single athlete can lift. It turns out that absolutely everyone needs to be disqualified! Who will speak then?

This is the kind of disappointing sports news that continues to disappoint us again and again. When will the European Union and the Yankees turn their faces towards us and stop putting a spoke in our wheels? - the question is still open... I think they are just afraid of us! Yes! Just be afraid of us! So they come up with new tricks to somehow trick us, to humiliate us in the eyes of the public. Only people all over the world are far from idiots... They see everything, understand everything... And sooner or later the set of wheel sticks will run out and they will have to fight honestly... Then we will talk to them...

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