Morning Express or How to get ready for work in 30 minutes

For a new day to be successful, it must begin correctly. A few refreshing procedures and exercises, a light breakfast - and you are ready to accomplish great feats of work!

You overslept again, but you have an important meeting today and need to look perfect? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how to quickly get rid of sleep, get yourself in order and recharge your batteries. You don't have to do anything special. Just follow this program, designed just for those cases when you find yourself under time pressure, and then you will leave the house in a great mood. As a result, everything will definitely turn out the way you planned, since there is a proven truth: the right start to the day is a guarantee of its successful completion. Shall we check?


Are you in a hurry? Do everything a little slower. As a rule, haste does not lead to anything good. Runaway coffee, a burnt omelette, a broken nail and poorly done makeup - this is not a complete list of troubles that we receive as a “reward” for excessive haste.

It’s okay that there is half an hour left before leaving the house. During this time, you can not only take a shower and put on makeup, but also do exercises, have breakfast and even listen to your favorite music and leaf through the latest issue of your favorite magazine. And so we begin.


Have you ever tried brushing your teeth and doing exercises at the same time? No? I'm sure you'll enjoy doing exercises designed specifically for those in a hurry. Mini-charging will take only 10 minutes, no more, but in this short period of time you will be able to tone your muscles.


Now shower! Maximum water pressure. Warm up your body and then make the water cooler (repeat 3-4 times). If you wish, you can apply a mint or citrus scented shower gel to your body. After a while you will feel that you have finally woken up.


You have probably heard from your mother more than once: “Never leave home without having breakfast.” And she's absolutely right. A hungry person gets irritated over trifles, and is incapable of thinking about anything other than food. Therefore, no matter how rushed you are, find time for breakfast. A banana, a few crackers and a cup of tea (preferably with bergamot) is the minimum that will keep you going for an hour and a half.


You did your exercises, took a shower, and had breakfast. All that remains is to apply daytime makeup and put on a suitable suit or dress for the occasion. Since the motto of this morning is “No fuss!”, before going to the mirror, we suggest putting on a CD with your favorite music... Well, was the morning a success? Well, I told you everything would be great.