Neurosis Vegetative

Autonomic neurosis or, as it is also called, autonomic dystonia, is a state of mental and physical disorder caused by disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Typically, symptoms of autonomic neurosis manifest themselves in the form of discomfort, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, as well as changes in muscle and vascular tone.

Autonomic symptoms that occur during neurosis can be very diverse - from headaches to rapid heartbeat. Often there is a loss of sensation in the fingers and toes, goosebumps and chills, in the case of a decrease in body temperature and other signs. Changes in complexion, dizziness and nausea are also common.

Causes of vegetation

Neurosis "vegetative syndrome" is a complex of psychophysiological manifestations based not only on the state of the nervous system, but also affecting its various functional aspects. This process is due to a failure in their interaction and regulation. If the disease manifests itself insignificantly, they talk about neurosomatics; if the signs manifest themselves clearly - about neurosis The syndrome combines many symptoms and reactions, which are one of the manifestations, but at the same time can serve different reasons.

A prerequisite for the development of neurosis is a stress factor or prolonged nervous overexertion. There are three types of vegetative waves - distal (spread at the bodily level), generalized (exist due to the internal state of the body) and selective - affecting a specific system or symptom. They are common in medical practice and allow us to determine the nature of the pathological process and causative factors.

Neuroses can occur in people of any age as a result of environmental factors or individual typological qualities. Among neuroses, there are many variants of pathology, each of which is determined by the cause and the degree of its impact on the body. The specific type of disorder does not always correspond to the name given when first mentioned. For example, there are

Autonomic neurosis is a set of symptoms that may include excessive sweating, palpitations, heart pain, irritability, fatigue and problems sleeping. These symptoms may occur for no apparent reason and last for a long time. This type of illness can occur due to stress, fatigue, physical