Nevus Ichthyosiform Bullous

Nevus ichthyosis bullous is a skin formation that is characterized by increased dryness of the skin and small blisters. This type of mole occurs in people suffering from ichthyosis, which is a skin disease. Nevus can be congenital or acquired, and is often genetic in nature.


Nevus ichthyosimorphic bullosa (NIIB) is a rare skin disease characterized by the appearance of multiple nevi with intradermal blisters. Nevi appear on exposed parts of the body and can cause discomfort and pain in patients.

The first sign of the disease is the appearance of a bullous rash on the skin, which can range from pale pink to bright red. The bullae are usually few and large, ranging in size from 2 to 5 mm in diameter, and contain clear fluid. Over the years, the skin over the blisters becomes thinner and pigment spots form.

The cause of the disease is unknown, but it can occur in a person at any age. However, it mainly appears in childhood and adolescence. The main risk factors are genetic factors, ultraviolet exposure and race. Treatment for niib depends on the stage of the disease and may

Nevus ichthyosis bullosa is a rare cutaneous tumor of the skin that is pinkish-brown in color with dense skin that is often deformed and blistered. Nevus ichthyosis is a congenital element of the skin and is a hormonal abnormality of skin development. Nevus is formed during