Nifedipine 20 Retard

Nifedipine is a drug from the class of slow calcium channel blockers (CCBs). According to the antianginal properties, Nifedipine (adalat) belongs to the group of drugs of a new generation and is more effective than nimodipine (kordaflex) - a non-selective CCB among slow drugs. The drug also has a predominant effect on ventricular potassium channels, in contrast to papaverine, nicotinic acid, no-shpa, magnesium, used for chronic spastic pain syndrome. The dilating effect of the drug in the peripheral venous bloodstream lasts longer and does not cause the development of tachycardia and hypervolemia. Active ingredient: nifedipina - the active substance of the drug "Nifedil" - is used in medicines that normalize blood pressure, making up the group of calcium antagonists.

Indications - Arterial hypertension and secondary hypertension: high blood pressure (more than 180–205 mm Hg) is accompanied by increased muscle, hyaline, peripheral vasomotor current, leading to the development of erythema, fluttering, collapse, dizziness; - prevention of ischemic myocardial infarction, angina pectoris in chronic heart failure, attacks of heart rhythm disturbances (such diseases also include angina pectoris Prince