
No-Shpalgin is a common antispasmodic analgesic that is used to relieve pain and eliminate spasms of various origins. Its production is located at: Hungary. This drug is available in tablet form. In addition to pain relief, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It contains three active substances: paracetamol, drotavirine hydroxylated acid (active ingredient), and codeine phosphate in the form of a hemihydrate form.

Country of origin: Hungary Production group: Spasmoanalgetics Manufacturing company: Hinoin (Hungary) International names: No-spalin Release form: tablets Active substances: paracetamolaminetrahydr chloride Drotavirignol continent contraindications: hypersensitivity, renal or liver failure, decompensated cardionics, AV blockade, respiratory failure, bronchial asthma, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, condition after traumatic brain injury, increased intracranial pressure, thrombocytolemia, leukemoideosis, glucose-S-phosphate deficiency, simultaneous use of inhibitors or a period of more than 14 days after discontinuation, use of antacids orally, pregnancy or breastfeeding (excluding breastfeeding), children under 6 l., Side effects From the central nervous system: Dizziness, dizziness DrowsinessPalpitations, Tachycardia Hot flashes Digestive system Nausea Constipation Retto toxic damage to the liver due to high doses, Hematopoietic system Agradanuya, Thrombocytomyogly may have a dangerous effect on the central nervous system Codina (included in the drug) Paracetamol is long-lasting