Nodular lymphoma

What it is? Lymphoma is a blood disease characterized by the proliferation of immature tumor cells in the body, which are called “lymphocytes.” The immediate cause of the pathology is disruptions in the body's immune system. The functioning of the immune system is disrupted, as a result of which the normal differentiation and maturation of leukocytes changes to the uncontrolled division of leukocytes - abnormal blast cells. In the early stages, lymphoma is difficult to distinguish from influenza, but not of a respiratory nature, but of an abdominal nature. This is a characteristic feature of lymphomas, manifested in different locations. The most common are pulmonary lymphoma infection, lichen fungoides, and oral mucosa. The tumor does not enter the blood, but with its small volume it is difficult to diagnose the disease; the clinical picture looks blurry and nonspecific for the pathology of this category.

Types of tumors Based on oncohistological characteristics, lymphomas are divided into the following main groups: • T-cell; • B-cell lymphoblastic; • Non-classical; • leukemias are rare types. The B-cell type of malignancy appears quite early compared to T-lymphoma. The primary symptoms are increased sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, high body temperature (low-grade fever). As the disease progresses, a period of leukopoiesis begins - an increase in white blood cells removed from the blood to enormous values ​​with a sharp decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. The lymph node, where the tumor is located, also increases significantly. There are headaches, a lot of external manifestations in the form of sudden bruises on the skin (