
Nodular angina pectoris is an acute form that occurs in response to obstruction of a nodal or valveless coronary vessel by a thrombus or embolus. The disease manifests itself as chest pain with a significant decrease in quality of life. The nature of the pain in this pathology is marked by a significant severity of the pain syndrome, the severity and soreness can reach a high degree, which lasts for hours and even days. Self-cessation is not possible; mandatory therapy is required. Diagnosis is carried out by performing functional tests, myocardial scintigraphy, and exercise testing. Therapy is only conservative; in rare cases, emergency coronary revascularization is necessary.

The nodular form is the most common among all types of Wegner's granulomatosis. It occurs in almost half of the cases of the disease and has a favorable prognosis for the patient’s life. However, it also falls into the category of progressive, meaning it tends to develop over time and cause more damage to the body. In this article you can get acquainted with the symptoms of this disease, its etiology, as well as treatment options. But the main thing that you must understand is that self-medication in this case is unacceptable, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and begin a course of therapy or treatment, depending on your specific case.

Nodular granuloma Veg