Non-kindergarten Kid

a psychologist who will help the child and parents cope with difficulties.

It is also worth considering that each child is unique and may require an individual approach. Don't compare your child to others and expect that he should adapt to kindergarten just like everyone else. If you notice that your baby is experiencing difficulties, do not hesitate to contact a teacher or kindergarten psychologist for help.

Additionally, there are steps parents can take to help their child adjust to kindergarten. It is important to create a home environment that will promote a child's positive mood and confidence. Parents can also play games with their child that help them better adapt to kindergarten, such as role-playing games where they can play the role of a teacher or another child.

Ultimately, parents need to understand that adjusting to kindergarten can take time and requires patience and support. If your child continues to experience difficulties, you need to seek help from specialists who will help you and your child overcome difficulties and adapt to a new life in kindergarten.