
Nosomania: what is it and how to deal with it?

Nosomania is a term used to describe a pathological tendency towards morbid cleanliness and fear of germs. People suffering from nosomania experience constant fears and anxieties related to cleanliness and hygiene, and may spend several hours a day cleaning and disinfecting their homes, workplaces and everything around them.

Nosomania can manifest itself in different forms, ranging from a painful preoccupation with cleanliness to problems of social adaptation. People suffering from nosomania may avoid interacting with other people to avoid contracting any illness, and avoid public places such as public transport or crowds of people.

Nosomania can cause serious health problems such as allergies, decreased immunity and other diseases caused by excessive cleanliness. In addition, nosomania can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and social isolation.

To combat nosomania, it is necessary to understand that cleanliness and hygiene are important, but they must be observed within reasonable limits. It is important to learn to distinguish real health threats from non-existent ones and not allow excessive cleanliness to become the cause of health problems. In order to overcome nosomania, you can turn to professional psychologists who will help you cope with anxieties and fears associated with cleanliness.

Nosomania is a serious illness that can lead to many health and social adaptation problems. However, with the help of professional help and a correct understanding of the role of cleanliness and hygiene in our lives, we can overcome nosomania and live a full life without excessive fears and anxieties.