Nasal spine

The nasal spine is the spinous process of the mandible, protruding in front of or behind the line of the lower jaw and easily palpated through the skin of the face along the midline of the anterior surface of the face, bounded laterally by the pterygoid muscles. It has a cartilaginous structure, the outgrowths of which are called vomers.

The nasal spine is one of the most prominent osteological structures of the human face. The vomer and pterygoid muscles are part of the human masticatory system. The nasal spine is attached to the nasal bone, the vomer passes under the inferior turbinate.

This structure plays an important role in the functioning of the masticatory muscle - the muscle that ensures the stability of the height of the lower jaw. It is also involved in stabilizing the position of the nasal septum, its fixation is carried out due to the formation of the upper and lower