Nasal Passage

The nasal passage is one of the most important structures of the human nasal cavity. It is a narrow passage that connects the nasal cavity with the nasopharynx. The nasal passage plays a key role in the breathing process, as well as in humidifying and purifying the inhaled air.

The nasal passage has three main sections: upper, middle and lower. The superior nasal meatus is located above the middle turbinate, and the inferior nasal meatus is located below it. The middle nasal passage is between the upper and lower.

Each section of the nasal passage has its own function. The upper nasal passage is involved in the process of smell, as the olfactory receptors are located here. The middle meatus helps humidify the inhaled air and trap dust particles and microorganisms thanks to the many small hairs that cover its walls. The lower nasal passage is involved in the process of heating the inhaled air.

Dysfunction of the nasal passage can lead to various diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, chronic runny nose, sinusitis, adenoids and others. Treatment for these conditions may include medication, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery.

In conclusion, we can say that the nasal passage plays an important role in maintaining the health of the human respiratory system. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all changes that may occur in the functioning of the nasal passage, and promptly consult a doctor to diagnose and treat diseases of this structure.