
NuvaRing is a local contraceptive that is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains two active ingredients: etonogestrel and ethinyl estradione. Manufacturer: Organon of the Netherlands.

The main advantage of Nuvaring is its ease of use. You just need to insert the ring into the vagina once a month. Thanks to this, women with an active sex life do not need to change their usual lifestyle. Before using Nuvaring, you should consult your doctor.

Nuvaring contraindications include venous or arterial thrombosis and thromboembolism in the past, increased levels of thrombosis, migraine, pancreatitis combined with severe hyperlipidemia, chronic liver disease, malignant tumors and pregnancy. In case of these contraindications or suspicions of them, the use of Nuvaring is strictly prohibited.

Nuvaring can also cause side effects such as headaches, decreased libido, depression, emotional disorders, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal dysfunction and others.

An important point when using this remedy is the possibility of interaction with other medications taken. Some medications may reduce the effectiveness of Nuvaring, so it is important to make sure your doctor takes into account all medications you are taking. In addition, antibiotics and some other medications may interact with Nuvaring, increasing the risk of side effects.

An overdose from the use of Nuvaring has not yet been identified, but the manufacturer recommends seeking medical help