Parapharyngeal Space

The parapharyngeal space is an anatomical formation that is located between the pharynx and nose. It is a small cavity that is filled with air and connects to the nasopharynx and pharynx.

The parapharyngeal space is important for human health, as it is involved in the processes of breathing, speech and digestion. As air passes through this cavity, it is cooled and moistened, which helps maintain normal functioning of the airways and larynx.

In addition, the parapharyngeal space plays an important role in voice formation. When we speak, the vocal cords vibrate, causing vibrations in the air, which are then transmitted through the parapharyngeal space and reach the nasal cavity. It allows us to create sounds and express our thoughts and emotions.

However, the parapharyngeal space can be susceptible to various diseases, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis and others. These diseases can cause inflammation and swelling in the sinuses, which can impair the function of the parapharyngeal space and cause problems with breathing, speech and digestion.

Thus, the parapharyngeal space is an important element of our body and plays an important role in many processes such as breathing, speech and digestion. However, his health can be affected by various diseases, so it is important to monitor his health and consult a doctor if problems arise.


The parapharyngeal space is the area of ​​space between the posterior surface of the pharynx and the posterior wall of the oropharynx. This space is formed by arched bones of the facial skeleton. The anterior section of the parfait contains the lower part of the sphenoid bone, and the posterior section contains the individual posterior teeth of the upper jaw. In front, retreating from the bottom