
**Novasan** is a medicinal product that belongs to the group of drugs used for inflammatory diseases. It contains the active substance acetylsalicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Novosan is used for rheumatism, infectious, allergic myocarditis, febrile conditions associated with infectious diseases, toothache, migraine, arthralgia, pain syndromes of various etiologies. Novopan has contraindications such as hypersensitivity to the drug, ulcers in the digestive system, their exacerbation, hemorrhages from the gastrointestinal tract, blood clotting disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, high fever in children against the background of an acute viral infection. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation in mothers. After using Novasan, nausea and anorexia may appear. Possible stomach pain, gastritis, diarrhea, inflammation of the urinary tract, intestinal bleeding, angiopathy, allergies, renal and hepatic consequences, anemia, disorientation, ringing in the ears. Interacting with other drugs may increase the effects of anticoagulation. In large doses, an overdose may occur in the form of dizziness and symptoms of shock. The use of Novopan should occur under the supervision of a physician, after blood and stool tests for hidden hemolyses