Nullisomic [At. Nullus Nothing, Zero + (Chromo) Som]

Nullisomic [at. nullus nothing, zero + (chromo)some] - a diploid organism in whose karyotype one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes are missing. Nullisomy is the absence of one or more chromosomes in the karyotype.

Nullisomics are found in both plants and animals. In humans, the most common nullisomies involve sex chromosomes and autosomes (eg, Turner syndrome and Down syndrome, respectively).

The absence of an entire chromosome disrupts the normal development of the body and leads to various abnormalities. The severity of these abnormalities depends on which chromosome is missing. Nullisomics are usually sterile due to defects in meiosis.

Thus, a nullisomic is an abnormal diploid organism with a missing chromosome or chromosomes, which causes severe developmental and reproductive problems. The study of nullisomics is important for understanding the role of individual chromosomes and their interactions in the genome.

What are nulisomics? This is a biological concept. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Nulissomyka is the process of formation of dipsidic cells. They have only one copy of the genome. It forms a structure for reproduction. Nulissomics have been found in some cyanobacteria and in many procarnotic organisms. They do not produce spores and can be distinguished from classical bacteria by their ability to invade. Such organisms live either in the absence of water or near it.

From the point of view of evolution, Nulisomok can be considered a convenient evolutionary model. Their ability to live in conditions of extreme drought or lack of moisture gives them a sustainable advantage in a world where conditions vary. It is likely that adaptation to such extreme conditions has made Nulistiomics prominent in developing a range of beneficial properties, such as defense or antifusion, which often form large biofilms that provide better living conditions in different environments. And if we talk about popularity and importance, then we find populations of Nullissoms all over the world and they are common in a wide variety of objects.