About combination diseases

Combination diseases are also reduced to four types: diseases of addition, diseases of size, diseases of quantity and diseases of position. Supplement diseases come down to four types. These are, firstly, diseases of the outlines. They consist in the fact that the outlines change their natural appearance, and such a change has a harmful effect on the action. This is the curvature of the straight, the straightening of the curved, the giving of a square shape to the round, the rounding of the square. This includes, for example, a flat head, if it causes harm, a large roundness of the stomach, and a lack of width at the pupil.

The second type is diseases of the passages. There are three categories of them, since the passages either expand, like the pupil, or pannus, or dilated veins, or narrow, like the pupil, respiratory tract or esophagus, or become clogged, like the openings of the grape membrane, the vessels of the liver and other organs. The third kind is diseases of bags and cavities. They are divided into four categories, since the bags and cavities either increase and expand, as the scrotum expands, or decrease and narrow, as the stomach narrows and the ventricles of the brain narrow during epilepsy, or become clogged and filled with blood, as the ventricles of the brain are clogged during sakta, or they are emptied and empty, just as the cavities of the heart become empty, deprived of blood with destructively strong joy and destructively strong pleasure.

The fourth category is diseases of the surface of organs, when, for example, something that should be rough becomes smooth, like, say, the stomach and intestines, when they become smooth, or something that should be smooth becomes rough, like, say, pulmonary tube when it becomes rough. As for diseases of size, there are two categories: they belong either to the category of enlargement, like elephantiasis or the enormity of the penis - and this disease is called priapism - or like what happened to one man named Nicomachus, whose all members became so enlarged that he was unable to move, or to the category of diminution, such as shrinking of the tongue and shrinking of the eyeball, or drying out of the whole body.

As for diseases of quantity, they belong either to the category of increase, which can be natural, like extra teeth and extra fingers, or unnatural, like lumps or stones in organs, or to the category of decrease - it makes no difference whether this decrease is from nature, like in a person created without fingers, or the decrease is not from nature, as in a person with cut off fingers. As for the diseases of position, position, according to Galen, means “place” and also means “togetherness.” There are four position diseases: dislocation of an organ from its articulation, change in normal position without dislocation, as with a hernia attributed to the intestines, movement of an organ in an unnatural and involuntary manner, as with trembling, while staying in place without movement, as happens with petrification of the joints from gout disease . Diseases of compatibility include any state of an organ in relation to a neighboring organ, expressed in unnatural closeness or distance, and there are two types of them. One is that it is impossible or difficult for an organ to move towards a neighboring organ after it was possible - this happens, for example, with fingers when it is impossible for them to move in order to press against neighboring fingers, or when it becomes impossible to move away and to move away from them, although previously this was possible, either when it is difficult for the organs to move away from each other - and this, for example, happens when the eyelids relax or when the joints relax from paralysis, - or when it is difficult to unclench the palm and open the eyelids.