About bubbles

Watery bubbles appear in the eye in some layers of the cornea, of which there are four. It is aqueous humor confined between two of these four layers. Its location undoubtedly varies; the deeper it is, the more malignant it is. It varies in increase and decrease in quantity, as well as in quality, color and composition. Sometimes it differs in its sweet taste, pungency and caustic properties. That kind of aqueous humor that is under the first layer appears blackish because it does not prevent the eye from reaching the grape skin. The deeper moisture obstructs vision because it is too far away for the beam to penetrate to it, so it appears white.

An abundance of acute aqueous humor in the eye is bad, because it causes suffering due to simultaneous stretching and corrosion. The deeper the bubble is, the more it stretches, spreads and is corrosive. A watery blister located opposite the optic opening causes damage to the power of vision, especially if it corrodes and ulcerates.

Treatment. Destroying the bubble while it remains small is done with drying agents, for example, Samos clay. It is prepared as follows: take calcined Samos clay - three uqiyas, tutiya - one uqiya, washed potassium and antimony - two each, washed copper scale, according to one recipe - four, according to another - one uqiya, opium - three uqiyas and gum - four uqiyas; All this is ground in rainwater and an ointment is prepared. Use it with fenugreek juice. If the bubble enlarges, then treat with iron.