Abdominal Area Lateral

The lateral abdominal area (re gio lateralis) is an anatomical area that is located on the side of the abdomen and includes skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles and internal organs. It is essential for the normal functioning of the body and can be susceptible to various diseases and injuries.

The lateral region of the abdomen consists of several layers. Subcutaneous fat is the outermost layer and protects internal organs from damage. The muscle layer consists of the transverse abdominal muscles, which help support the abdominal wall and are involved in respiratory movements. The inner layer includes abdominal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys and intestines.

The lateral abdominal area is also of great importance for human health. It provides protection to internal organs and is involved in maintaining the proper functioning of the body. Additionally, this area can be susceptible to injury and disease such as hernias, abscesses, and other abdominal conditions.

Various methods are used to treat and diagnose diseases of the lateral abdominal region, including ultrasound, MRI and CT. These methods allow you to visualize internal organs and identify possible problems.

In conclusion, the lateral abdominal region is an important anatomical region that plays an important role in the functioning of the body. She may be susceptible to illness and injury, so it is important to monitor her health and consult a doctor if problems arise.

The lateral abdominal area is the side part of the human body, which is located between the back and pelvis. It includes muscles, adipose tissue and skin. This area has many functions, such as supporting muscles, bones and internal organs, and protecting against injury and damage.

The lateral abdominal area is an important part of the body, so its condition affects human health. For example, problems in this area can lead to back pain, bloating, constipation, intestinal disorders, etc. In addition, if this area is not involved, the spine may begin to sag, which is not desirable for our health. Normally, the lateral abdominal area should be firm, elastic and without visible flaws. To keep this area healthy, you need to perform exercises aimed at strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles. However, before starting a sports or fitness activity, it is best to consult a doctor who can determine your fitness level and give useful advice based on your health. In general, exercises for the lateral abdominal area will help strengthen your muscles and create beautiful body shapes.


The lateral abdominal region is an anatomical zone located above the navel and below the sternum. It includes the lateral muscles and fascia, as well as the organs located in this area. This area is key to performing various medical and surgical procedures such as laparoscopy, distal gastrectomy, intestinal ostomy, peritoneal dialysis, etc. Therefore, it is important to understand the anatomy and topography of the lateral abdominal region to ensure the safety and success of these operations.

Anatomy of the lateral abdominal region

The abdominal region is located between the rib cage and diaphragm on one side and the abdominal cavity on the other side. The lateral abdominal region consists of muscles and organs, including the lateral abdominal wall, external and internal oblique muscles (m. obliquus externus abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdomnis), transverse abdominal muscle (m. transvers