General discussion about liver treatment

When preserving the health of the liver with something similar and when eliminating the disease with the opposite, when treating tumors, ulcers and size disorders, as well as when opening blockages and other diseases, what is mandatory when treating other organs is mandatory. The best time to give medicines for liver diseases, especially due to blockages in the liver and similar damage, is the time when, as is supposed, the substances that have penetrated from the stomach to the liver and are located there have already been digested and what should have been released ; A considerable amount of time passes between this state and eating. Usually for people this is the time between waking up from a night's sleep and taking a bath. In the treatment of the liver, one should also not exclude astringents and strengthening drugs, unless, of course, it is assumed that the liver is excessively dry, as well as dissolving and opening drugs, which are resorted to in liver diseases arising from matter, such as from blockages or from tumors. If possible, you should not cool the liver too much, so that this does not lead to dropsy, or heat it too much, because this leads to drying out of the liver. Therefore, you should know what is the degree of warmth of the natural nature of the liver that you are treating, so that, having returned it to this degree, you can stop in time.

Know that if you make a mistake when treating the liver, your mistake will spread to the blood vessels and then to the whole body. One of the mistakes is to give a diuretic when a laxative should be given - this happens when the matter is in the concave part of the liver - or to give a laxative when a diuretic should be given - this happens when the matter is in the convex part. Liver medicines should be crushed finely and their substance should be rare so that they reach the liver, whether the medicines are hot, cold or astringent. It is appropriate for thinning medicines to make the blood sharp; If such drugs are discovered, then this property should be kept in mind.

The juices of various roots are among the medicines that open blockages in the liver, but they sometimes generate various inappropriate juices in the liver; if they drink them for two or three days in a row, then after them something softening is given. As for enhancing the output of urine, the juices of the roots themselves act in this way; All types of chicory and especially bitter chicory, which is somewhat hot, help with pain in the liver. For patients with a hot nature, it is given with shikanjubin, and for those with a cold nature, it is given with water sweetened with honey. Wolf liver is useful for liver diseases due to its properties; Snail meat is also beneficial.