Public Council

Public councils are non-staff bodies that are created at treatment-and-prophylactic or sanitary-epidemiological institutions to monitor the work of medical personnel.

Included in O.s. includes employees of this medical institution and representatives of party, state, trade union and other organizations that help in the work of the medical institution. O.S. reviews the work plans of the medical institution, monitors the implementation of instructions from higher authorities, and also provides assistance to medical personnel.

Public councils play an important role in improving the quality of medical care and increasing the efficiency of medical institutions. They help improve interaction between medical personnel and the public, and also provide control over the implementation of medical standards and requirements.

Thus, public councils are an important tool for improving the quality of health care in our country.

Public councils are non-staff bodies at treatment, preventive and sanitary-epidemiological institutions.

The Public Council is not a regular body that has certain tasks and functions related to the control of all aspects of the activities of health care facilities. Its function includes carrying out planned and unplanned