General rules of treatment

If we want to remove matter from the head and the signs are called an abundance of blood, and there is no defect in the blood, then whatever the matter, we begin with bloodletting from the mullet and from such vessels of the head, mentioned in the paragraphs on bloodletting, as the vessels of the forehead, nose and blood vessels in the ear area. It is necessary that bloodletting be performed on the side opposite to the pain. If the matter becomes dangerous and the blood is overwhelming, then we bleed from the jugular vein. Indeed, we are also inclined to do bloodletting if other juices predominate, and we begin with this, for bloodletting is a common method of evacuation for all juices. If the matter consists only of blood, then complete bloodletting is sufficient. When there are other juices, we look, and if the whole body is involved in the disease, we perform an emptying of the whole body, then we bleed from the head alone and use special emptyings suitable for it. We, of course, begin them only after emptying the whole body, if there is any bad juice in the body, and we do this only when we know that the matter in the head is ripe. This is established by observing what leaks from the brain: the discharge should not be very liquid and not very thick.

If the disease has reached the final stage and we have already brought the juices to maturity with the help of rubbing, watering and medicinal dressings that promote ripening, then emptying the head is done mainly by gargling; they are used when there is no fear that the lungs are damaged, and if the liquids released when gargling do not belong to the category of sharp and burning juices, and also when the patient is not predisposed to pulmonary diseases and can protect himself from anything bad entering the lungs, and if the condition of the head requires more attention than the condition of the lungs. We also use snuffs that open the passages and cause sneezing, and medicines for insertion into the nose and pouring in to distract matter from the head.

Sometimes we apply bandages with medicines to the head after shaving it, facilitating the release of the juice trapped in it; we act in this way if there is no fear of spoiling nature with these bandages and there is confidence that the matter is mature and can be easily removed. With all this, one must be careful that when removing cold juices, one should not remove only liquid juices, retaining the thick ones. The way to achieve your desired goal is this. We carry out the emptying by first softening the juices with softening and ripening drugs, and after making the emptying, we use emollients after it every time. When evacuating from pungent juices, when it is inevitable in some cases to use hot medicines like iyaraja, scammonium resin and turbite with lavender, one should beware of the appearance of a hot disorder of nature. We try in every possible way to avoid this and strive to neutralize relief from hot medicines and bowel movements by gargling and other means, using cooling medicinal bandages; we resort to the use of hot medicines only with full confidence in success, knowing that when the patient takes them, they usually produce relaxation and emptying in him, and that the prescription of such medicines will not lead to the death of the patient or damage to his nature.

If the juices are unripe, then you must first bring them to maturity by means appropriate for each case, as we will say below. If juices rise to the head from a certain side of the body or from the whole body, then we divert them in the opposite direction. For example, if juices rise from the lower parts or from the whole body, we use enemas and medicines administered through the anus and bandage the limbs, especially the legs. Or we empty the corresponding organ; if it is, for example, the stomach, then with the help of iyaraja fikra, and if it is the spleen, then with a medicine specially intended for it, and in the same way we empty every organ. To each of them we apply measures corresponding to what is inherent in it. These are the general rules relating to matter. If an emptying of any matter is done and because of this a disorder of nature arises, then we treat with remedies that counteract the disorder. Among the general rules of treatment for various juices and liquids in the head, according to the teachings of the adherents of cauterization, is the rule to cauterize in the place where the distance between the index finger and the little finger extends from the end of the nose, or where half of the thread reaches from one ear to another; the head should be shaved first. Let us now return to a detailed presentation of the subject.

About blood. If there is abundant matter throughout the whole body and has already formed in the head, you perform bloodletting from mullet; if matter has not yet formed in the head, but will soon, then open the black vein. And if you are afraid that matter is being formed there, although it has not yet begun to form, and if, for example, there are reasons that attract juices to the head area, such as external heat, a blow to the head, etc., then let the basil bleed. If you want to draw out more matter, then let the blood flow from the jugular vein and place the cups on the shin, one inch above the ankle, and also open the vessels of the leg. If blood matter was formed in collaboration with the brain of some organ, then let the blood flow from a vessel common to them when you want to empty both of them and the matter remains at rest. And if you want to pull the matter aside and at the same time empty the organ involved, then let the blood flow from a vessel common to the brain and to the organ that fell ill before the brain; in this case, bloodletting is done on the side opposite the head.

Further, if the matter is directed to the head alone, or the blood matter is formed first in the head alone, then while it is in the outer shell of the skull, as we will say later in the paragraphs on particular diseases, or the pain is felt near the sutures of the skull and you want to apply an easy treatment , place the jars near the occipital cavity. When the matter is deep and there is no hope of pulling it outward, then let the blood flow from the forehead vessel, especially if the pain is felt from behind. After taking the blood, the patient takes empties, if they are still needed, prepared from myrobalans and squeezed fruit juices, and he is given an enema, and if the disease is severe, such as blood sakta, then blood is drawn from the jugular vein.

As for medicines that promote ripening, if the matter is mucous or black-billed, the best medicines for bringing it to maturity are medicines capable of thinning, tearing and dissolving, such as marjoram, laurel leaves, wormwood, yarrow, aromatic rush, chamomile, sweet clover, dill, polypodium, dodder - the last two are especially suitable for black gall matter, as well as thyme, hyssop, mint, rue, wormwood and all those hot medicines that we wrote down in the sections on dissolving and bringing to maturity, however Treatment measures for mucous matter and black gall matter are different, which we will mention later. The degree of these medicines should increase according to the amount of matter; when it is abundant in quantity and strong in quality, then we use strong hot medicines, up to the fourth degree of heat, such as salivagon, furbiin and others, unless, of course, there is a danger that the juices will boil. This happens when there is too much matter and we are afraid that warming will increase its volume and cause painful spasms or swelling; then we must begin by expelling a certain amount of matter and then set about bringing the remainder to maturity. When old and immature juices are brought to maturity, it is best to treat them by applying bandages with moderately warming medicines, giving the patient rest and bandaging his head so that ripening occurs gradually. If matter is poor in quantity and weak in quality, then we limit ourselves to gentle medicines that do not warm much, in the first degree; and if it is average, then we use average medications.

With black bile matter, we do not limit ourselves to such means so as not to increase drying, especially if the black bile is not natural, but burnt out - no, to bring the black bile matter to maturity, we definitely need softening and moisturizing drugs, followed by drugs that promote ripening and dissolving, but gently - in the second and third degrees. It is best to combine emollient and moisturizing medicines with hot, tearing and dissolving medicines. As for hot matter, bringing it to maturity is achieved by means that thicken its composition and at the same time open and tear off; such are cooling and moisturizing medicines that can cleanse and rinse, like barley water and fresh goat's milk. Patients who experience weakness and headaches should abstain from milk; The same condition applies to means that bring juices to maturity. They should drink waters in which willow leaves, violets, water lilies, shepherd's crooks, and all vegetables that are cold in nature and described in the appropriate sections of simple medicines have been boiled. A little vinegar is mixed with these medicines so that their potency penetrates deeper; if they have the slightest thickness, then add chamomile and marshmallow. If a patient has insomnia and wants to avoid it, then the peels of poppy pods are added to the medicine.

I say: Vinegar is a general remedy against all kinds of matter. The cooling property of vinegar can be weakened in the easiest way, and after that its ability to carry drugs deep and tear off juices is retained. This applies to the use of vinegar against cold matter, but when bringing hot matter to maturity it should not be preferred to other means. All hot oils mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia and obtained from various fragrant herbs, flowers and plants are used when bringing cold juices to maturity. If the matter is very cold or abundant in quantity, or difficult to dissolve, then use oils prepared from hot gums, strong spices, bana oil, jasmine, narcissus, iris, arguvan, chamomile, laurel, marjoram, spikenard or olive oil, in which fresh rue, fresh pulegian mint, fresh dill or fresh chamomile and similar medicines mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, as well as petroleum, were brewed. As for balsam oil, due to its thinness it quickly dissolves and does not bring much benefit in ointments corresponding to its strength.

We confront matter by emptying it or diverting it in the opposite direction, or by using both together. A distraction in the opposite direction from the head is a distraction to the arms and legs; This is facilitated by rubbing them with salt and violet oil or chamomile oil, depending on the nature of the patient. In the cases we are talking about, physical exercises are also used, and the head is protected so that it does not move with the body, but only the lower limbs move. This is an exercise in which a person is suspended from a rope or hangs from a wall with his upper body touching it and constantly moving his legs; this is done after bowel movement. Rubbing and bandaging the limbs from top to bottom is also one of these measures, especially before feeding the patient; in this case, the head is sometimes cleaned using only light pressure, for example, rubbing, pressing, pinching and even combing the hair. The use of a swing is also one of the special ways to cleanse the head, which is used at the end of the lithargus

The means common to both purposes include: enema, drugs administered through the anus, diuretics and diaphoretics, used in accordance with the quality of the matter and the strength of the patient; they are all listed in the Pharmacopoeia. As for laxatives that empty the head along with the whole body, these are pills from iyaraja, pills from kukiya and pills from Greek lavender. These remedies are more suitable for burnt juices, in which bile predominates and which are also somewhat thick; they are even common to bile and mucous matter. The most powerful of all such medicines is the infusion of sabur with chicory juice, especially the strongest infusion, which is described in the Pharmacopoeia, or the infusion of iyaraja, as well as vomiting caused by sikanjubin with garden quinoa seeds. A decoction of myrobalans, plums, fumes, fruit and violet wine, a decoction of cassia laxative and similar medicines, enhanced by the addition of scammonium resin or not, depending on the condition of the body, the absence or presence of fever, the age and strength of the patient - all this and the like are suitable for liquid and bile juices. Iyaraj Archigena, Iyaraj Rufa, Iyaraj with Lugasia, Iyaraj Galena, pills prepared with lapis lazuli and hellebore, which we will mention later, are suitable for thick and black gall juices; All medicines that include Greek lavender are also good.

In such cases, vomiting caused by taking sikanjubin, radish seeds and coloquinte pulp, along with other drugs that remove thick and sticky juices, which are mentioned and listed by us in the Pharmacopoeia, as well as other complex drugs described in detail there, is also useful. However, these complex means are divided into several categories. The first includes those prepared with iyaraja, turbit, fork, agarik, beaver stream and the like, then come the great pills, then pure iyaraja and then both types of harbak: black - against black bile and white - against mucus , and they should be used carefully and with caution. And lapis lazuli and washed Armenian stone can be used against black bile without fear or danger. You should start with the weakest means and graduallyno move on to stronger ones until it becomes clear from the state of the disease that it has stopped. And liquid laxatives for cleansing the head are shabyars, from which great pills are prepared; a small amount of them has a sufficient effect due to retention in the stomach and repeated use does not harm due to the insignificance of the dose; After taking the pills, you should sleep so that movement and wakefulness do not destroy the effect of the medicine. The main part and, as it were, a leaven for them are sabur and iyaraj, then mastic is added to strengthen the stomach and myrobalans to prevent pungent fumes from entering the head if they form in the stomach. When they want to use shabyars against bile juices, they add scammonium resin and the like to them. Sometimes scammonium resin is used with medicines containing sabur and used to cleanse the head or stomach itself; this is done when the disease of the Brain is caused by the complicity of the stomach, in order to prevent, with the help of a medicine that promotes cleansing, the excessively warming effect of sabur due to its long stay in the stomach and the stimulation of juices, which makes the cleansing incomplete.

If they want to help remove mucous juices, then they resort to the pulp of coloquinte with ginger, turbite, Greek lavender and similar means, and when it is desirable to expel black gall juices, then they prescribe a small amount of harbak, dodder, polypodium and the like. They are used} in the form of numerous pills in different recipes, which you will find in the Pharmacopoeia. From there you will learn about their usefulness and how to choose them. Cleansers intended for the head itself include gargling; in all these rinses, murri is used. But if the juices are purely bile, then rinses are not used to cleanse them, fearing that the juices may descend into the chest, acquiring excessive pungency from sharp cleansing drugs. And medicines with a balanced nature, expelling bile carefully and gently, do not have any significant effect when gargling. If any of them is useful, it is shikanjubin from seeds with the juice of pure chicory and shikanjubin from sea onions, prepared with scammonium resin, as well as a decoction of bindweed, a decoction of plums, violet wine, tamarind with a small amount of scammonium resin and everything else that goes this way.

And when the juices are bilious and, moreover, thick, then the gargling is prepared with murri, saboor, iyaraj or with sikanjubin from seeds or from sea onions with the addition of iyaraj. You can enhance these remedies with scammonium resin and a little turbite, but go no further than that. If the thick juices are mucous, then add to these remedies the pulp of coloquinta, Greek lavender, ginger, turbite, iyaraja Archigen and Favastus. Sometimes you also have to use mustard, saliva extract, pepper with mastic; By doing this you increase the degree of action of the medicine when the strength of the juices is significant. Often they also add saliva, pepper, ginger, calamus and even larkspur and the like, and sometimes they add such thinning agents as hyssop, Chinese cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, sa'tar, caper root bark, pulegium mint and everything that goes with it. the same way. As for medicines that cause sneezing, remedies such as vapors of vinegar in which a little scammonium resin has been diluted, or sniffing hot and sour fukka are used against bile juices. For mucous juices, use pumpkin, pepper, onion, garlic, watercress, mustard, hot seeds and anything that goes the same way. These medicines are sometimes used to make medicinal dressings, and sometimes into an ointment for the temples. When administering drugs into the nose, it is desirable to cause either cooling and moistening, dissolution, or strengthening of the brain. When introducing strong dissolving medicines into the nose, do it gradually, and the first time use them with rose oil or milk or something like that, and the second time with squeezed beet juice and the like. For the third time, marjoram juice or something similar is added.

If the source of matter and vapor is the stomach alone, then pay attention to the substance of the juice formed in the stomach - you will determine it from what you learn in the paragraphs about stomach diseases - and remove this juice. When the matter in the head is trapped vapors and winds, then they should be dissolved with water in which wormwood, fork, thyme and other medicines mentioned in appropriate places have been boiled; It is also appropriate to drip oils of jasmine, laurel and majorna into the ears. In order to strengthen the body of the brain and prevent the rise of bile juices from the stomach and adjacent areas, the patient should be fed with sour fruits, mainly sour pomegranates, apples, pears and unripe grapes, especially after meals.

As for blockages, they are treated with constant opening watering; the liquid should be poured from a height, like all other means for watering for all kinds of diseases, so that the power of the medicine penetrates deeper; the head must be held straight so that the medicine falls on the crown, above the back of the head and on the hard bones of the skull. Blockages are also treated with chewing agents, Shabyar pills and dissolving oils. If the cause of pain in the head is wind in the stomach, then it is cleansed, then oils of sweet and bitter almonds are given with a decoction of fenugreek, wild cumin and the like; They also give castor oils with sabur infusion.

When treating hot tumors, one should begin with the already mentioned cooling and distracting agents mixed with vinegar and rose water, unless there is severe pain; if there is pain, avoid vinegar. It is also useful to use a fair amount of rose oil, but not too chilled, diluting it with more or less vinegar and lubricating the head and forehead with it, as well as an infusion of nightshade, areca palm seeds, saffron, sandalwood, ointment from poppy, Armenian clay, peeled lentils and the like, or water in which cold astringents were boiled; Among hot substances with highly astringent properties, those whose nature combines warmth with coldness, such as tamarisk, are used. Avoid strong cooling agents prepared, for example, from sleeping pills poppy, opium and others, and use them only when there is great need and severe pain. Chamomile sometimes reduces the power of numbing medications in ointments. Vomiting is one of those remedies that are of no use in the treatment of diseases of the head, unless they are due to the complicity of matter in the stomach, the best way of expelling which is vomiting.

Galen says: The degree of need for the use of numbing agents for headaches is not the same as for kulanja; Indeed, the pain of kulanj sometimes leads to death, but with a headache this mostly does not happen. If the matter is very acute, then use the juices of the mentioned fruits, then turn to the above-mentioned remedies that bring the acute matter to maturity, and after that prescribe medicines with the most insignificant dissolving properties, for example, kurut boiled in water or myrtle roots boiled in water, and from oils - fresh chamomile oil, alone or mixed with rose oil, depending on the severity of the disease, the density of the matter and the proximity or distance of the final maturation of the tumor. Then prescribe the water in which the roots of celery and fennel were boiled, and the bran with the seeds of these plants, as well as fenugreek, marshmallow, sweet clover and white chamomile, and from oils - dill oil and the like, until the tumor matures and resolves. Also use medicinal dressings made from these substances.

As for the necessary emptyings, one should begin with what corresponds to this or that matter; To feed the patient, especially with a gall tumor, light and moist food is prescribed. With cold tumors, you should start, as with others, with emptying, using for this purpose remedies that include castor oil, bitter almond oil, iyaraj fikra and similar types of drink, known as root juice. At first, the distractions are limited to only rose oil, mixing with it such thinning agents as thyme, pulegium mint and especially beaver stream, then sea onion is used by itself in the form of a medicinal dressing or rinse, if possible. Sometimes they give two-thirds of a bowl of beaver stream to drink, especially to those who suffer from lithargus, then they use the medicines we mentioned, which promote ripening and have the property of loosening and dissolving a little. After this, during the period of completion of the disease, for all cold and hot tumors, loosening agents are used, but for cold tumors, completely loosening and strongly dissolving agents are used in the form of juices, medicinal dressings and oils. Know that everyone who complains of illness in the head from matter is harmed by wine and a long stay in the bathhouse; For anyone suffering from a disease of the lining of the brain, cold water is very harmful.

When treating the disorder of one hot nature, remedies with cooling properties are used, that is, such cold, cooling vegetables and oils as rose oil, willow oil, water lilies, violets - the best of them all is rose oil, as well as pumpkin seed oil, lettuce seed oil and sleeping pills poppy seeds. Sometimes, for severe pain, henbane seed oil is used. The best of these ointments is the one for which the base is oil squeezed from not quite ripe and unsalted olives. As for cold vegetables and similar remedies, you know all of them: for example, lettuce, purslane, pumpkin peel and what is similar to them, as well as willow leaves, water lily leaves, nightshade, shepherd's crook, tenacious, cucumber and pumpkin juice, barley oatmeal with vinegar, rose water, camphor, sandalwood, akakiya, lahlaka with rose oil and vinegar. At the same time, you should not switch to means that cause numbness and hardening of the pneuma, unless there is a great need. They say that vinegar should not be very spicy or wine-like, because such vinegar is harmful. Cooling agents also include plantain mucus with vinegar, coriander juice and its leaves. Avoid applying such medicated dressings and ointments to the back of the brain, which is where the nerves begin. These drugs benefit the brain by penetrating through the suture located on the crown and through the coronal suture, but through the back of the skull they do not reach the brain itself, spoiling the origin of the nerves.

They also treat by giving cold incense to smell and introducing the above-mentioned oils and squeezed juices into the nose. The patient is given lentils, majj, that is, mung beans, barley gruel, spinach, garden quinoa, tafshil and the like for food. The mentioned vegetables and leaves are used to cover the patient’s home so that he is constantly in a cool room where refreshing branches are scattered. Sometimes they order to put an infusion of shakhisfaram and henna flowers there. However, I think it is best to place a shakhisfaram sprinkled with cold water near the patient. Giving the patient cold fruits, ice and plenty of water is also beneficial. If with warmth there is not dryness, but, on the contrary, moisture in nature without matter, and this very rarely happens with diseases of the brain, then apply ointments with the juice of fruits that have astringent properties, as we mentioned above; this is especially useful at the onset of hot tumors. All such patients should be protected from internal mental movements and should not be allowed to often look at shiny objects. Let them try not to look at the lightning or anything shiny; You should also spare their hearing.

If the disorder of nature is cold, then use medicinal dressings and waters prepared from boiled hot medicines and the oils listed above, especially from heated rue oil. When you need to strengthen the medicine, add furbiyun to it, as well as laurel oil, marjoram and the like. If the nature is at the same time black bile, with natural black bile, or mucous, then warm the nature and moisturize it; if the bile is burnt out, then refrain from everything that dries or heats, and limit yourself to moisturizing ones, that is, milk, oils, pourings, medicinal dressings and medicinal foods. If there is still dryness during the cold, then moisturizing is also combined with warming. When moisture is observed during cold weather, the above-mentioned evacuation agents and the medications with absorbent and warming properties mentioned in the corresponding sections are used.

You should know that liquid medicines for the head are used, as we mentioned, either by dripping, or they are retained on the head in a headband made of dough or in a woolen rag moistened with them, which is, as it were, crowned with the head. The medicine should be poured onto the front of the crown. If this medicine is milk, then you should not leave your head dirty, but wash it. It is also not suitable to lock milk in a crown-shaped rim for a long time, and it must be renewed, because it quickly rots; It is best to use such medications after shaving your head, as well as all medicinal dressings and rubbing products. When feeding patients suffering from head diseases caused by matter, rub the limbs first, lighten the head area and strengthen it with the help of distractions.